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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    More specifically, it's a consequence of the hip being too tight, as per @onnasake and @Lancestride01.
  2. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I'm not too worried about the tailfins since they're extraordinarily easy to pop back on and don't look any worse for wear. (Unless there's something wrong with them that I can't see... I know people were talking about mis-molded pegs/sockets, but I dunno, I couldn't see anything of that sort...) Broken head lasers would probably have more of a noticeable line even when fixed, and a sheared-off leg is a sheared-off leg. Compared to that, tailfins that pop in and out are scarcely a problem at all.
  3. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    What does shipping tend to cost? I'm debating whether to try Mandarake or keep with FJ/YJA. Even with the fees, the savings on international shipping might be worth it.
  4. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Considering almost every single one of us had the same way too tight hips, I'd say that's a QC issue as well that Bandai should fix free of charge, but I'm skeptical that they'll do so. Yep, same here. I'm gonna guess it ends up somewhere around 32k. Anything less than that would be a steal post-release, IMO.
  5. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/l473169496 In case anyone's still looking for a YF-19, there's one on YJA currently sitting at ~5k yen with two days plus change to go. Free domestic shipping.
  6. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    No, it's definitely coming, what are you talking about? No, it is Deinitely. Coming. NO, DEFINITELY.
  7. Fox moved it back to coincide with the Chinese New Year. Chinese audiences apparently had a very good reception to the X-Men: Dark Phoenix trailer, so that one was moved from the February slot to summer '19 to maximize profit there, and this was moved from December to February to capitalize on being one of the first movies to come out after their new year. Fox may be releasing the PG-13 cut of Deadpool in December to cover that now open spot, I dunno.
  8. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

  9. Taking a break from all this Kingdom Hearts-ing to play the SC6 beta. Some of these people have TERRIBLE connections! Sheesh! Now I remember why I stopped playing online!
  10. Eh... ish. At least according to the little media I've seen and word from people more knowledgeable than I. In the beginning X-Men WAS greatly influenced by the 60's civil rights movement, but it's generic enough that it can incorporate/be applicable to most struggles for civil rights. The X-Men movies made the X-Men more explicitly "about" the LGBTQ movement... ...but again, its real-world parallels come and go with the times. As for Magneto and Xavier = Malcolm and Martin, that's fanon... based slightly in fact. I'm sure the latter informed the former, but the comparison gets played up a bit too much by the fandom. It's telling that Stan Lee himself has rarely (if ever, again I'm just going off what others say) expressed as much or confirmed it when it got mentioned. Jack Kirby never made the comparison. Marvel itself didn't and continue to not say much about it. I think it's a bit of a "leave well enough alone" type thing on their part, and attempts at making these characters more... "legitimate" than they are on the fan communities' part. Recent scholars - not sure if that's the right word, sounds too academic, but that's basically what they are - examining this interpretation have found the comparison superficial at best, and reductive at worst.
  11. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    oh my god you friggin' nerds do such dumb stuff with your $300 toys i love it EDIT: I used a credit card. Filed one corner down a bit, wiggled it in between the wing and the leg, and eventually things worked out. Took a lot of finesse.
  12. Anyone have any info on whether this is a 2.0 or a recolor? Maybe a reissue with parts to make either? MG 1/100 S Gundam/Ex-S Gundam
  13. Oh yep, shoulda actually read the error message. The MWFDefaultWhiteBlue_Current theme doesn't work well with links sometimes. Switched to the dark theme and the error corrected itself.
  14. What causes this? Has anyone been able to figure it out? technoblue, your link showed up as that. [[Template forums/front/global/embedTopic is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]
  15. Oh, also MG V2 Assault Buster Gundam.
  16. There never should have been a large-scale battle to begin with, nor should Leia's escape have led directly into A New Hope. ANH always read as the Tantive IV being caught unawares by the Star Destroyer while on its secret Rebel mission. R1 recontextualizing that felt to me like one of its... well, it's a minor thing in the end, just a rotten cherry on top of the many-bad-decisions sundae. EDIT: Oh, also I don't know if there's a dedicated thread for this or maybe it better fits in the general TV thread, anime thread?, etc., but here's something new about the latest SW animated show, Star Wars Resistance.
  17. "Colonies Liberation Organization" is still the most hilarious, stupid thing ever. EDIT: It wouldn't be a Ver Ka. It's not even a Ver EW, really. It, or at least the HRM Wing Zero, is an entirely original design based on the Ver Ka and taking cues from the Glory of the Losers manga adaptation, wherein the Wing Zero goes through many many revisions throughout the course of the story. This specific design is unique to this model kit. (The GFFMC Wing Zero more closely mirrors one of the newer GoL revisions.)
  18. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Did you have to loosen the screws holding the joint tight?
  19. Per the Youtube channel Ace Combat Fan, Kotobukiya are working on a X-02 Wyvern model kit. It'll probably be the same 1/144 scale as the XFA-27 they released a little while ago. EDIT: Apparently the XFA-27 hasn't come out yet, will be soon. Whoops.
  20. Per the Youtube channel Ace Combat Fan, Kotobukiya are working on a X-02 Wyvern model kit. It'll probably be the same 1/144 scale as the XFA-27 they released a little while ago. EDIT: Apparently the XFA-27 hasn't come out yet, will be soon. Whoops.
  21. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Also, thanks for that, Sildani. Turns out that was it. I stopped just short of the click.
  22. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Oh, speaking of landing gear, are the rear gears completely vertical when deployed? Mine are very slightly still canted back, but not enough for me to think they're broken. And yes, they're properly deployed with th he audible click.
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