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Everything posted by kajnrig
They retail (well, "retail") for ~5600 yen, so they'll probably remain fairly pricey. I sure hope not, though. I also heard of only two variants, the red and blue. What's the third variant?
Gundam Figure Thread - Newtype GN-002
kajnrig replied to Black Valkyrie's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
- 6025 replies
The most canon thing we can take from Macross Frontier is that the Frontier fleet encountered the Vajra and settled the Vajra home planet. As for Alto, I think in an interview someone stated that the implication was pretty clear-cut that he comes back, so much so that they don't need to be more explicit. Me, I'm fine with the vague ending. My headcanon is that they all got together and fraked. Because all three of them wanted each other. No reason anyone has to "lose."
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So HLJ got me again with their advertising. They've got some good stuff in the pre-owned section. Dunno how the prices compare to other places, but there you are if you're interested: https://hlj.com/search/go?lbc=hobbylink&method=and&p=Q&ts=custom&uid=70293540&w=pre-owned items&cnt=30 I saw some kits, a Chogokin Gipsy Danger and Dragonzord and Grendizer, an HM(R?), some Gundam...
- 1857 replies
Necro-ing this thread because HLJ successfully advertised to me. This is almost unbearably cute. https://hlj.com/1-7-scale-my-little-pony-bishoujo-pinkie-pie-pvc-kbysv-228
I suppose it's a difference in interpretation of degree of change, then. I felt like I pretty much got the same characters coming out of TFA as going into TLJ. With regards to Snoke specifically, the point I was making was that whatever characterization he got in TFA should have (or perhaps it's better to say could have) been taken with a grain of salt because, again, he was putting on a show to appear more intimidating than he turned out to be. Me, I already thought he was a poor JJ Abram's Palpatine, so I didn't take in anything having to do with his character except that he was generically evil. ...yeahhhhhh, but all of that happens dumbly in a series of dumb movies, so I don't really count it. I think the important thing is this: When I picture Palpatine, I don't picture him in a cool action pose with something exploding behind him, or him walking into the foreground with something exploding behind him, or him performing some implausible stunt that kills all the kidnappers and saves the hostage at the same time... with something exploding behind him. I picture him sitting on his throne, or him electrocuting the bejeezus out of Luke. Contrast that with someone like... let's take Isamu Dyson from Macross Plus. Dude can't even kill his best friend with a transforming airplane, but no one'll deny that the way he went about trying was pretty badass. Weren't we also just throwing around the idea that the Jedi temples were there to focus and guide Force users lest they naturally gravitate towards the Dark side if left to their own devices?
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Oh, for sure. I suppose it's the assertion that either of them is a "badass" that made my head turn. Snoke, for his part, is far crueler than Palpatine ever was. That doesn't make him more villainous, just... well, more cruel. It's a perfectly fine twist on the Emperor Expy that he otherwise would have been. It's no surprise that Kylo lashes out against him as much as he does. He's very much like an abusive father, and his relationship with Kylo Ren is exceedingly personal, whereas Palpatine seems more scheming, and his relationship with Vader is nowhere near as intense. ...I mean I guess personally I'd have preferred that he not existed to begin with. He was never going to be as good as Palpatine, and the fact that TFA tried only hurt it. Considering what it had to work with, I think TLJ put a good twist on him. For all the faults that TLJ has, I don't consider him to be among them.
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Your most recent Macross or toy purchase! General thread.
kajnrig replied to Gakken85's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I don't mean to sound judge-y either (apologies if I come across as such). I've just never had anywhere near that amount of disposable income to... dispose, so the thought of doing so is literally incomprehensible to me. -
Kinda sounds like you want it both ways here. You want something to be original, yet the movie that does original things with the setup it receives you proceed to trash because it doesn't take those setups in a familiar direction... Rewatching his scenes in TFA, I was reminded that he holo-projected himself to be ten times bigger than he really is for... literally no reason. Whatever else he does or says, it has to be filtered through that lens. He made a scary face? He holo-projected himself to be ten times bigger than he really is, THEN made a scary face. Said something cool? He holo-projected himself to be ten times bigger than he really is, THEN said something cool. It's almost like he was literally projecting a facade that looked more imposing than he really was... And the tactic seems to have worked, too, at least in a metafictional sense.
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Your most recent Macross or toy purchase! General thread.
kajnrig replied to Gakken85's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Okay, but like... not 7600.00 USD, right? ......right? -
I'm glad to see that Bandai finally seem to have supplied enough to nearly meet demand. Aside from a few unfortunate souls, it looks like everyone who wants one has been able to get them, and even for aforementioned unfortunates, a fair number of places still have stock of it at non-scalper prices. It's certainly no VF-31A... Christ on a crap stick, I still have no idea what went wrong there and how they bungled that up so badly.
New Macross TV Series in 20xx (sometime this decade)
kajnrig replied to Tochiro's topic in Movies and TV Series
Barring a complete re-write, I'm not sure I'd want to see anything of substance having to do with this particular show... -
I dunno, applying the Blind status to Rod wielders seems to exploit a glitch in the game that turns them OP. (side note: Chirrut, the best of very few good things to come out of that movie) EDIT: Whoops, meant to add to the previous post, my b y'all.
- 1496 replies
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How long was it between ANH and ESB? I seem to remember having the same feeling going from TFA to TLJ as that. Even if it's just a few days, a week tops, from when Rey leaves the fleet to when she finds Luke. Fair point.
- 1496 replies
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New Macross TV Series in 20xx (sometime this decade)
kajnrig replied to Tochiro's topic in Movies and TV Series
If that's all Delta had been, I wouldn't have minded one bit. -
Ah yes, that was it, I remember now. Thanks.
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...this may be the wrong game to ask about, but was this the one that was put under bizarre legal threat by one Alex Mauer? Whatever happened? Did the case get thrown out? Is it going to court? With this new trailer, I'm guessing everything is go? I also seem to recall someone else suing this game for copyright infringement or some such thing. Yes? No? Maybe I'm thinking of another game starting with "Star."
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I prefer to think it was a half-baked idea Lucas had that he then poorly implemented in the making of the prequels. Having the ONE Jedi Academy, especially on a city planet... it doesn't work well, thematically. (Maybe the EU expanded the number of academies, but it certainly didn't seem like there were multiple based on the PT.) Before the PT, I envisioned Jedi training academies as patterned after Buddhist temples in old-timey China, or maybe the Shaolin temples. Y'know, one here, one there, often close to nature, sometimes poor and kept up thanks to the generosity of the locals, and so on. That's kind of how it is in the EU, too, IIRC. Since Luke's the only remaining Jedi (or the only trained one, at any rate), he sets up a Jedi... Temple? Academy? on Yavin IV (maybe repurposing the old Rebel base?) and brings students from all over to train, Shaolin monk-style, before setting them off into the world. I don't keep track of Star Wars timetables; I figured that her going to Luke's planet took an indeterminate amount of time, in which time the setup for TLJ happened. No? Yes? By the end of TFA I had kind of checked out.
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Also that would've just been dumb.
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In terms of getting what he wanted and preventing Obi-wan from getting what he wanted, yes, of course. How they bumble around each other is more silly than badass, though. (Though that's hardly the fault of the characters themselves, that has more to do with how the scene was shot and composited, the effects looking dated, etc. Hence why I was kidding.) I'll take your word on it. I was hyped for Mace Windu in Episode I because it was Samuel L. Mother-Loving Jackson with a purple beam saber yooooOOOOO and then the prequels were the prequels, so I quickly lost all interest in Star Wars lore. His design certainly was badass, and with his being a bounty hunter... Cool-looking guy in a cool occupation? It's not hard to see why people wanted to make more of him than what he was. I'm just saying that based solely on what he actually did - not how he looked, which again stands for a lot - he wasn't all that. Like... Boba Fett is no Wedge, right? I freaking love Wedge Antilles, and always have ever since I made the connection that he was in all three movies and survived all three major battles. Dude gets barely any lines or screen time, has no Force powers and zero plot armor whatsoever, and still manages to make it through everything. What's the TV Tropes term for someone like him? Badass Normal? Yeah, he's that. I'll have to take your word on the comics, too, since I don't follow things outside of the movies. Or, well, I don't anymore. If we'd had this convo when I was a teenager, I'd probably have more to add there. I'm not too worried about her not getting more material, though, because people sure will try their damnedest to do her what justice they deem has been denied her. SOMEBODY will. It'll be a thankless job, but someone will inevitably be like, "Hold my beer." It's happened with worse characters coming off of worse story arcs. Might not be someone from the fandom, but it'll happen. Neil Gaiman turned a goofy sand-sprinkling superhero into an all-powerful anthropomorphic concept and no one blinked an eye. Someone'll see it done.
- 1496 replies
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Neato. The only point I take issue with is "Instead, we’re left with the story as it is, and one well-digested bounty hunter." Because... I mean, c'mon. They spell it out in the movie. 1,000 years of digestion sounds incredibly NOT well-digested. And if he escapes a la the EU, then all the less well-digested. I wonder what it's even like down there. Maybe slightly cavernous, with meaty walls that are perpetually slightly moist with mucus and digestive fluids... You could probably walk around from stomach to stomach without much in the way of impedance. There'd also have to be some source of fresh air, or even recycled air, to keep you alive for as long as possible. I mean, logically there wouldn't, you'd just suffocate before making it very far through a long long long digestive tract, which begs the question of how it's supposed to be a form of torment instead of just a very sadistic form of execution but blargh;alksdjf;alksdfja I don't get where people get this reading of her, nor why it's a problem for her to be as potentially strong with the Force as Anakin was. Is it because of The Prophecy? No one can be as powerful as him? Of all the dumb things from the PT to assimilate into your head canon, why take the Jedi prophecy and the Star Wars equivalent of DBZ power levels? I mean, for one, the OT never needed a prophecy gone wrong to explain why Anakin/Vader is supposedly such a badass, and for another, he's never actually shown being all that powerful, he just does a whole lot of choking people from across the room. Anakin being The Chosen One is lazy writing. Or as Lucas puts it, "It's like poetry. It's sort of... they rhyme." So it isn't inherently a problem for her to be as powerful as Anakin et al, but even if it is, she's never actually shown being able to fly ships without training or duel with lightsabers and use the Force with nary a glance. Her flying ability is alluded to in the early scenes of TFA - everything from her occupation to her hobbies center around starships, so at the very least, the movie demonstrates her keen interest in them - and she actually struggles mightily with the Falcon before figuring it out enough to get Finn and her out of a sticky situation. She doesn't just get into the cockpit and immediately run circles around the TIEs. She is as amateurish in her fight against Kylo Ren as Finn is, up until she embraces the Force and finally gains the upper hand against a physically and emotionally wounded adversary. Her use of the Force is shown to be haphazard at best throughout the movie, more often frightening her than helping her, and it's again only during the climax of the movie that she begins to wield it with intention. And even if it IS a problem for her to be inherently as powerful as Anakin et al, and even if she DOES fly ships without training and duel with lightsabers and use the Force with nary a glance, then it's a problem you should have with this entire world. Anakin uses the Force to pilot Formula 1 cars and take down a super doughnut as a friggin' child (in a space fighter for which he has no training). Luke climbs into an X-Wing (for which he has no training*) and uses the Force (for which he has no training) to blow up the Death Star. The Emperor and Yoda both demonstrate Force abilities far in excess of what Vader ever does. To say that what Rey does is any more implausible than what Anakin/Luke do is... well, it's certainly not well-reasoned. *I'm sure it's explained in the supplementary materials why he actually IS familiar with an X-Wing or that it shares controls systems with his T-16 or whatever and thus he would be able to pilot it, which only reinforces my point. I think they might have been trying to make lightning strike twice. Because like Fett, Phasma's design is pretty cool (I guess... I dunno, Star Wars aesthetic was never my cup of tea), and like Fett, she doesn't really... do anything. Maybe like Fett, she'll also coast on the strength of her design until writers can write her into a badass. I dunno. You mean this lineage? (though to be fair, EVERYONE looks bad in AotC... and boy oh boy that CGI did not age well) I kid, of course. But with regards to Boba Fett specifically, I don't think it's particularly impressive, what he did. He tracked the Falcon to Bespin, then told the Empire they were there in exchange for getting Han's frozen body. It's not so much impressive as expected. If he schemed and machinated his way to isolating and/or capturing Han, that would be a different story, but as it is, he's a pretty minor character in the OT. Kind of an unfair comparison on its face, isn't it? "This character that has had decades of stories that turned him into a badass is a badass. This new character that does not yet have decades of stories that turn her into a badass isn't a badass." Like... I get what you're trying to say - that Phasma won't be embraced by fans the way Boba Fett was - but the way you chose to say it is... bad. There's comparing apples and oranges, and there's comparing warm apple cider and an orange tree bud. And I mean, it's not like Boba Fett even did any of those things. Because he didn't.
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Maybe the same thing happened to Fett between V and VI. It would certainly explain why he's so flippantly discarded in that movie... And it's not like Star Wars doesn't have a history of its creators hate hate HATING its fans... Hmm... I don't think that actually happened, of course, but it would be so appropriate. It's like poetry, y'know - it rhymes.
- 1496 replies
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You did not miss something. She was already at the mid-point of her life expectancy at the start of the show/movie, and the events of Delta have shortened it, probably significantly. I seem to recall the final episode cures some of the mineralization(?) afflicting her, but not all of it.
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There's still no word on what form AC5 will take, but chances are high it's "just" a PS2 Classic running off the PS4's emulator and not a higher-res, higher-texture remaster. Also, I do hope that one of the art book stories is A Blue Dove for the Princess. A proper translation would be great. Or perhaps a proper adaptation would be more apt, as I feel like those fan translations WERE probably proper translations, which was the problem.
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