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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Me, I'm downvoting for the spoiler. Haven't seen it yet, was going to see it today, so thanks for that.
  2. Hm... Is that what the actual missiles look like when launched? Or are they only partially molded? I can understand why you wouldn't bother scratchbuilding the missing sections if they are incomplete. That would be such a pain. Also, I meant to ask earlier, but are you planning on diffusing and/or dimming the light in the head? It looks very bright coming out of the head, and drowns out any other details in the area. Also also, I forgot if you were adding LEDs to the thrusters/exhaust. Yes/No?
  3. I'll tell you when I get to it, but I decided to go through the last two episodes of season 4 first, just to get my bearings straight. Within the first minute of "Time's Arrow" I X'd out of there right quick. "Nope," I said to myself. "Nope, nope, noooope. I'm not in the right mood for this, frakk it, noooope."
  4. Speaking of, they replaced the dancing 171 with a dancing Siegfried, and the result is... Well, to a general audience I'm sure it looks fine, but if you know how the 31's back looks, with the wings protruding out and all, the maneuvers it pulls off look awkward to say the least. The 171 has a nice compact backside, you can easily see it pulling off a power slide without bumping into anything. The 31? Eh... I have half a mind to revisit that scene, see if they didn't pull off some anime magic.
  5. Dunno if this is against the rules (preemptive apology if it is, mods), but this is an example of the bad footage splicing I was talking about. I did not do this myself, this is taken straight from the movie. There's nothing spoilery in the gif, but I'll go ahead and spoiler it anyway for safety's sake.
  6. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Robotech Battlecry (either the manual, the game, or some supporting material) explains that the "charged" sniper round is the electric motor in the gun overcharging and firing three rounds in such quick succession that only a single gunshot is heard; this causes significant strain on the gunpod, explaining the instant overheating in-game.
  7. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    End of the month. I think those who ordered from NY were told it's 9/24.
  8. I still need to get on with season 4. Season 3 was the one that ended with right? Or if that WAS season 4, then I guess I'm completely on track. EDIT: Never mind, that trailer reminded me what happened in season 4, completely forgot about that season (even though it was a good season, they're all good seasons).
  9. This doesn't have to do with Delta, but I chanced upon the 1/72 Tornado Messiah in stock at HLJ for the first time in a long time. Seems Bandai did another run of it recently; other sites are selling it again as well. I'll probably get another one if it's still available in a couple weeks, but 'til then, FYI for anyone who wants it. https://hlj.com/product/BAN965305 https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=TOY-RBT-1237 (Used one also available): https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=TOY-RBT-1237-R https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10123518
  10. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I'd also like to know where. Both of mine are 24k even before shipping.
  11. Forgive the double post. Spoiler tags were not very cooperative. Phew. And now, responses! Macross Plus doesn't shy away from messy endings. No one in the cast gets a happily ever after or the meting out of just punishment. Lucy ends the story hurting over isamu yet still pining for him; Millard faces the near certainty of a court martial that has yet to come (and never will, as far as the story is concerned); Margue gets the creation he dreamed of, and he might not mind at all that it hoists him by his own petard; and so on. The music of Plus is phenomenal, but it isn't something I'd like to listen to casually. It's not easily digestible like DYRL/Frontier/7. I have to actively listen to it, and that means preparing myself for it beforehand. I remember this came up as a theory in either the short questions or one of the episode threads. I like to think that's not the case, and that Sharon is entirely synthetic and/or otherwise divorced from the Protoculture and Fold Space shenanigans that inform the rest of the franchise. I can't quite articulate why I prefer this, but it has something to do with wanting to maintain an air of fascination but also danger around her. She's like other idols, but she's also not. Like... a mirror set just slightly askew to reality. That reminds me: I don't know if the previous members of Walkure showed up for very long in the show, but in the movie they make up a good portion of the flashback runtime, and to its credit, Gekijou no Walkure makes me want to get to know THOSE characters as well. That's the perennial issue plaguing Delta, I suppose. It sparks interest in every single one of its characters, but can never stoke those flames. I don't know if using Gundam 00 as a favorable comparison is the best tactic, but you do you, I suppose... No. But yes. but no tho Oh, I dunno about that... I think it's pretty dull even just on its own merits...
  12. Finished watching this last night, wanted to wait a day to marshal my thoughts. Spoiler tags for, well, spoilers, but mostly for a wall of text. tl;dr - Word of mouth got me cautiously optimistic for this movie, and while it did some things well - streamlining the overall plot by removing lots and lots and lots of chaff, expanding/remixing one character in particular - it's still too much of a straight compilation movie, and a compilation movie of a terribly disappointing show at that. The editing to consolidate the story is good, but the scene to scene editing is sometimes amateurish. The music is hit or miss, just like it was in the series. The new footage/budget goes almost entirely to a single concert. Ultimately, it's a better attempt at the same story, but the story itself is the problem, not the way it's told. Picking up where I left off last post: On the technical aspects of the movie:
  13. All of you can BURN IN HELL *cries in the corner* Anyway, the surprising praise for the movie convinced me to give the BD a shot. Maybe I'll sell it off to someone here when I'm done with it, maybe I'll keep it. I dunno. But while it's on its way, I went ahead and found a, ahem, digital copy. In my 20 minutes of it so far, my impressions are... kind of middle of the road. It's not bad, but then again neither was the first half of the show for the most part. I do like some of the streamlining decisions they made.
  14. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    The bendy would imply that it actually sits too high on the arms and the barrel of the gun thus is unable to clear the underside. Mounted onto the arm cannon, it might actually sit low enough to clear the underside without need for the bendy.
  15. I had sort of hoped for AC0 to be that very thing, taking place as it does some fifteen years before the events of AC5. But alas, by the end game you're flying the same Lightning IIs as ever.
  16. Ah, my first guess was the plane is going too fast and adverse airflow patterns form and/or become dangerous, like vortices forming around the intakes and the engine(s) chokes or something. So a case of not enough air hitting the airframe, not too much air. Anyway, yeah nothing like that ever showed up in the AC games, though you never flew anything that went faster than ~1400 km/h (800-900 mph) IIRC.
  17. Happens to the best of us. But actually, what's overspeed? I've never heard that term before.
  18. To add to what Valkyrie Hunter D said, the six numbered games in the franchise (as well as the majority of the spinoffs) defaulted to "Advanced" controls, ie your stick controls pitch and roll just like a real joystick/flightstick, and shoulder buttons control yaw. Ace Combat: Assault Horizon defaulted to Novice controls, ie your stick only directly controls pitch; left/right "turn" the aircraft, and there is no yaw control.
  19. ^ I was wondering why all the MGS stuff suddenly, then realized it was the 20th anniversary a week ago. (Japanese release 9-3-98.) Man, how time flies. I remember not being able to get past the loading dock and dismissing the game because I didn't know how to pay attention.
  20. KH3D's in media res story is unnecessarily confusing, and its pet-raising system is headache-inducing, but what won me over was the first boss fight with Sora. It takes place in a wide open town square with plenty of walls and rooftops for you to run on, and the very first thing the boss did was hit me all the way across the square, with the camera zooming way out to show the entire level. Then in like three seconds I've closed the distance, and we turn it into a fight, and then the boss suddenly does a slam move that breaks the ceiling and we continue the fight inside the house. My face could not have been any bigger. Coming from the older games with their confined stages and low fields of view, this was a revelation. Not even KH2 had expanded the fights to this level. At first I thought 3D had introduced destructible environments to some degree, which would have been a first, but even when I realized it was a scripted event, still none of the earlier games had dabbled in those, either, not even KH2. The 0.2 "A fragmentary passage" prologue game shared this wide open gameplay style, but I chalked that up to it being a dedicated current-gen game indicative of where they wanted to take the series in KH3. I had no idea they had already given it a trial run in this game. That was... that was a rush.
  21. I figured as much. Island the manhua was one of the better reads to presage/come out during the early days of Korea's "EDGE! EDGE! EDGE!" era of comics, ie when they sought to differentiate themselves from Japanese comics by way of an emphasis on detailed artwork and "serious" subject matter.
  22. ...this wouldn't have anything to do with the Korean manhua of the same name released in the late 90s/early 00s about a wealthy businessman's daughter who visits Seoul and promptly gets attacked by sex demons and eventually finds herself drawn into an international terrorist plot involving the restless souls and vengeful skulls of Korean WWII POWs experimented on by Imperial Japan, would it?
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