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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. First review to show up on my feed. I don't know the channel, but it seems like a well-done review so far. Spoilers, maybe.
  2. https://www.facebook.com/AceCombatAmericas/videos/366732963878158/ I think it was three new planes and some extra skins spread over the course of a few months plus an in-game music player. Not bad, not great.
  3. May be a rights issue with Puddle of Mudd... though that wouldn't explain why the same situation is true of AC6. Either way, that's a real shame. I know the clamoring for re-releases/remasters of the PS2 games has been fairly strong for a while now.
  4. I kind of hate that "Dragon King" on principle. I know it's common to basically steal conversion kits for a lot of these third-party figures, but it still bothers me now and again to see it happen. EDIT: For context, the original conversion kit: http://www.gundammodelcenter.com/model-bing-go-mbg-barbatos-dragon-king-resin-gk-kit https://www.shop2000.com.tw/GK-M/product/p26017201
  5. Apparently Satelight animated the anime adaptation of Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-Chan? Huh. I may have to check it out. It's been a while since I last jumped into the Haruhi clusterfrakk...
  6. https://www.facebook.com/AceCombatAmericas/videos/233858537541528/ https://www.facebook.com/AceCombatAmericas/videos/401042933772383/ EDIT: Also, not coincidentally, AC6 has been added to the Xbone's backwards compatibility list along with some other games. I'd be interested in seeing if the XbOX enhances it at all the way it does with some other games, like rendering at 4K, forcing anisotropic filtering, etc. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/xbox-one-adds-new-backwards-compatible-game-today/1100-6464432/
  7. https://www.facebook.com/AceCombatAmericas/videos/1342841469189169/
  8. I remember thinking so, too, when I saw it. And yet I can't remember a single thing that happened in it... or the last one, for that matter... or the one before that... A two-parter makes me immediately wary, but we'll see.
  9. Damn, beat me to it. More Michelle Yeoh is always welcome Michelle Yeoh. I will never complain.
  10. A subreddit has low-key turned into a Spider-Man hangout. (EDIT: frakk it, just spoiler the whole thing I guess.)
  11. Well, with John Wick himself being so good with pencils, you have to suspect that food utensils are low-key the most broken weapons in the world. I felt like he was a good choice when I saw that pic. He's been a solid low-A, mid-B-tier Hollywood martial arts actor for a while now, and seems like he would fit perfectly in this world.
  12. Who arr you guys talking about? The only person I see in those pics is Keanu Reeves, no Mark Dacascos. (Fun fact: Dacascos is a vegetarian, so whenever the tasting for each Iron Chef America competition comes along, he only ever eats a couple bites, and rarely finishes more than half a plate.)
  13. Did y'all watch Ghost in the Shell and then get a Mateba? Please tell me you have a Mateba.
  14. Presumably this is the final official trailer, and it's got some VERY good footage: EDIT: 4 days left: https://www.facebook.com/AceCombatAmericas/videos/240393510193150/
  15. Yeah, we tend to forget just how funky all of these iconic designs really were... EDIT: Who designed that Evolve version?I feel like I'd rather just see the O Gundam MB'ed.
  16. https://www.facebook.com/AceCombatAmericas/videos/303683260284280/
  17. You're talking about this, right? (I'm sure there's more, but this always seems to be everyone's go-to.) That's all well and good, except... these aren't those characters. These characters are unique to this movie, despite whatever similarities they may have to past renditions. Spider-Gwen in the comics is in college, for instance (or, well, the Gwen we follow, anyway); here she's in middle school. Her costume is very slightly different; she wears ballet slippers in the movie and Chucks in the comics. During Peter B's intro, there's imagery that evokes the Gwen arc when he mentions that he broke his back, but that's about the extent of it. As far as we know, he never met a Gwen Stacy. For what it's worth, that scene isn't in the movie, and the movie itself doesn't (IIRC anyway) go nearly that far with the chromatic aberration elsewhere. It may have been used to test animation techniques and/or got cut as part of the ~10 minutes of footage that the director mentioned happening.
  18. It's really weird; the first two seasons have great extended fight sequences - the hallway fights. The third season does a better job telling an interesting story, and the irritating characters from the first two seasons are better-written (IIRC), but the fight choreography takes some major steps back. Some punches very obviously did not land, and I wasn't even looking out for them.
  19. https://www.facebook.com/AceCombatAmericas/videos/388747801691567/
  20. Sorry, I meant specifically any future seasons. That said... Ouch. Well, alrighty then. That's gonna be a long two years. Hopefully in that time they'll get better at action scenes; Daredevil season 3 was really good otherwise.
  21. https://screenrant.com/bumblebee-movie-profit-sequel/ "[Paramount parent company] Viacom CEO Bob Bakish hailed the success of Paramount's Bumblebee ... According to Bakish, Bumblebee has been "solidly profitable" in light of what happened with the last film in the series, 2017's Transformers: The Last Knight, which lost $100 million." A sequel now seems more likely than not. Y'know what? I'd be down. I don't want or particularly need one the way some of you might, but I wouldn't mind paying to see it.
  22. They're really going hard for the final push, aren't they? (Couldn't find this on Youtube, so the FB video it is.) EDIT: Link in case video embedding doesn't work: https://www.facebook.com/AceCombatAmericas/posts/1999682993456064
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