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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. I'm so conflicted about this. On the one hand, they've scrubbed all the Kojima Productions from the title. On the other hand, it's Zone of the MFing Enders. Maybe I'll get it on PC when it goes on sale or something...
  2. Thanks for the link tekering. Followup question then: Did the Tristars always use HM Zaku IIs, or was that retconned somewhere along the line from regular Zakus? (Also what's the source for that? The movies? A special celebration animation? Etc.)
  3. Just bumping to ask a quick question: The Black Tri-Stars Zaku II has never been animated, right? It's officially an MSV? I know the Zaku I shows up in Origin, and obviously there's the Dom. Did they "use" regular Zaku IIs that were later retconned to be High Mobility types, or were they always HM Zakus? Thanks for any answers.
  4. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Ah, yes, reading that again I see what you mean.
  5. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    It might not be a line. IIRC the only confirmed release is the VF-1J, and while it would make sense to populate the rest of the VF-1 series in 1/48 scale, I wouldn't expect that same scale to apply to other Valks. The VF-1 is incredibly small compared to its descendants (and even its VF-0 parent), such that the larger 1/48 scale still puts it at around the same absolute size as the other DXes, which range around 1/55-1/65. Maybe they'll do the VF-9 Cutlass in 1/48 scale, though. If @Xigfrid's rendition is anything to go by, that VF is even smaller than the VF-1 and could use the scale bump.
  6. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    A catgirl mermaid... Why can I picture that?
  7. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Does this mean the upper air intake/back of the "thighs" are fixed on the DX? Or is it just the pose? Is it the same on the Yam/cadia toys? The side of the leg says "UN Spacy" and the left shoulder has the "19" decal that's on the YF-19 but not the VF-19Advance.
  8. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    On the VF-31A front, Hasegawa are at least reissuing their 1/72 kit in December. So... y'know, if you're so desperate for SOMETHING VF-31A that you'll learn how to mask, paint, and glue for it. Go the extra step and mix it together with a transforming Bandai kit and you've pretty much got the same thing as the DX, right? Right???
  9. i completely forgot to order those fuuuuuuuuuu~~~!!!!
  10. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Just another heads up that I'll let go of one of my two preorders come release. I've got one at amiami, one at HLJ. I'll open a thread in the FS section come the right time.
  11. To be fair to TLJ, mystery boxes in general and TFA's mystery boxes in particular are stupid stupid STUPID approaches to filmmaking/storytelling. Touching as few of those as it could and flat-out abandoning the rest was probably the best way they could have gone about it.
  12. What is the canon spelling of Lynn Minmay? I think I'm getting it mixed up with Robotech, but do Macross ever deviate from the above spelling? Linn Minmei? Lyn Min-mei?
  13. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Oh duh. Of course I should have seen what the retail price was before jumping to conclusions. I'm an idiot, ignore me.
  14. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Apparently it's at a ~2800 yen markup at amiami from when preorders first opened. Mine was 24240 as opposed to the current price of 27000. Can retailers do that on preorders? This is the first I'm seeing it...
  15. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    Regarding the EXQ Ranka, I asked HLJ and the relevant part of their response was thus: "The head of the product team tells me that we will be able to obtain this item, but quantities are not known at this time. Please keep an eye on our site!" Always A+ customer service team, they have.
  16. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    She's ostensibly the chief mechanic of Delta Squad and works on the VF-31As, too. But beyond the opening cinematics, I don't think she's ever shown actually working on them. (She gives Hayate the tutorial on why he doesn't need a helmet.) The EXQ Ranka figure will be releasing September 26. I'm seeing preorders up on YJA for ~1700 JPY, and Nin-Nin Game has it up for ~$30. https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/japanese-import-banpresto-hobbies-and-figures/28797-macross-f-exq-figure-ranka-lee-banpresto-.html Hm... I'm reconsidering keeping my Sheryl figure up for sale now...
  17. These ARE all figures, right? Not kits? That Barbatos Lupus Rex "Dragon Lord" figure was originally a 1/100 conversion kit by a GK company called Model Bingo, who also did a Stargazer conversion for the MG Sword/Force Impulse Gundam.
  18. Dang, beat me to the punch. Oh well. I'm consistently amazed at how much better a job Kanno, May'n, and Nakajima do playing two voices off each other than Delta can with a five-member cadre.
  19. +1. You can mitigate the issue by lightly sanding down the socket the ball joint goes into (or shaving the ball joint slightly), which would make the joint a bit loose but at least you don't have to worry about the delicate plastic (much more delicate but better able to hold detail than Bandai's) breaking or warping. Best of luck, looking forward to the final results.
  20. All the review I need. BUY BUY BUY (No but seriously, reading the spoilers, I'm glad they at least frontload it all instead of killing the momentum of the story to waste time on it. Ideally they'd work it into the story better... or get rid of it entirely, if necessary.) Isn't there a second movie in the works? Or am I misremembering that, maybe even pulling it out of thin air?
  21. The review is enjoyable for what it is. The Plinkett reviews are kind of the genesis of the whole "frothing at the mouth blind rage criticism" review trend, but they still do it the best and the most smartly. They put more critical thinking into their reviews than other people do. Agree with you that the movie is a mess, disagree that that makes it not great. EDIT: whoops created a new page, here's the quote for those not in the know:
  22. HYYYPE But actually jeeesus that game is old. It must be what, 2001, 2002? Definitely the early days of the PS2, and it shows. It'd have been nice if they could have done slightly more to this a la the REmake, but given what it is, I understand them doing just what they have so far.
  23. Hello, welcome to the forums. Nice job so far. Is the "droid" simply referring to the inclusion of lights? Or are you motorizing it as well?
  24. Aoshima 1/48 Laevatein Last Battle Version model kit up at HLJ: https://hlj.com/product/AOS00955/Sci December release, ~$70
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