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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2018/07/30/new-lottery-brand-figure-spirits-kuji-offers-beautiful-figures-of-sheryl-nome They'll cost at least 5800 yen unless you get a ridiculously good deal.
  2. Yikes. Sorry to hear that, everyone. Seems this one is going the way of the VF-31A. Boo, Bandai. Boooooo. I was saving up for this, but I suppose I'll just do what I did with the Arbalest/Laevatein and opt for the model kits instead. That's a damn shame, those weapons are awesome.
  3. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    Are these all based on in-show/movie costumes? Or illustrations/artwork? Or original designs?
  4. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    That would be a great thing to know. I've had to scour YJA, Amiami, et al. The recent SQ Sheryl is at least a pretty easy thing to get, but these Ichiban Kuji figures are usually one prize out of several in a mail-in(?) lottery campaign... or that's as far as I've been able to suss out, anyway. Maybe I'm way off base.
  5. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    also this Ichiban Kuji figure(s)
  6. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    Remember that life-size Ranka and Sheryl I mentioned way back when? Well lookie here
  7. Yeah, but knowing that isn't making me NOT want what I want for the development of future Macross shows, is all I'm saying. Bit of a sisyphean thing, that, but it is what it is.
  8. i'm sorry i tried to stop myself i really did but i'm like an alcoholic and it's freshly-distilled moonshine But seriously, I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes, just saying that "people who want something to be like A aren't aware that B actually did better than A" is missing the point. I agree that 7 hews more closely than Plus to what Macross historically has been, that it has more "pure" Macross in its blood than Plus. But even so, I still think that Plus (the movie) is the better of the two (and indeed the best of the franchise). It's not better because it veers furthest from or sticks closest to whatever someone thinks the Macross formula is, or because it's the best- or worst-performing entry; it's better because it's better. ...but then I suspect Seto, having been part of this community way longer than I have, has different persons in mind when he refers to "a lot of western fans" than I think he does. Anyway. Still looking forward to the new series, would love if it was like Plus, wouldn't mind one bit if it wasn't (well, okay maybe I would mind one or two bits but only one or two), would love an air show as the locus of events, would love to see a singer who does it for fun instead of as a job.
  9. Perhaps I'm being overly pedantic, but while neither of you are wrong, the two only align if one chooses to align them. Or if "audience reception" is one of the values that inform one's judgment of a piece of work, if you will. And I don't know many people for whom that is the case. I certainly don't think a movie or book or what-have-you is good just or even partly because lots of other people do. I don't think Naruto or Twilight or Gundam are particularly good, though a lot of people do. Popular opinion of something doesn't often play into my calculus. I mean, your citing popular opinion as part of a larger point about feeding audience demand in order to maximize profitability and whatnot is all well and good, as is the one tying it to the overarching themes of the franchise, but on its own, the comparison of audience reactions is not particularly relevant. I (and others, for different reasons perhaps) simply don't care that more people took a liking to 7 than Plus. It's still the worse of the two.
  10. To be fair, well-received isn't synonymous with good. That's not to say either one is good while the other is bad, but no matter how often you bring up reception, you're still not directly countering their point. ...and, I mean, Plus IS better than 7. Easily. :P
  11. Finally bit the bullet and decided to find out what all the hullabaloo is about.
  12. That was kind of the role I had hoped for Kaname in Delta. Alas, nope, all idols all the time.
  13. okay guys i think i got it thanks no wait one more time please
  14. What does CYA stand for? is the only thing I'm wondering from this whole development.
  15. Meh. Liked the first trailer more. Still middle of the road on hype.
  16. Finished up FMP earlier today, and by all accounts it's a good end to a middling season. Xebec showed they can meet the challenge given adequate time and resources. Some of the dramatic setups were bungled, but seeing and hearing without the usual anime overwrought operatics was a damn refreshing thing. Overall, I still think they stuck way too close to the source material - could have excised Namsac entirely - and the story would have been stronger for it. And no matter how much I try, I can't stop imagining what this same story arc would have looked like in KyoAni's hands. It's unfair to Xebec, who I think did the best with what they had in a very different industry, but still... But those complaints don't beat out the positive feelings. It's absurdly lopsided in quality, with most of the good coming from the very first and very last episodes and a TON of the bad from the middle 80% or so, but it's just so good to have been back again.
  17. I prefer this version. DO IT YOU BASTARD!!! the unironic love for even the dumbest parts of Zilla lore is infectious But on another note, whoever composed the music for this trailer is fantastic. I know it's just Claire de Lune or however it goes, but the choice to use it was genius. It's what elevates this one far far above the Shazam/Aquaman trailers that also came out this weekend. It's used in a lot of other stuff. The name of it is, yep, guess I was right, "Clair de Lune" and it was composed by one Charles Debussy as the third movement of his Suite bergamasque piano suite. I remember it from the The Evil Within games, but I'm sure I've heard it elsewhere as well. EDIT: https://www.forbes.com/sites/olliebarder/2018/07/22/whats-up-with-the-new-godzilla-king-of-the-monsters-trailer-using-debussys-clair-de-lune/#1bcea0054ebc
  18. Two? You mean three, right? Or... wait... there's the pre-Arbalest SRT, when Sousuke's still piloting the M9, so that's a team of three... Then there's the Arbalest SRT, so two M9s there... probably need another to scratchbuild an M9D Falke... the Laevatein team, so another two or three?... oh, and the Blaze Raven from the spinoffs... So... about sixty? Yeah, sixty sounds about right.
  19. Looks like lots of sound and fury to distract from an utter lack of substance. Does anyone else find it weird that literally every other Atlantean speaks in a formal style whereas THE Atlantean is the sole exception? It bothered me in Justice League (well, everything bothered me in Justice League), and it bothers me here. You don't see T'Challa busting out the AAVE in Wakanda. And it took Thor something like five movies to gradually lose his Asgardian manner of speech. Blargh. Just getting the hate on. Ignore me, enjoy.
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