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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. https://comicbook.com/anime/amp/2018/08/21/gundam-animator-kunihiro-abe-death/
  2. Nothing major here, I just thought this was funny. https://www.syfy.com/syfywire/the-last-jedi-geophysicist-explains-why-that-resistance-fighter-was-smart-to-lick-salt-on According to this geophysicist, licking rocks on Crait is not only totally normal but also tactically sound
  3. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    The new upcoming one. I mistakenly said it was part of their Ichiban Kuji... line?... which is a lottery system, but it's an EXQ figure releasing as a crane game prize.
  4. ...for now. DUN DUN DUNNNNN That's not necessarily a bad thing, not that you were implying thus. Well, tracing someone's art for your own profit sure is, but I'm fairly sure you meant that figuratively. And considering the HMR is a Macross item (and a good one at that, from all the reviews arouns here), it's nice to see a bit of The Real One slip into this, if that is indeed the case.
  5. For my part, I would have no problem with the additional camera/sensor/whatever if it weren't obvious the mobile suit already has those. If it had Gundam eyes, for instance. I mean, I guess the assumption is that all these mecha DO have a full complement of visual sensors regardless of "eye composition," but like... a visor always makes me feel like the mecha has a larger assortment of finer-tuned equipment, regardless of whether the "canon" indicates that's actually the case or not. A fold-down camera in front of an already complete sensor array just looks like terrible engineering. I mean I suppose the same holds true for stuff like beam rifle "cameras" and especially sniper rifle scopes - like why wouldn't you just update the existing camera in the head, that just complicates things and adds extra points of failure - but those generally don't get played with very much in the story, and when they do (in the case of sniper rifle scopes), they also come paired with big visual signifiers. A mobile suit getting into a shooting pose, for instance.
  6. From what little bit of googling I did: The ones to "report" this picture were The Daily Caller (the credibility of which is up to you to decide, I think it's fairly obvious that I think they're bunk), followed by everyone's lovably hateable conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. I see a "Bounding Into Comics" article on it as well, the slant of the writing of which renders me even more suspect. Looking up the author and the site, those suspicions were confirmed. (Apparently BIC as a whole is a haven for disenfranchised white men and/or internet trolls looking to coordinate abuse campaigns, as per this Daily Beast profile on a seemingly unrelated individual: https://www.thedailybeast.com/comicsgate-how-an-anti-diversity-harassment-campaign-in-comics-got-uglyand-profitable .) But really, the important thing is that the "context" they're providing isn't anywhere near full, and so I find myself unable to take it at face value. For instance, they don't get or even ask for a response from him, nor do they source or date the pictures or otherwise provide any context for it aside from being from a "To Catch a Predator-themed party." Your own statement that the surfacing of this image has "shut down most of his defenders" is also disingenuous, as it merely reiterates the same things those articles have said, and without the supposed evidence to back it up. (That evidence being a tweet renouncing support/defense of James Gunn from, of all people, one Ian Miles Cheong, himself apparently a known internet troll and a writer at the Daily Caller - probably the one who "broke" the "story." I'm learning a lot today.) I still don't know what tweets he wrote. I'm assuming these pictures are from that same time period, maybe even attached to those same tweets. Do I see anyone defending the tweets? No, I think everyone who hears about them roundly excoriates them. I do see lots of people defending him, though, partly because of the contrition he has evidenced in the time since those tweets and partly because it has become abundantly clear that this has less to do with any sincere concerns about pedophilia/racism/whatever those tweets are about and more to do with a desire to "punish" him for his outspoken political rhetoric. Again, proxy political warfare. +1
  7. I doubt that's the case. Disney rarely if ever admit making a wrong decision; it's more likely they're just going to not touch this at all anymore, consequences be damned. They'd rather garner some (relatively minor, in the grand scheme of things) ill will than admit being wrong - or worse, admit being duped by anyone, including and especially Neo-Nazis. But on the subject of the original outrage, I'd like to point out that said outrage has pretty much died completely down now. I don't hear a peep from the supposedly offended mob of people about this anymore, whereas the demand that he be rehired was going and continues to go strong. So... it's not very hard to see which "side" was being disingenuous, which outrage was borne of actual outrage and not a desire to enact proxy political warfare.
  8. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    I do think it's unfortunate that there doesn't seem to be more Delta stuff in the works. I'd still love to see their shmexy movie designs in figure/Figure-rise form.
  9. YES is that even a question Anytime something like this comes up, I always fall back on an apropos Zero Punctuation quote: Talk about it being "ironic" all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that someone's rubbing themselves off to it even as we speak.
  10. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    This is different from the Ichiban Kuji, right? On mobile right now so can't easily check...
  11. Hey, just wanted to pop in and ask: Did the fighter kit come out first, or the Gerwalk? Has one or the other (or both) not come out yet?
  12. I should clarify that what the players did was in equally poor taste, but I have more sympathy for them acting the way they did than the crowd, who collectively simply misdirected their dislike of the game and development choices towards Lima and Captain Zack. But regardless of who shares the lion's share of the blame, the end result is that the entire community comes out looking bad. All they've done is add to the sense of illegitimacy that critics level at the game series. Bah. Anyway, I also caught the latest character reveals for Soul Calibur 6, and my waifu 4 laifu Seong Mi-Na was finally - FINALLY! - shown. Now with dangerous levels of underboob.
  13. Had to know. Thanks.
  14. If you're interested in getting these, you can get one for a pretty good price over at Tokyo Otaku mode with their 30% off coupon, ENJOYOTAKON. Good through August 31. https://otakumode.com/search?mode=shop&sort=rec&keyword=robotech&filter=buyable
  15. Just a head's-up on a 30% off coupon Tokyo Otaku Mode are running on figures through August 31. Works on preorders, too. Kudos to F360. There's some neat stuff there. The Gundam stuff I saw from a quick perusal include the Metal Robot Damashii 00 Raiser Robot Damashii FA 0 Gundam the recent Zeta Plius C1 figure, forget the line other Robot Damashii figures some Formania busts https://otakumode.com/shop Code: ENJOYOTAKON
  16. Is "Grand Blue" the same thing as "Granblue Fantasy"?
  17. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    With the... "creative liberties" Bandai have taken with regards to this release, you might want to wait 'til the DX is in your hands before letting go of the older ones. They might actually be more to your liking than this is.
  18. Anyone here keep up with the FGC at all? Evo was last week and it was damned great. My highlights were all the character reveals (even The Walking Dead's Negan for Tekken 7), and the absolute most hilarious lowest of lows was the Smash 4 finale, when the Smash community collectively showed how classy they all are by booing the finalists for daring to choose a top-tier character. Apparently this harassment followed the two players all the way through the weekend, so during the finale they responded by yucking it up big time and doing absolutely nothing for a full minute and a half during one set. Just a poor showing all around for the entire Smash community, not just Lima or Captain Zack, not just Smash 4 fans, but the ENTIRE Smash 4 community. I love watching me some Smash gameplay every now and then even though I hate playing it myself, but man that fanbase is the most toxic crap in existence. I didn't believe it for the longest time, but boy oh boy they sure do live down to their reputation.
  19. Considering the White Dingo... team? unit? ??? operates on Earth and uses a lot of 08MST equipment, it makes sense that they'd have 08MST weapons. What these kits REALLY need are hands with canted wrists. The one that comes with the MG Ground GM is "meant" to be used with its long range beam rifle, but it actually looks good with EVERY weapon and gives them better, more natural-looking firing poses. If they had just included that same hand with the MG GM Sniper II, they wouldn't have had to ruin its sniper rifle, the most important part of that whole design.
  20. It's different. Takes cues from the original and Ver Ka, adds some unique stuff to make it its own thing.
  21. https://kotaku.com/the-largest-mecha-plastic-model-in-history-is-completed-1828048524
  22. That's not an invalid question. Venom's iconic look is entirely contingent upon it coming into contact with Spider-Man first thing upon crashing onto Earth. They've at least gotten rid of the spider tattoo across his chest and back, though.
  23. So I've always wondered about this. When Venom eats people... does... does Eddie, like... "get" some of those, ahem, nutrients, too? Has Marvel been low-key promoting cannibalism for like decades now?
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