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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. In case anyone's interested, i'm getting rid of a spare Kairos and spare VF-10EF/A. $30 + shipping, $40 max OBO http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/45691-model-kits-vf-31a-vf-19efa/
  2. Didn't they already do one or two of the Wolf Brigade movies in live-action in Japan? Is this a strict adaptation of Jin-Roh the animated movie, or is it an adaptation of one of the other movies in the trilogy? (I've only seen the animated one.) EDIT: Watched the trailer just now, answered my own question. Reaction: They don't get the weight of the armor right. Trying to one-for-one recreate some of the shots in the anime is a bit of a fool's errand, as every anime adaptation ever will tell you.
  3. This key art always made me laugh. Like Heero doesn't look like the hot emo goodness that gets all the girls going, he looks like a poor drifter out in the cold that the Queen feels sorry for so she throws a spare coat on him. Awesome pics as always, though. The number of amazing photographers on here is... well, amazing.
  4. Speaking of, the last original live action film they did, Enchanted, I ended up really liking after a while (and many rewatches because that was the kids' newest favorite thing...).
  5. Apparently Darling in the Franxxx has mecha?
  6. Various VF-2s on sale @HLJ. https://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?SaleGroup=SUMMERSALE2018Jun19&DisplayMode=list&Dis=2&qid=JA7GP13ABALNJW2OOA&set=1&SeriesID2=934
  7. Milia VF-1J on sale at HLJ, I forget the price. I think it was like 19,000 yen or thereabouts. https://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?SaleGroup=SUMMERSALE2018Jun19&DisplayMode=list&Dis=2&qid=JA7GP13ABALNJW2OOA&set=1&SeriesID2=934
  8. Bah. I'm a fan of the kit and I can see where you're coming from. No worries. I too would have rather seen a Hasegawa kit. Wave tends to charge more all around for their Macross kits; probably it's an MSRP decided upon based on limited financial resources, relatively low projected sales, etc.
  9. Assault Horizon isn't all bad; the soundtrack was and remains phenomenal. Sky Crawlers... Is that based on the Mamoru Oshii anime? Because the anime is the first thing that pops up when I google it. I'm guessing everyone caught that Kickstarter project a week or two ago, right? "Project Wingman." The demo build scratched that AC itch pretty good for me.
  10. I can't access the article because of Adblock, but here it is for those of you who can: https://www.forbes.com/sites/olliebarder/2018/06/18/ace-combat-7-will-take-us-back-to-the-lighthouse-war-and-bring-sunao-katabuchi-onboard/ As for me, I think Zero has the best set piece in the Round Table. It's cheesily Romantic, this "hallowed area" where fighter pilots come to challenge each other in duels. It's dumb, it's dorky, and I love it. The live-action cutscenes were just as dumb and dorky and cheesily Romantic, and I loved those, too. AC5's story is the sanctimonious, childishly sincere thing you can only get from a nation like Japan, and I loved it. AC4's story is way more mellow and contemplative than 5's, and Stonehenge is just so frakking cool. I remember the first time I played it I didn't pay attention to the briefing and headed straight for the railguns without destroying the radar settlements. I ended up having to fire dumb missiles and bombs and emptying my gun in order to defeat it, and it was exhausting and exhilarating, and I loved it. AC6... had that cool railgun level at the end where you had to fly down the barrel. That was cool, I guess. And the super fighter of that game was pretty cool, too, I think. The one that could do the Macross Missile Massacre. Did anyone else play Skies of Deception(?) on the PSP? That was a disgustingly great game, even if I remember absolutely none of its story now. The number of original super fighters it had was enormous, and being able to customize them made it so much fun. Put on some infinite ammo/zero reload time cheats in ppsspp, use the Morgan to spam burst missiles, and you get the added bonus of crashing the game, too.
  11. In case anyone's interested, hobbylink.tv just did a video going over the VF-4 briefly, but more to my interest is the blog post they also put up, with clear high-res pictures of the kit snap-built. Great reference material if you're still on the fence about buying one. https://hobbylink.tv/gunpla-tv-episode-278-vf-4-lightning-iii/
  12. I don't usually watch these trailer analysis videos, but this one does a pretty good job sussing out minute details.
  13. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm sure the implicit threat was the kicker there, more so than any inability on their part to fulfill your order. I'm glad to have all this anecdotal evidence to inform my decision of where/what to patronize (like literally patronize, not condescend patronize).
  14. From the other Excellent Model series fig I've gotten (Micro-Klan, with one of these coming soon too), I can corroborate the hugeness of the box. I'd almost call it unreasonable if the figure inside weren't so well-finished. As for scale, I think while researching this Armored figure, either I came upon or someone here shared a comparison of these Supers to the DX Supers, and these are slightly smaller. Eyeballing it puts it at ~1/72, which would match the Bandai/Hasegawa VF-25 kits. Anyway, congrats on the haul. AND you got a Jehuty, too. More Jehuty is always good Jehuty.
  15. I completely forgot that there was a sequel to that. Jesus, this thread is blowing my mind...
  16. It doesn't shy away from using grotesque imagery (major understatement there), but it also doesn't overdo it. Everything has this... remarkably grounded feel. The gore and horror aren't played up the way they might be in Saw or whatever makes up the Blumhouse franchise of the day.
  17. I tend to always lose interest when the plot turns out to be so that coupled with yes, "how it was done" kind of dampened my impression of the movie, but also yes, the awesome cinematography and sound design and slow, huge buildup and everyone's performances still pulled me through it.
  18. tl;dr - Get your image DPI to match your printer DPI. DPI and PPI are different things. DPI is an analog measurement, literally how many dots a printer can lay down over an inch. PPI, which is what scanners really mean when they say DPI, is sort of an arbitrary conversion ratio. It helps programs scale an image to a ruler or other measuring tool (like GIMP or Photoshop), or scanners determine how much time to spend scanning a document, etc. If the DPI of your printer matches the PPI of your image, then each dot will be exactly one pixel of your image (a 1:1 ratio). If the DPI of your printer is 600 and your image PPI is 1200, you'll have to manually scale down your image to half its resolution and PPI (to get that 1:1 ratio) or adjust the print settings. The below image shows GIMP's print settings where you can adjust the image on the paper to print at the correct size.
  19. Wow, I didn't realize they did so well. I was never interested in seeing them, so never paid more than cursory attention. That puts things into perspective.
  20. Lol Well, there's at least... this? http://www.siliconera.com/2018/06/14/ace-combat-7-gets-new-screenshots-showing-photorealistic-visuals-story-details/
  21. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    @Kinzoku VF shoulda demanded a full refund. Could've gotten a free VF in the mail because if NY can't be arsed to send out proper notification updates, they probably don't have it in their system either... Anyway, congrats to all. Hopefully VFs really are slowly trickling out, though why Bandai wouldn't address this in a press release I don't know...
  22. 3360 @ HLJ 3360 @ Hobby Search For Modelers Edition: https://hlj.com/product/KBYKP-448/Sci || 2800 JPY https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10543541 || 2800 JPY @amiami: http://slist.amiami.com/top/search/list?s_keywords=xfa-27&submit=Search&pagemax=40 (2570 JPY || 3080 JPY)
  23. How well do their live-action movies do, both critically and commercially? I remember there was in recent years... Maleficent Jungle Book Beauty and the Beast ...Cinderella, I wanna say? The only one I know generated any amount of buzz and/or good reviews was Maleficent because of the overt sexual violence themes in it, and it's also the only one I remember making any significant bank.
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