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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Forum tells me this topic is hot. New release announced? Important news? tl;dr please?
  2. Human vision doesn't work in framerate. You can easily tell the difference between 15, 30, 60, 120, 240 FPS on your computer (provided a sufficient monitor and computing power) by moving your mouse across the desktop. The movement of the mouse is noticeably smoother the higher the framerate. Traditional cinema is filmed and played back at 24 frames per second (and converted to 25 or 30 in the transfer to PAL/NTSC TV standards). Traditional animation varied framerate heavily. Complex shots with lots of budget could get up to a full 24 unique frames drawn every second, whereas a static shot would be just a single frame per second with, let's say, a character's lips changing 4 to 8 times a second, necessitating 4 to 8 sequential frames. It is hard to mimic traditional animation well using CGI. Simply cutting the framerate down won't do it; other, arguably more important, factors that go into animation are strong key frames, good posing, and good animation techniques. For my part, I didn't have the same issues with that "stutter" as you did, but I can see what you're getting at. I think it's the same thing that happens with Netflix's The Dragon Prince (only to a lesser degree). Let me know if I'm correct.
  3. So this is only tangential, but my favorite Youtube channel, Super Best Friends Play, is officially over and done with. I wouldn't make a point of mentioning it, but it surprisingly hit me more significantly than I expected and would care to admit. Aside from their actual LP content, they also habitually and heavily promoted others in the gaming industry, from artists to content creators to indie devs; many of whom would go on to surpass them in popularity. They helped boost Maximilian Dood and YoVideogames when they were just starting out, and now Max is the most popular fighting game Youtuber in the world. They might very well be the reason that Metal Wolf Chaos is getting an HD re-release. Anyway. I'm kinda bummed.
  4. https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2018/12/15/box-office-aquaman-grinch-fantastic-beasts-ralph-breaks-internet-creed-wonder-woman-black-panther/amp/ tl;dr - Aquaman has made ~$170 million in China alone in 2 weeks, and $200m worldwide. On par financially with Wonder Woman, Black Panther in that region.
  5. "Aces at War Bundle" no longer shows up. I was gonna place a preorder this weekend. https://www.bandainamcoentstore.com/product/523300/ace-combat-7-skies-unknown-aces-at-war-bundle-playstation-4
  6. Had a great time. It doesn't do anything new storytelling-wise, but the visuals and audio are fan-frakking-tastic. They also could have done a lot more with the different Spider-people, but I think that speaks more to how much I'd enjoy standalone movies starring them than any fault with the movie. Music is gold, definitely worth picking up on its own. Post credit scenes exist, in case you were wondering.
  7. Nah, it's nothing against furries, it's literally Sonic himself. That fur looks... BAD. Like, it makes him look like he has terrible body odor. And by all rights it should burst into flames from air friction alone the moment he goes for a light jog, which would only exacerbate the smell problem. Those proportions are also so... What? Why? Why is head so much bigger than the rest of his body? Why is his body human-proportioned? Why? WHY!?!?!?!? I'm not even a Sonic fan, I've NEVER liked Sonic, but... WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  8. Shame the rockets don't act like they do in AC6, but this ain't bad, either. Ain't bad at all.
  9. I can't, will never be able to, handle the fur.
  10. I forgot how badass she was in this show. Also that face on a TV guy.
  11. This randomly showed up in my feed today. Seems to be... good news? https://variety.com/2018/film/news/aquaman-reviews-roundup-critics-1203087217/
  12. The art style's not bad. I do hope it's not a serial, though. Keep it a pseudo-educational show for kids, like the previous show was.
  13. Personally I can't wait to see what their take is on the twin fairies that as we all know are integral to the Mothra mythos. Even the animated movie put a spin on them.
  14. I gotchu fam More to the point, I like the job they've done remixing the traditional kaiju voice effects. They did a slam-bam good job in Zilla 1, and so far it seems like they've done the same in Zilla 2.
  15. "We made you a new body. A synthetic SHELL. But your mind, your soul, your GHOST - it's still in there." DO YOU GET IT? DID THEY GET IT? I DON'T THINK THEY GOT IT. LET'S REPEAT IT TWENTY MORE TIMES. BUT Y'KNOW, BE SUBTLE ABOUT IT. but to answer my own question yes that seems to be key art from the new production, not repurposed fanart or the like.
  16. Is that key art included with the announcement, or just a random picture the authors googled? It could be indicative of the direction they want to take the art. Either way, after just recently coming onto the franchise, I'm excited.
  17. Ick. That's an easy pass on Ultimate Alliance. It's got the same horrible art style that doomed MvC:I. EDIT: Also ick that MK trailer was painful to sit through. I can't wait to see all the bad animation they've come up with this time!
  18. It sold out VERY quickly upon release, much more quickly than other, what I assumed would have been more popular, kits. EDIT: but also hasegawa seem to be doing second, third, fourth production runs more regularly recently
  19. Throwing it on the list
  20. Not Gundam, but I know there was some crossover here anyway. Full Metal Panic kits: 1/60 Arbalest w/ Emergency Booster (Feb release): https://hlj.com/1-60-scale-hg-arbalest-ver-iv-with-emergency-deployment-booster-ver-bans56756 1/60 M9 Gernsback "Aggressor Squadron" Ver. (Mar release): https://hlj.com/1-60-scale-hg-gernsback-ver-iv-aggressor-squadron-bans57066 1/48 Laevatein w/ Booster (Dec release): https://hlj.com/1-48-scale-full-metal-panic-invisible-victory-arx-8-laevatein-last-battle-mode-aos00955
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