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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. I wish they could do super powers right. None of the mainline X-Men movies have ever been very creative with depicting super powers. Even the best of the lot, First Class, tended to stick to "Person A shows off their power, then Person B shows off theirs, then they fist-fight." For a franchise all about the team, there's very little teamwork in these movies where mutants use their powers to augment each other.
  2. Nah, the toy and hobby divisions are entirely separate from each other, so you would see a brand new tooling if they do. It's this separation that has sometimes seen them competing with each other, with similar products coming out from both at the same time. The GFFMC Wing Zero toy and Hi-Res Model Wing Zero, for instance. I do wonder how Bandai Hobby would interpret the design, though, with all its idiosyncrasies. And who knows? There might be just that at the All Japan Hobby Show this weekend.
  3. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I did that and the fit problem was still there. I'll take another look-see tonight, otherwise I'll chalk it up to another unfortunate QC issue. Tried it again, got it looking like in the manual, compared it to reviewers' wings, and it's still floppy-like. I mean the way it looks is already kind of bad - well, "bad" - since it doesn't pivot at the right area, but also it IS just kind of freeform. Even when it's in the "correct" position it's not locked into place, you can easily move the wing around, move the swing bar around, etc. But mostly I just got trapped by the anime magic and expected the wings to work differently than they do. They're a nitpick, not a concern. I too wish they would provide more spares. A spare VF in each box, for instance, would not go amiss.
  4. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Push it deeper into the back of the battroid, or push it down more when you fold it on top of the rear nose section? I'll try both when I get back to messing around with it later today. Thanks for the advice!
  5. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Yeah, I double-checked with the video to be sure it wasn't me. Oh well. Maybe a fresh look tomorrow will reveal what I did wrong and/or yet another QC issue (most of which thankfully have missed me).
  6. Against my better judgement, I'm getting hyped.
  7. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    How do I know it's extended all the way? That was my first suspicion and I checked and it sure as heck looked like it was extended all the way.
  8. I want to be excited about X-Men, I do. First Class was great, and Days has... well, James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender act the hell out of it. And Logan was great, and the Deadpools were hilarious.
  9. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    So, after a few hours of ginger movements and gentle massaging, I got mine into battroid mode and it is a. Lovely. Lovely. Thing. Next to the other Lovely. Lovely. Thing., of course. The leg fins did pop off a couple times, both of them, but popping them back into place is easy peasy. The major issue is the thigh joint, as onnasuke and Lancestride01 can attest. And the fix is untightening the screws holding the ball joint together. I just tinkered with mine, taking it apart as part of a natural progression of remedies, but I realized afterwards that Sildani has a nice step-by-step picture guide. You should follow it: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/41401-macross-maintenance/?do=findComment&comment=1421822 Some issues I ran into aside from the above: 1) The black piece behind the head that's supposed to lock everything together... doesn't. Try as I might, I can't get the cockpit to sit any further back and get the peg protruding from there to lock into the socket on the underside of the black piece. It's not a major problem, but it IS an eyesore. (Also the neck doesn't peg securely into the front collar/back of the nose, but it's a super small peg and not noticeable anyway. EXCEPT TO MEEEEEE.) 2) I don't like that the wings don't nicely swivel into storage/high speed configuration. You're just left to adjust them manually, and it's less than ideal. 3) The shield is too tall. If it were wider or shorter, it would look fine. I also don't like that it can't fit onto the back of the arm to accurately recreate the arm cannon pose. 4) The feet still bother me. All around. 5) The wing root tabs were really hard to remove first time around. Now that that's been gotten out of the way, I'm sure they'll be more cooperative in the future.
  10. Yo, that's a sweet Armored VF-1S box art. Who's this Garland guy, and when did the 23rd Mega Zone-class colony ship take flight?
  11. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    To make the heels look right, they would have had to redesign the feet entirely. Separate rails for the toe and heel to slide into the legs, with the toe going deeper than the heel, the heel piece itself should be lengthened slightly and maybe beveled a la @RedLion's photoshop... And the vectoring joints would have to be redesigned to accommodate those changes, maybe even new pivot points added so there's separate joints for vector nozzle and toe/heel unfurling in Battroid mode. For what it's worth, here are some other shots of the feet extending from the fighter mode. In other news, mine arrived today from Amiami, head laser intact (and leg fins as well, so far). There's a mark on the plastic cover from where the laser bumped it, though. It's not very visible, but you can feel it with your fingers. I'll try to get some pics ASAP.
  12. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Where do you all live? Here in the quiet little village that is the Upper Midwest, I have literally never had a bad experience with USPS personnel. Some items that are forgotten in the warehouse or accidentally sent back before being re-routed back back to me again, but the people I interact with have consistently been top notch. I dunno, maybe I'm just the exception that proves the rule. Wisconsinites do have a reputation of being polite to a fault... EDIT: That said, if my toy arrives in pieces today, I'll swear them off altogether, even though it's being sent through DHL.
  13. A lot of this video is insufferable - I actually recommend you don't watch it - but one point I agree with is that it doesn't really matter what the Predator mythos is, what its culture and lore and whatnot is, because... it's an alien sports hunter. That's all it ever needs to be.
  14. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Can anyone take pictures of the misaligned/misshapen leg fins? I've seen plenty of pictures of the head laser, but absolutely nothing about the apparently poor-fitting fins. (Usually people say it's the left fin, but I've heard of examples from both sides.)
  15. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I think a few people have gotten notices (or even had them arrive already). As for me, Amiami shipped mine yesterday, and it's looking to be here by tomorrow via DHL.
  16. If you want the Japanese-only collector's edition like I do: https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=GAME-0021014 https://www.play-asia.com/ace-combat-7-skies-unknown-collectors-edition/13/70cb5l https://www.amazon.co.jp/【PS4】ACE-COMBAT™-COLLECTOR“S-【早期購入特典】「ACE-PhantomII」「歴代シリーズ人気機体スキン3種」がダウンロードできるプロダクトコード/dp/B07HHJX3B4/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1537911678&sr=8-5&keywords=ace+combat+7 I'll be getting the collector's edition for the cool steelbook and preordering the standard digital edition for the Avril, and maybe pick up a US physical copy once it drops down in price in a couple years (if the Japanese one doesn't come with an English language option). Maybe get the season pass DLCs as they come out. The only thing I wouldn't have are the 8x legacy emblems, but I've never cared much for in-game cosmetic items, so meh.
  17. "Gritty," on the other hand...
  18. Hey, so cool that you all are hyping up for this, but let's get down to the real pressing matter here: This IS the 6th movie, right? 5th? 7th?
  19. To be fair to all sides of the war, it's really entirely the writers' fault.
  20. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Well, the YF-19's fold booster is only rated for a single fold jump, so that's not a concern. HMMMMmmmm....
  21. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Ah, thinning down the competition. I like your strategy.
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