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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. tl;dr - My recc: Zaku II Type C/C-5 Type C/C-5 = newest (of the four), follows the design of the Zaku II from Gundam The Origin, is probably the most "complete" Zaku II from that line (others have little accessories that might not be included here, but most everything is accounted for) Ground War Set = oldest, uses a Zaku II mold from the early/mid-2000s based more on the original anime/08MST design, comes with a bunch of really nice accessories, but everything was designed with some paint work in mind Zaku II Thunderbolt = same as Big Gun kit, but without Big Gun, so don't get this Zaku II Thunderbolt + Big Gun = has a big gun, is based on the Gundam Thunderbolt Zaku II design, which is a hit or miss design depending on who you are, but that Big Gun is really Big and is a Gun If what you want is something that looks half-decent that you can play with, the C-5 is probably your best choice. All of these will require paint to look their best, but the C-5 comes closest to not needing it at all. I'm partial to the Ground War Set because of the close 08MST ties, and I can't stand the Thunderbolt designs, so if I were in your shoes it would be a tossup between the C-5 and the GWS, but I know some people probably wouldn't enjoy the dated design of the GWS Zaku.
  2. Is Talking Head related to the Jin-Roh universe at all? Or is it a standalone story? Seems like from what you're saying it was included just because it was one of the three live-action films Oshii directed, and the other two just happened to actually be connected to each other and to Jin-Roh. I watched it again a few months ago and had the complete opposite reaction: I still found it enjoyable. I don't know the context in which the film (and novel? it started out as a novel or series of novels, right?) exists, so I've always just enjoyed it as a classic political thriller set in an alternate-universe Japan. Maybe you're just no longer able to stand the slower pacing, the washed out color palette? I know that watching Oshii's GitS 2 (and even GitS 1, and also revisiting it again a few months later) was a plodding exercise for me. Especially GitS 2. The amount of overt philosophizing that all the characters get up to was frustrating at times in GitS 1, and downright sleep-inducing in GitS 2. (SAC was straight-up awesome, by the by. I know I'm super late to that party, but still.) As for the animation... well, I think it's fine. Not everything needs to be Ghibli, and certainly it's from an era when diversity of style was far more common than it is now. I still think it's great animation work.
  3. RA parts kit on sale at HLJ: https://hlj.com/product/ACA82130/Sci
  4. What @Slave IV said. The F-16's name is the Fighting Falcon, but going from the F-16 to the F-2 is like going from the regular Hornet (F/A-18A through D) to the Super Hornet (E, F), where the new aircraft gets a serious size-up and resembles the original in basic shape only.
  5. The Mitsubishi F-2 is a Japanese fighter based on the F-16 but larger. Think of it as the "Super Hornet" to the F-16's original "Hornet." EDIT:
  6. A true single-engine VF!?!? I can't wait to see that thing transformed!
  7. After the mess that was the AvP franchise, I was really skeptical of Predators, but that one turned out to be incredibly enjoyable, and this one looks just as good, so I'm allowing myself to be hyped. Both tweaked (or seems to have tweaked, in the case of The Predator) with the Predator formula in a way the other movies didn't, which makes them stand out amongst the crowd.
  8. FMP Episode 9, done.
  9. kajnrig

    Hi-Metal R

    The forum telling me this was a hot thread made me assume some hot new release must've been announced. I'm guessing based on a quick perusal of the last few posts, that's decidedly not the case?
  10. Phew. I'm guessing no one here saw this this weekend? I just got back, and I gotta say, if you don't see this... ...you won't miss much. It's not bad, it's not particularly good, its just here to do its job and collect a paycheck. It's made the leap completely from grounded, speculative science fiction to loose sci-fi fantasy, even more so than the last movie. It doesn't do anything that the earlier movies haven't already done. It continues the last movie's trend of finally executing on plot ideas that had been bandied about for decades now... ...but also continues the last movie's trend of not doing so very intelligently, instead favoring mass appeal. Oh well. It is what it is. You'll probably enjoy it if you see it, but your life won't be any poorer if you don't.
  11. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Maybe I read it wrong, but I thought they received only the courtesy warning email and their account was not yet deactivated?
  12. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    With more and more Gunpla being distributed internationally for prices more and more comparable to local Japan prices, it's getting harder for me to justify purchasing Gunpla from them. But since my Gunpla collecting has gone down and my other kit collecting has gone way way up, I still have plenty of reason to buy from them. Plus all the other weird Japanese things that they stock, and their customer service, etc., they're still and will remain my first stop.
  13. Indeed they do. Nice clean cutting, too (at least from this distance lol). Did you just print the decal image? Or did you try/have to clean up the image first in Photoshop/etc.? I'm considering going through all of the scans here and making "clean" versions of them, but I don't know if it would be worth the effort if you can get basically the same quality just by printing the scanned image.
  14. The music has consistently been superb as well. I like the first movie a bit more than the second, but the second is an underappreciated masterpiece in its own right. It's much more in the mold of Lilo and Stitch (the director's previous animated work) than the first movie is, and Lilo and Stitch was one that I appreciated way more as I grew up than i did as a kid. Actually, as a kid I blew it off since it was made in that same era as Atlantis et al, where Disney were trying to do more "serious" stuff with their animations and failing badly at it. Back then crap kid me thought they were just trying to ape anime and "Westerners can't touch anime man don't even try to do it you just don't get it." But anyway, this looks to be keeping in the same vein as the last two - surprisingly honest, unvarnished stories - and I'm excited. Shame it won't do the same big bucks as Shrek, Minions, etc., but then in a cruel twist of fate the really good kids' movies almost never do. Oh well.
  15. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I though the movie 31F was TWE?
  16. Bring Arts Xenogears figures: https://hlj.com/search/go?af=selectseries%3Axenogears http://slist.amiami.com/top/search/list?s_keywords=xenogears&submit=Search&pagemax=40 Play Arts Kai Cloud + Fenrir https://hlj.com/product/enx33591 http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-040137&page=top
  17. Suddenly the Bandai 1/60 Laevatein kit is up for preorder, or maybe it's been up already. https://hlj.com/product/bans55351
  18. I suddenly saw this on the HLJ front page. I don't remember seeing any lead-up to it... HG 1/60 ARX-8 Laevatein Ver. IV https://hlj.com/product/bans55351
  19. Same. The "side skirts" also look weird and greatly impede the movement of the legs. It's straining just to pull of poses that baaaarely resemble the in-game ones. But I'm still getting it. I'm getting two of it. Hell, I'll get ten if that means they eventually release more.
  20. I'm still wondering who the hell "Sideshow Bob" is supposed to refer to. I just think of The Simpsons and go look up some Youtube clips.
  21. Looking at the link, is that $713 billion or 71.3 billion? Because one is the GDP of a small country, the other is the GDP of the universe.
  22. @seti88 more pics: http://www.taghobby.com/archives/288843
  23. It's fine. It's fiiiiine. It's fine. It's fine.
  24. P-Bandai Johnny Ridden's Gelgoog and P-Bandai Shin Matsunaga's Gelgoog Jaeger http://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000126355/ http://p-bandai.jp/hobby/special-1000008945/
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