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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. If you have a Barnes and Noble near you that sells Gunpla, they have a J4 10% off coupon. Use code FIREWORKS at checkout https://www.barnesandnoble.com/promos/bn-promo.jsp?cid=5420a2&sourceId=L000027697&st=EML&2sid=180704_NM_CR3_DC_GENERIC&sid=CR3&hConversionEventId=AQEAAZQF2gAmdjQwMDAwMDE2NC02NGRiLTk3OTktYzExZC0yM2Y0YmJlNWM3YzDaACQ1ZWJlNTZkYy0yOTQwLTQ2ZTUtMDAwMC0wMjFlZjNhMGJjY2PaACRiNTk2Y2I4MS1mODY4LTQyZjAtOTU1ZC1lMWE2OWFkNTUzOGZwF-DvL4MyT37ZDSLCDFYE9WCQLsWJI_sESFsWshAMUA
  2. Silly reddit. https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/2018/7/3/17532132/thanos-reddit-bans-thanosdidnothingwrong-avengers-infinity-war "The moderators behind r/thanosdidnothingwrong, a forum dedicated to the Avengers’ arch-nemesis, will ban half of its members on July 9 in honor of Thanos’ ultimate goal..."
  3. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    Silver Klang arrived yesterday, then Regular Klang today. Chibi-Ranka was a welcome surprise. EDIT: Oh, by the by, I didn't realize the Chibi Ranka was included, so if anyone wants it, gimme a PM with an offer. Main priority is just getting it to someone who wants it. (Item weighs a ton, though. Fair warning.) http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/45703-anime-character-figures/
  4. This isn't Gundam-related, but color me surprised that Kotaku actually wrote something that interests me: Kotobukiya teams up with Sega to produce an actual 1:1 Border Break model kit. https://kotaku.com/the-biggest-mecha-model-ever-created-1827281167/amp
  5. Both these figures are surprisingly HUGE... one in more ways than the other.
  6. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Simple Gundam kits are fun to build this way. Just snip the parts completely off the runners into a pile, maybe separate piles based on which runner they belong to, then work things out from there. Same as above with simple Gundam transformation mechanics. The Wing Gundam looks dumb as hell in its "flight" mode, but getting it there is ridiculously simple such that you don't need instructions. Even some of the more complicated Gundam transformations can be pretty easily worked out through trial and error. It's mainly when it comes to a "real" transformer that I start looking at instructions beforehand. That said, I'm coming to realize that with these expensive toys, their expense and rarity makes me more nervous than hyped to even touch them, much less transform them. Ironically, it's the significantly cheaper model kits that I feel more comfortable using like action figures, whereas the prefinished toys can only be static display pieces for fear of damaging them.
  7. No, it's 800 yen more for the oppai tax. I mean, it's kind of right there in the number. 8. 00. That's like... oppai squared. ...anyway, preorder link: https://hlj.com/product/HSG65845 http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-4608 https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10546913 And while I'm at it, the regular Hasegawa VF-31C is still available: https://hlj.com/product/HSG65840 http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-4350 https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10486644
  8. Ick. Those holding hands... Are they the same on the Arbalest and Laevatein? I just sold both of mine, so I have no way of checking for myself. Why is Bandai so consistently bad at making hands? Instead of being opposable, those thumbs look like they've been severed at the first knuckle and forced awkwardly to the side. Thumbs don't work like that, but Bandai seems determined to convince us otherwise based on this and almost literally all of its mecha model kits.
  9. Just caught this courtesy of the folks who run Macross Central on Facebook. VF-31C Makina Nakajima colors. http://www.hasegawa-model.co.jp/product/65845/ Late September release, 4600 JPY
  10. Megaroad-01 was never heard from again. Dunno exactly what that says about their life insurance, but it says something.
  11. I'd encourage you to see the rest of this series if this is to your liking. Applying film and social theory to the Transformers films.
  12. Hm... How does that VF compare to a 1/72 VF-31? Same size? Smaller? Bigger? In some respects it honestly looks like a better Gerwalk than the Bandai kit. Hasegawa for fighter mode, this for Gerwalk, and the Bandai for Battroid?
  13. Are the Maltrendi all-you-can-eat? If you know what I mean... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Honestly, i'd love to be on whatever fleet colonized Eden. That seems like a pretty cool place to live, all things considered.
  14. I thought he WAS good at his job and respected for it and had a not just potential but certain love interest that didn't always criticize him for every action he took... Agree to disagree; I thought I was pretty clearly talking about something distinct from common anime filler. That certainly would have helped. But more importantly, Namsac feels like... actually, it feels a lot like filler, now that I think about it. Not much of consequence happens here. The... what I'll call the Jindai arc ends with Mithril scattered and Sousuke determined to find Kaname. What I'll call the Laevatein arc starts with Mithril scattered and Sousuke determined to find Kaname. There's a thematic and emotional through-line. They could have cut Namsac entirely and kept the narrative thrust intact, and simply adjusted any lingering plot inconsistencies (like Sousuke meeting Lemon, or Kurama being alive instead of killed by Sousuke in Namsac) as needed. If they wanted to keep Namsac, they could have integrated it better, made it play more into the larger narrative. Otherwise, that "smooth transition" could happen by simply getting rid of it entirely. According to Wikipedia, FMP author Shoji Gatoh had already written and published "End of Day by Day" (April 20, 2001) by the time the first anime debuted (January 8, 2002). By the time "End of Day by Day" got adapted into TSR, he had finished another two novels and would finish "Burning One Man Force" at its conclusion. So your assertion that the earlier anime productions had to come up with stuff due to the work being unfinished doesn't seem likely to me. Because the nature of an adaptation demands it? The unnamed sisters in the novels received names, lines, and whole backstories in TSR, and while I can only speculate as to why, I can say with confidence that the end product would have been poorer if those changes from the source material had not been made. The writers/directors took what were essentially throwaway villains and turned them into great foils for Sousuke. Part of enjoying an anime for me has always been the discussion of it, warts and all, so I'm totally down for more of this if you are or no more if you're not. /shrug
  15. Plot things are happening, I suppose, insofar as one event is happening after the other, but not a lot of it has any time to settle in and affect the characters and, more importantly, the audience. For instance, (and again the board's infuriating mess of a spoiler tag system has thwarted me, so here's an entire post in spoilers I guess)
  16. Is this season a 12-episode season? I had thought it was 13... I dunno... I'm leaning more towards agreeing with him than not. I've given up on better shows for fewer flaws than this; at this point, the only reason I'm still following it is out of sheer need to see the story through to its conclusion (or as much of one as it'll get in anime form, anyway). Aside from the animation, the storytelling is... bad. Instead of truncating several story arcs into the span of a single season, they should have done a true to form adaptation, blending all those stories into something original. The way I hear it, that's what TSR did by excising and including different elements from different novels, and even introducing entirely new elements such as the expanded backstory of the two sisters.
  17. The animation took a nosedive this episode, even compared to the previous episodes. It's nothing new to mecha anime - this is largely a talking episode, so they're cutting corners, conserving money and effort for the real big moments in probably the last two episodes - but it was still cringe-inducing at times to actually watch. I just keep hoping that the animation will get spruced up for the eventual Blu-ray release. I did enjoy that they paid attention to the finer details of the weaponry, though. The P90's spent shells ejecting downward from the handle made me whoop during an otherwise unexciting "action" scene. The hardass Marine vet's gratuitous cursing also had me guffawing.
  18. Just got my HLJ PW notice. $163.10. Will put this up in the FS thread.
  19. Oh, duh me. I read your post wrong, my fault.
  20. Were you one of the folks who spoke about benefiting from NY underdeclaring on customs forms? Or did they just have that much of a discount over HLJ?
  21. Speaking of which, I'll be getting an HLJ notice of payment soon for the MB Laevatein but I've realized that I'd rather just have the model kits. Since it'll be waiting in my Private Warehouse for a while, if anyone wants it or the MB Arbalest, shoot me a PM and I'll let you have them at cost. For the Laevatein, that means 17100 JPY + whatever the shipping to you comes out to be, and for the Arbalest that's $200 + shipping ($215 max). Laevatein: $163.10 + shipping
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