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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Pitch = movement along the x-axis (like rotating camera up/down in an FPS) Yaw = moving the nose of the plane side to side along its y-axis (like rotating camera side/side in an FPS) Roll = moving the wings of the plane up/down along its z-axis (doesn't happen often in an FPS, but like if the screen itself rotates) Camber = level of asymmetry between top and bottom sides of a wing I don't think the SV-51 is capable of changing the camber of its wings. If you're talking about them being segmented so they can "flap," that's just them being segmented and being able to flap... I think. If you mean that the wings can rotate so that more (or less) of the underside is exposed to oncoming air, then I don't think that has anything to do with camber. I mean, I suppose it does, kind of, because you can argue that the "top" of the wing refers more to the forward surface of the wing now, but the actual shape doesn't change. The wing's pitch is just changed relative to the rest of the plane. ...if I'm understanding dizman correctly.
  2. You know what I'd like to see? A lightsaber deflecting (or being unable to deflect) a TIE Fighter blast. Could Force Lightning blow up a blaster's internal... energy... source... thing? Why doesn't a Jedi ever just use the Force to turn on their opponent's lightsaber while it's still on their belt? Meanwhile, you have a vibranium shield deflecting repulsor beams, sentient capes fighting weaponized alternate dimensions, a glove dropping a moon on someone... That's not a great way to illustrate my point, but said point is just that Marvel has an eclectic universe from which all these different movies can be made. Star Wars doesn't really have that. Or it does, but not while it remains tethered to the same story it's been telling for the past 40 years: the epic struggle between the Rebels and the Empire. KotOR would have been a great candidate for a Star Wars movie. But as it is, Star Wars right now is one type of story set in one type of world, and that doesn't translate well into multiple movies in rapid succession. "The fandom decided to make a stand." Getting a bit dramatic there, no? What I don't get is why you've decided to reduce it down to a stupidly oversimplified "Us vs. them" shtick. "They" liked TLJ so they went to see Solo. "We" didn't like TLJ so we "made a stand." C'mon. That's silly. You're being silly. I loved TLJ, and I had/have no desire to see Solo. Two others on this very page have said that they don't have that much interest in a solo Solo film. I get that The Last Jedi hurt your feelings, maybe even broke your heart a little, and despite my teasing I mean that legitimately, but c'mon. That's silly. You're being silly. "I would like a hamburger." "But sir, this is a hardware store--" "The customer is always right. Listen to them and treat them with respect, and above all, give them what they want."
  3. Bah, maybe it IS just me, then. I guess, boiling it down, I have this sense that a lot of people share these sentiments, me included: I didn't say Star Wars is a stagnant franchise. I said that Solo started out stagnant and although they did an apparently admirable job in the making of it, it still ended stagnant. The only real mistake the franchise as a whole has made has been to make those side story movies. As for health... I dunno. Expanding the franchise as much as Disney have at the pace that they have does carry some dangers. I don't think Star Wars lends itself to the Marvel paradigm as well as... well, as Marvel does. Marvel has guns and swords and lasers and godly lightning and exotic shields and mystical energy all working with and against each other. Star Wars has blasters and lightsabers. I do, too, but not for the side films. Whoops, my bad. Still, the point stands. And did they really reshoot that much of it? Yikes.
  4. IIRC, there were rumors that he was a bad actor, to the point that they had to bring in an acting coach to help him rehearse his scenes. I wouldn't know, I still haven't seen it yet so I can't judge, but from the trailers he looked to do a totally fine job.
  5. Solo isn't stagnating due to poor branding/marketing on Disney's behalf. It started out stagnant; to say that something is stagnating now implies that it had any sort of upward momentum before, and Solo... didn't. Star Wars in general? I think the only poor branding/marketing Disney did with it is, well, announcing these "Star Wars Story" movies and choosing the ones they did. All of them have been and continue to be universally uncompelling. No one needed to know how the Bothans died. No one needed to know how Han met Chewie and Lando. No one needs to know anything about Boba Fett, and the last time they showed us something about him it only made him less cool. No one needs to know anything about Obi-Wan's life on Tatooine, if that indeed is where the new Obi-Wan movie is going. Or I dunno, maybe I'm reading too much of my own tastes into it. I certainly didn't care about those stories, but maybe audiences in general did.
  6. Right, I'm not saying that no one LIKED that it was made, just that I never saw anyone WANT it to be made. Get my meaning? I feel like, setting the fans aside, the broader audience is kind of in the same boat - not many people wanted strongly for it to exist, but those who see it are happy that it does.
  7. No. No, they should not.
  8. On the other hand... who really wanted, asked for, or indeed needed a Han Solo movie? I mean, by all indications, they've managed to turn it into something worth seeing and I will definitely see it, but still... my reaction now is the same as it was when the movie was announced: No one was clamoring for a Han Solo origin story.
  9. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    I really should stop coming to this thread subforum board in general. Now I want me some of this. Any word on maker/scale/etc.? Also, Ranka and Sheryl are still seeing new products churn out while Delta seems to have nothing but crickets. Is there any word on any upcoming Delta figures? I'd love love LOVE for some Ichiban Kuji or SQ figures or whatever of Walkure + Mirage from the new movie.
  10. Nah, that's not surprising in the least, and I'm glad they went this route. Whenever I think of the VF-1 and basically all VFs, I think of naked wings. With or without Supers and Strikes, but definitely always clean wings.
  11. Oh, no, I was using the GM Cannon as a hypothetical.
  12. "This new 1/100 GM Cannon II is literally just a bunch of ball joints connected to each other." "Hey, I'm just glad we're getting a GM Cannon II in 1/100 scale at all!" I jest, of course, but really there's nothing wrong with criticism. No one's taken it too far... yet... O_O
  13. HLJ Private Warehouse order came in. (Not pictured: Also got a Ranka "White and Brownie" figure for cheap from Amiami. These are cooler.)
  14. I wouldn't put it exactly that way, though I suppose it is true from a certain perspective. Usually when people talk about things happening because the story needs it to happen, they're talking more about contrived, inexplicable, or too convenient turns of plot. Thanos's hardheaded devotion to the Final Solution, his strength of will, etc. are all well established by the time he does what he does, so it's not inconceivable. You dig far enough, and you're right, he IS the way he is to serve the story, but that's a bit of a pointless point because the same could be said about EVERYTHING at that point. (What WAS a bit absurd to me, though, was that they treated his sacrifice of Gamora in a sympathetic light, when it has been anything but. Maybe he DID love Gamora, but it was always a twisted kind of love. Certainly nothing to warrant a swell of slow orchestral music.)
  15. The problem with Thanos is that he gains the power to be omnipotent but remains trapped in his own body, limited to his own mind. If he were truly omnipotent, as others have pointed out, he would have known to do any number of things to "balance the world." That he doesn't do those things doesn't mean that those solutions weren't and aren't viable, it means that he's too limited in his vision to think outside his own box. He doesn't actually want to save the world, to "balance" it. He wants to commit genocide, and uses "balance" as a flimsy pseudo-religious justification to do so. Contrast him with literally all of the heroes, but especially Gamora, who tells him point-blank that he has no way of knowing for sure that genocide is the only solution. He's too caught up in his own BS, too intent on doing what he WANTS to do to realize what he CAN do. Imagine if, say, Tony Stark got the stones and wanted to "balance" the universe. Do you think he'd be able to do so without killing trillions, possibly quadrillions, of people? I do.
  16. For those of you interested in the RG Tallgeese and HG Leo (and I know there are a lot of you).
  17. Also, you can't embed mobile links. You have to use the regular link, like so: https://twitter.com/coco2t39y25i/status/997736353742778368?s=20
  18. Trailer debuted ahead of Deadpool 2. I nearly laughed more at this than I did the movie.
  19. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Oh god, that reminds me to start up a thread...
  20. Women's products, even when identical to men's, have been proven to cost more on average for... no real reason. I mean there IS a reason, sexism, but no GOOD reason.
  21. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

  22. I've been floating that idea since I was a kid, not even as a preference, just a casual thought of "Y'know, it wouldn't surprise me if they went out once upon a time."
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