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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Seconding @wmkjr's guess. Frame Arms was my first guess as well, and many of the details match. Likely it's a kitbash of several Frame Arms/MSG kits with some extensive scratch-building as well.
  2. Yep. I've never ever played RE2, or much of the original RE, or RE3, Code Veronica, etc. My first RE was 5, then 6, then finally RE4 something like in 2013 or so. As much as I loved me some tank control survival horror in Onimusha and Fatal Frame, I could never muster up any interest in the franchise that started it all. (And my path through said franchise didn't exactly help matters...) I wonder if the PS4 version supports mouse and keyboard. I know some games do, it would be interesting to see if RE2 does as well. In case you haven't yet bought the HD Remix, KH3 has an option on the main menu that lets you recap all the games in the franchise in the form of five or six movies to catch you up on the lore, so you don't need to play through all the previous ones. Anyway, my thoughts on KH3 so far, 30 minutes in: - Feels like a bona fide sequel to KH2 gameplay-wise. Magic bar is back, equippable abilities are back, none of that horse crap cards and sleights and dream eater tamagotchi systems, no command decks. Combat animations are still a little startup-heavy as they've been since BBS, but the combat flows way more like KH2 than the spinoff games in general and BBS in particular. - Really digging the bigger levels and greater FOV camera with which to appreciate them. - Writing for the Serious Kingdom Hearts Light Versus Darkness Business is as obnoxiously pretentious as ever. Writing for all the dumb goofy shenanigans has gotten a serious upgrade in quality, carrying over from Dream Drop Distance. Keep that translator on hand, they're worth the money. - I know the new theme song is divisive, but shut up it's bangin'. All in all, off to a good start.
  3. Experienced my first "midnight" release, for KH3. All in all, it was really pleasant, and the strangers there were great company. Maybe that's unsurprising, but it's new to me, so yeah. Anyway, currently saving the game to console. I'm sure it'll be great, warts and all. Next paycheck: RE2make. Currently the three biggest releases on my radar, and they were released within 10 days of each other. Oof.
  4. If you're talking about the post-stall maneuvers, it's a new feature they added in for people to have fun with. If you're flying at low enough speed, you can enter into a post-stall state by pressing both accelerate/decelerate then immediately pitching the nose of the plane up. If you hold down the accelerator during this time, you can pull off cobra maneuvers and kulbit loops; if not, you'll pretty quickly lose airspeed and stall. It's mostly there for fun, though I'm sure there are some practical uses for it in-game. I think I preferred HAWX's implementation of high-G scenarios, where the camera switches to a zoomed-out third person perspective and you're able to control the plane however you see fit, but obviously lacking any indicators of speed, altitude, warning lights, etc. I just remember maintaining an Su-27 (or something similar, I forget, it was ages ago) some two feet off the ocean surface, its nose pitched straight into the sky, and it was the raddest thing that game ever had to offer. On another note, I'm leaving Mission 14 alone for now and trying - dear GOD, am I trying - to S Rank Mission 9, which I think is an even more impossible task. That's the one where you can't go above the clouds or a satellite-guided missile will take you out. On Ace difficulty, with the right equipment, you can take three hits in quick succession before dying, or multiple hits if enough time passes between the second and third hits. But the mission is just such a pain all around. The time bonus seems really generous this mission, though, and I managed to get an A even without shooting down EVERY single enemy in the first half, so maybe I can just be patient and really make sure I take everything out. On another another note, does anyone else notice that the Russian planes all universally have both stupidly high stall speeds and react much worse to a stall than their US counterparts? They'll instantly nosedive if you so much as graze the 300 km/h mark, whereas US planes will enter into a "gentle" stall starting around 250 km/h, and even when you reach full stall around 200 km/h, they'll take half a second longer to nosedive.
  5. I believe in AC6 and I know in AC7 you have the ability to change the controls to that of the PS2-era games. I seem to recall doing that with AC6, then reverting them to their default because holding the 360 controller's RB for afterburner and the Back button for weapons switching was not a good feeling in any respect.
  6. Has anyone been able to score an S Rank on Mission 14? The night-time canyon mission where you're harangued by spotlights and can't go above 600 meters? I can't pass a B even on lower difficulties because I don't snag the time bonus even when I scream through the canyon at breakneck speed. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm clearing the canyon section faster than S Rank videos on Youtube, and I'm clearing the base in roughly the same amount of time, yet still...
  7. Phew. In order to S Rank that mission (on Ace difficulty; it might be different on lower difficulties), I had to go in with the Su-57 and just carpet bomb that entire facility with all 650 blasts from its pulse laser weapon (which, as it turns out, is really cool and my current favorite thing to use). I cleared out roughly 85% of it with a minute left, so even though the already tedious second part took me longer than usual thanks to the Su-57's poor low-speed performance, I managed to end the mission with enough points for the S. Sheesh. Some of these missions really make you work for that S.
  8. Yeah, I just tried it myself and did worse than I normally would. Those missiles really go fast. I was under the impression that you only get points for each target you personally destroy, not anything that chains off from that. But then again, they're such low-value targets it wouldn't really matter anyway. Yeah, I confirmed this on the aircraft tree as well. Both the TLS and the EML aren't as impressive as they used to be. Understandably so, but still... going from AC5/0/6 levels of overkill to the balance of AC Infinity was disappointing. Even with the upgrade parts equipped, the laser doesn't last long enough and doesn't have a good enough hitbox to be OP. Oh well.
  9. I have yet to unlock the 8AGM for any fighter, though I'm sure it would make any of those ground missions much much easier. The sandstorm mission (which I think is just like two or three missions after this) could probably use it as well. Even in an F-22 with XSDBs or F-35 with SODs, I was only getting the required points total with <30 seconds left in that part of the mission. I think I had an easier time using the A-10 w/ UGBs during the initial campaign run. I'm currently trying to make my way to getting the Su-34 and its SFFS. Maybe if I drop them at low orbit, I can finally get that weirdly elusive S Rank. Ah, that makes sense now. Will put that info to good use. Thanks! Let's hope the sales keep up. I really want another entry. Maybe that one can include a remake of AC4, too? Then after that the inevitable AC9 will HAVE to include AC0, right? Right? I worried that based on all the feedback here, the rewards per mission would drop to something like 5k-8k per mission. But I'm consistently still getting several 10k's to 150k per mission; the pace of it seems roughly on par with what I remember from the older games, so I'm not too torn about just replaying the campaign over and over again. That said, I could also be seeing a bump due to playing it on Ace difficulty. I might see worse results on a second Ace run. I ended the campaign with roughly 1.5 million in the bank, so it wasn't difficult to play the first 3-4 missions again and get enough to unlock the X-02. And... I'm kind of disappointed, honestly. It doesn't have that immediate wow factor that the... I forget what the superplane from AC6 was, but the Wyvern doesn't have its "two dozen lock-ons and initiate the Macross Missile Massacre" wow factor. I hope - HOPE - that once I unlock the part that widens the EML area of effect, I'll be able to use it more purposefully, but for now, it's just... a better end-game plane. (Also the parts indicate there's something with a laser somewhere out there, and I can't wait to see what it is. A Falken, perhaps? Something else? Something new? Something from AC3???)
  10. Friends took me along to see it over the weekend. I didn't enjoy Split and have not seen Unbreakable, so you can imagine my skepticism going in, but we hadn't hung out in a while and they were paying, so I wasn't going to say no. Without getting too Debbie Downer and opining on everything in the movie, can I simply say that the movie has some interesting ideas it wants to explore but does a TERRIBLE job doing so. The "comic books" monologues were some of the most cringe-worthy parts of the movie not just because of how ham-handed they were, but because so much of them were just plain old wrong.
  11. There's a resupply line to the east. The game says it's not for you to use, but it's for you to use. I also used the F-14D on it and did well but couldn't help going too fast for my own good. In other news, if people are still interested in the HOTAS sticks, this just popped up on my feed: https://www.androidcentral.com/thrustmaster-tflight-hotas-4-vs-hori-ace-combat-hotas-which-should-you-buy?amp
  12. What are you flying? I used an A-10 with UGBs. I went to the air base to the south first, then the canyon to the north of it, then over toward the plateau. I learned to spam the UGBs (though I imagine multi-lock-on air to ground missiles will be just as effective, or maybe even the F-104's guided rockets...). Even if you don't have a PERFECT lock on a target, generally the splash damage will destroy SOMETHING, and you have plenty of them to use. After clearing out the canyon, I went back to resupply, and even then I still had a few bombs left over. Even with the plodding A-10, I managed to rack up just over 17k, 18k points. On NG+ that easily shot up past 22k.
  13. Anyone know how to down the named ace fighter in the mission "First Contact"? And/or how to get S Rank? I think maybe on the second issue you either have to defeat the three Su-30s and/or rack up a lot of points in general. But on the first issue, it shows up as soon as you complete the first set of mission objectives - ie destroy all TGTs - but it's only available to kill for something like four seconds before the drones arrive, which does not give you nearly enough time to down it, even with something like the F-18's rail cannon.
  14. Ugh..... I think it's owing to the original Japanese script, but they really could have used a second pass at the translation to smooth out the verb tense. The narration will switch from past to present to past perfect at the drop of a hat, and it never EVER fails to claw at my ears like a cheese grater. I mean besides that the dialogue and story are fine, but just... that one aspect elicits a pained "gaaaAAAAARGH" every single cutscene. Yeah, this franchise is not going to survive, I don't think. I'm just going to enjoy what I have here to the fullest. The most effective way to select a specific target is to point your nose at it and press Triangle. Generally, the first thing the targeting system will select is whatever is directly in front of you; further Triangle presses will cycle within a small cone of that first target. If this is the same mission I'm thinking of, use your map to keep an eye on the larger battlefield. The bombers will only be coming from the east and will consistently be headed west toward the island; those to the south are only fighters and drones, and those trying to chase you down will be fading on and off your radar (F-35s) and/or change heading to chase you down. For my part, I hated the "Manual IFF" mechanic more, and I hope it doesn't remain a gameplay mechanic for much longer. Yeah, now that I think about it, they could have implemented some very useful HUD functions into the D-pad. Right/Left choose between displaying All Targets/Only TGTs/Only Air/Only Ground, Up cycles through perspective, Down for flares and/or hold for auto-pilot... I really dislike Flare on L3+R3 because too often pressing them messes with both my movement and my camera. holding down one button with your thumb for auto-pilot is just way easier than clenching the shoulder buttons/triggers.
  15. It's a pain cycling through targets, more so than I remember the older games being. Too often I'll defeat a target only to have the reticle suddenly lock on to something way off on the horizon in the direction my nose is pointing rather than an enemy fighter mixed up in the current dogfight. Even prressing Triangle multiple times will only cycle through those far-off targets unless I swerve away from them, usually pitching straight up to force zero targets in front of me and thus the targeting system to lock on to the nearest enemy.
  16. Things I don't like: - The A-10's gun both doesn't sound as powerful as it used to and isn't as powerful as it used to be. - The A-10's rockets aren't nearly as effective as they were in AC6. - Guns in general aren't nearly as effective as they used to be. (That said, I love that its effective range is truer to life than ever. I managed to lead an enemy UAV with A-10 gatling fire from way outside of "gun reticle" range.) Clearly I've been using a lot of the A-10 lately.
  17. In actual gunpla news, that blue (Ex-)S Gundam will now be a thing: https://www.gundam.info/news/gunpla/news_gunpla_20190118_08.html For those who don't remember what this is, it's a bundle kit that includes the S Gundam and Ex-S Gundam parts, molded in alternative colors, and the newly-tooled parts created for the Deep Striker. This is a regular retail release. April 12,000 JPY --- On the same page, there's - 1/144 HGAC Maganac April release 1200 JPY - SD Gundam Cross Silhouette Sisquiede AEUG April release 1400 JPY - SD Gundam Cross Silhouette Sisquiede Titans April release 1400 JPY - 1/144 HG Origins Zaku II C-6/R6 April release 1800 JPY - 1/144 HG Origins Char's Zaku II (Red Comet Ver.) April release 1800 JPY - 1/144 HGCE Destiny Gundam May release 2200 JPY
  18. Well... were you good at AC3? If you did alright there, you should be fine here, insofar as playing the game is concerned. Lore-wise: In AC4, the country of Erusea (vaguely Europe) tries to take over its continent of Usea. You play Mobius 1 and stop it, defeating its super weapon Stonehenge in the process. In AC5, on the other side of the globe, the continent-nation of Yuktobania (USSR) declares war on Osea (USA). You play Wardog 4/Razgriz 1 and unify the two countries against the real instigators of the war, Belka (Nazi Germany). The other games don't seem to matter TOO much lore-wise. This game seems to be about war breaking out between Erusea and Osea (you).
  19. This doesn't have specifically to do with model kits, but I found this too good to not share. https://kotaku.com/former-bandai-employees-allegedly-embezzled-money-in-gi-1831863028/amp
  20. This is golden... retriever.
  21. I was hoping they'd do a video. They also go into the AC5 bonus, which they too think is an HD remaster.
  22. Yes. You can still get AC5 if you buy the game through... I think it was February 18 or something. Yeah, it's not great at all. It should have allowed you to move freely about with the stick/D-pad, and whatever part of the tree is in the center is what's currently selected. As is it feels really awkward and slow to move around. Also, yeah I really REALLY hope a photo mode is added in eventually, because... mwah. This game deserves one.
  23. So playing a bit of the first level of AC5 I can confirm that it's definitely a remaster of some kind. The menu elements are presented in letterboxed 4:3, but the gameplay and cutscenes, etc. are in proper 16:9. The controls have been tweaked, too. Default controls have the shoulder buttons/triggers swapped from the original (L1/R1 to yaw), as well as the radar/weapon switch buttons. You can change these back to normal in the game menu. Assets are definitely higher-quality. Um... anything else? None so far. Oh, saving doesn't emulate a PS2 memory card, more evidence this isn't just a re-release of the PS2 ISO in PS2 Classic format. Gotta get to AC7 now, will have more thoughts later maybe.
  24. @JetJockey's link showed that there is some smoothing applied to the models, which I think might just be from the emulator rendering the game at higher than native resolution. Then again, the game preloaded on my console is something like 17GB compared to the 1-4GB of the original, so they might very well have done a partial/complete overhaul of the game's assets. EDIT: For a point of reference, here's footage of the PS2 version running on the PS4's built-in PS2 emulator. It's fairly recent, too, dating back to mid-2018. Graphical glitches abound - namely the clouds seem to render incorrectly - but are fixed on the preorder bonus version (presumably, anyway; I'll be able to confirm in <2 hours). EDIT 2: And finally some footage of the preorder bonus version. Definitely seems like a full-on remaster, with code updated to run natively on the PS4 rather than as a PS2 Classic title. Higher-poly models (and textures?) and... it seems 60fps, too. Not sure if the original was a 30fps game or not. I want to say it was. Damn excited.
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