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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I went through From Japan like a fool! Domestic shipping, fees, and international shipping, that has to be at least an extra and totally preventable $15-25.
  2. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Oh. That simple, huh? Can't believe it never even crossed my mind to try...
  3. I'm sure someone here would be interested. Put it up in the For Sale section and someone will almost assuredly take it off your hands.
  4. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    How do you place international orders through Amazon Japan? The only way I know is through a middleman, but what about sellers/items able to ship internationally?
  5. In fairness to the others, a lot of 5's roster consists of palette swaps or only slightly-modified models. The... four?... F-14 variants all use the same model IIRC, for instance.
  6. I want to see them stumble on their own r34. I mean I don't, but I do. Speaking of, the "feisty mom" in the ad was the aunt from Bug Hero 6. Disney really catering to all the fetishes now, it seems...
  7. You say that, and yet the first response to my post isn't reasoned criticism but... whatever that mess is slaginpit coughed up. Anyway, I do hope this means they're slowing down with these movies. I said before that this universe doesn't really lend itself well to the MCU style, and certainly their choice of spinoffs weren't exactly well thought out.
  8. Called it. Clearly this means I should be next in line for Disney CEO. https://io9.gizmodo.com/disneys-ceo-agrees-that-maybe-one-star-wars-movie-a-yea-1829193904
  9. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I want to be encouraged by that pic, but this IS Bandai... Meh. I'm sure I'll find out for sure when jenius's review goes up, and whatever the case, it's not a big deal anyway.
  10. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Stupid me posting this in the wrong thread.
  11. I was wondering why I didn't see it...
  12. Oh, the way the gunpod stores into the arm cannon... C'mon, Bandai. Actually I'm just being nitpicky, it's crazy enough that they got it working at all, but still, making it sit horizontal and off-center? Ew ew ew.
  13. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Selling one of my two preorders. FS thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/45901-fs-bandai-dx-yf-19-280-down-payment/
  14. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    If they do release a DX YF-21, I wonder if they'll start with the Wright Immelmann's VF-22 from Delta? It would follow in line with the DX 19's release first as the Frontier-era VF-19 followed by the YF prototype version.
  15. https://www.playstation.com/en-us/explore/playstation-classic/ No USB AC adapter included. Requires 5V, 1.0A adapter. Annoying, but not too much so. I wonder why this is becoming a common thing, though. First the New 3DS/2DS, then the SNES Mini, then this...
  16. Okay, so let me try to get this straight: ------------------------------------------------------------ PS4 Preorder Bonuses (Digital): - AC7 dynamic theme - F-4E Phantom playable airplane - 3x airplane skins - AC5 (PS2 Classic/HD Remaster) - F-104C playable airplane PS4 Preorder Bonuses (Physical): - F-4E Phantom playable airplane - 3x airplane skins - AC5 (PS2 Classic/HD Remaster) -------------------------------------------------------------- Xbox One Preorder Bonuses (Digital): - F-4E Phantom playable airplane - 3x airplane skins - AC6 (Xbox 360) - F-104C playable airplane Xbox One Preorder Bonuses (Physical): - F-4E Phantom playable airplane - 3x airplane skins - AC6 (Xbox 360) -------------------------------------------------------------- Steam Preorder Bonuses: - F-4E Phantom playable airplane - 3x airplane skins - F-104C playable airplane --------------------------------------------------------------- Season Pass: - 3x playable airplane - 3x extra stages - in-game music player Deluxe Edition: - AC7 - Season Pass - F-104C playable airplane Japan-Exclusive Collector's Edition (PS4 only): - Collector's box - AC7 - steelbook - Booklet - emblem stickers - embroidered patch
  17. I'll be honest, I never really liked P2 all that much. Aside from that cool opening shot where it pans from the forest to suburbs, I just couldn't bring myself to enjoy it very much. Something about it felt way... cheaper... than the first one. The Predator looked sillier, running around barreling through bedrooms and the like. That said, I'm feeling the need to get the trilogy blu-ray and rewatch them again, so maybe I'll like it better on another go-around.
  18. I really hope they release that AC5 as a standalone release. Is it an HD remaster? I certainly hope so, but I'll be fine with it just being a PS2 Classic as well. Remaster/PS2 Classic the other two games as well and you can have even more of my money, Namco. A note: Preordering the PS4 digital version also gets you a dynamic theme that won't be included on the boxed copy and presumably won't be available post-launch. Really hoping this isn't the case. EDIT: Dualshockers says there is also a new trailer. Checking it now, dunno if true. (EDIT: Seems it's just one of the earlier trailers in Japanese.) EDIT 2: Gematsu article with a better summary of preorder bonuses et al: https://gematsu.com/2018/09/ace-combat-7-skies-unknown-pre-order-bonuses-season-pass-and-japanese-limited-edition-announced In the comments there's confusion as to whether it is indeed simply the PS2 version running off the emulator (ie a PS2 Classic) or a proper HD remaster.
  19. Man, I don't know what you folks saw. I had a frickin' blast. It wasn't until I saw this movie that I realized I'd forgotten what a good, balls to the walls, R-rated bloodbath looked like. Both Predators (I don't think that's a spoiler because... c'mon.) had amazingly visceral moments. The one kill shown in the trailer where one of them repeatedly guts a poor mook was what won me over, and it continues to be one of my favorite moments of the movie. How it's so effortless for the Predator, how brutal it is... Mwah. Excellente. I think the movie could have, starting with the same premise, been a very different movie simply by changing perspective to that of the first Predator as it lands on Earth. Anyway, that's that. One hell of a fun movie. I didn't get that sense at all. Some of the quips are certainly for comedic effect, but/and a lot of it was character-driven, a way for one character or another to assert themselves in a situation that's way, WAY beyond their control. The MCU has a tendency to overdo it, giving characters one-liners that don't necessarily match the tone of the scene/movie or the character uttering them (ie a lot of Ultron's dialogue in Avengers 2 or specifically Black Widow muttering, "That was gross," after what's-her-face gets dragged up into a passing... grinder... vehicle... thing in Avengers 3.). Here, though, the entire movie is irreverent. Everything is larger than life, from the characters - even the kid - to the story to the action. What's more, almost everyone harbors some measure of distrust of each other. Their "quips" are often combative, competitive, hyper-testosterone'd just like the original movie. I never lost track of the "mood" of a scene just because a character cracks a joke or two or ten.
  20. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Same as HMR thread, HLJ are selling preowned items. DX VF-31J: https://hlj.com/product/POW-1-BANN06298/Act DX VF-25S Armored (dunno if it's 1.0 or Renewal): https://hlj.com/product/POW-1-BAN956817/Sci
  21. kajnrig

    Hi-Metal R

    HLJ apparently are selling preowned items now. Must've happened very recently. They have an HMR Elintseeker here: https://hlj.com/product/POW-1-BANN19292/Act
  22. You wanna talk about bells and whistles: Imagine THAT fully transformable. (Source: Club-M 1/48 Ultimate Detail VF-1S Strike Valkyrie modeled by Kallamity, http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/42575-club-m-148-ultimate-detail-strike-valkyrie/)
  23. Nah man. I learned my lesson last time about getting prematurely excited for anything having to do with this show. Nope, no thank you, I'll wait 'til the reviews are in.
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