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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Okay, so it's confirmed then that these really are just the nose cones, right? Bonus points if you include actual broken windows, too.
  2. Anyone know anything about a UCAV A-10 variant? Might just be a what-if model, but it's interesting all the same. https://hlj.com/1-72-scale-a10-thunderbolt-ii-uav-hsg02307
  3. Still don't believe in this anymore, not after the train wreck that is KH3.
  4. IIRC, in the comics at least it's quite the opposite. In one of the arcs that may or may not have been retconned/AUed/whatever, the serum ages him rapidly, and he ends up giving the shield to the Falcon, who becomes the new Captain America. I don't think that particular point is ever touched on in the MCU.
  5. Actually, I take it back, that part at 1:50 made me laugh uncontrollably. You'd be terrified too if a naked grandma came sashaying at you from the dark.
  6. I wonder, do these third-party channels just... paste their names to the beginning of the trailer and upload it? Because the original is here: ...and as far as I can tell, there is zero difference between the two. Anyway, on point, I can't see this possibly being any worse than the Snyder version, but I also have zero interest in it, so... yeah...
  7. One each in both modes please.
  8. Yo, those -31s are looking real nice. But what's the difference between the A and D variants? Wings seem to be the same... or at least similar enough I can't tell the difference at a glance.
  9. Hm... I have a suspicion that those noses are actually indicative of the final products. No full models from here on out, just the noses to complement the figures. I dunno how I feel about that. Nice to see Mirage getting some love. But STILL, I wish they'd just scale these up a bit. Everything else about them looks great, it's just the minuscule size of them...
  10. HGUC Penelope out of left field. No price/release date.
  11. Blue = male Pink = female. Bar graph shows age distribution. First pic (6th place) = MDelta Second (5th) = SDFM Third (4th) = MFrontier ~Sayonara no Tsubasa~ Fourth (3rd) = M7
  12. https://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2019/05/04/nhks-all-macross-big-voting-results-are-in-macross-frontier-wins-the-crown
  13. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    Wait, HAVE GSC (or Max Factory) made full-on sex figures? I know they toe the line every now and again with this or that character in this or that line, but I thought they always stayed juuust on this side of sexually explicit.
  14. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    Maybe because like 3/4 of the cast would be very NSFW. GSC: "What memorable scenes can we recreate with these figures?" Literally Everyone: *nervous glances*
  15. BEST GIRL Though I suspect that's just because Delta is the newest show in the franchise. These popularity polls do tend to favor whatever's most recent. A "Favorite Final Fantasy heroine" poll had FF13 main character Lightning at #1 a few weeks after FF13-3 came out. The FF13 director, Motomu Toriyama, even cited that poll in pushing her into other FF games. A little bit later, FF10 HD came out, and the same poll conducted again had FF10's Yuna on top. Still, it's nice to see BEST GIRL place above the rest of the Delta cast, as she should. The fact that Kaname placed above the ostensible "stars" of the show (Freyja/Mikumo, arguably Mirage), and the fact that Delta in general seems to be represented in the lower half of the Top 10s of each poll at best, says a lot about its (lack of) lasting appeal. I doubt it'll have much representation in the Songs category, and if/when this poll is repeated in 5-10 years, I'll be surprised if it breaks Top 10 in any category. Anyone know the Mecha rankings?
  16. Apparently there's something of a little brouhaha over Bluefin and GBWC USA? Anyone know what's up? I caught ZakuAurelius's video, but his video is vague at best, so I'm guessing this is the video he's responding to??? The dislikes would seem to suggest as much.
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