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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Did anyone else notice the framing in this movie? Lots of shot-reverse shot, and the editing of the ADR (additional dialogue recording) into those shots wasn't always great, and lots of cutting back and forth between character expressions, and sometimes you could tell the shots are out of sync. The shot of Peter getting walloped by the Water Elemental on the bridge looked pretty amateurish and lacked impact. You could tell he was just being pulled by a rope. Probably not things one would notice on a single or even multiple viewings, but I couldn't NOT notice it when I saw the movie three times in three days.
  2. Yeah, I really like Walk Like an Egyptian, but Last Train Home quickly grew on me in its own way. A really mellow, relaxed but melancholic tune. It's part of the reason why I wasn't too put off by the spoilers. I already had a feeling. Will look for them, thanks.
  3. Not as much a fan of Stardust Crusaders as the previous two arcs, but I'll say this: Jojo's OP/ED game was and remains super on point.
  4. Wow, the -31S hasn't come out yet? I could've sworn it already did... But man alive, that Kaname box art looks so frakking gorgeous.
  5. Have I mentioned how much I low-key love Maya? I'm super stoked to see her get some time in the limelight.
  6. Please tell me they're not actually doing well...
  7. No worries, mates. Gonna restart the binge tonight, hopefully I make it through the entire season before tapping out for the night.
  8. I'm sure the kids will like it just fine. We're old, remember that.
  9. Well crap, now I know he dies for real. Eh, it was a 30-years old spoiler, I guess I can live with it.
  10. What are y'all talking about the cartoon movie IS the real ending shut up stop lying This looks way better than I expected. Call me a traitorous weaboo a-hole, though, but the entire trailer I kept catching myself wishing they'd switch back to a native Chinese dialect and not this weird English dub, the voices just don't match the characters, Disney really dropped the ball there.
  11. Yeah, Wayforward are really firing on all cylinders right now. What was the presumably prequel game, River City Ransom?
  12. Isn't this supposed to be the final season? Or does the ending imply a continuation? I haven't checked the season myself yet - still bingeing Jojo - so I wouldn't know.
  13. Okay frakk all that HG noise it's time for shantae tho
  14. Reading through that thread made me search up this gem again:
  15. They've trademarked/copyrighted/whatever the word "Macross" as well as other oft-used terms, I think. If Bandai/BW/Nue did release the sequels in the west, they'd have to remove those references or pay HG... for rights... to their own creation... siiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh
  16. You know what? I really, really love this Macross thing. No other entertainment property has taken me on quite so many emotional roller coasters with so many highs and lows over the course of not just two hours, or 20 episodes, or seasons or series, but an entire lifetime as Macross. YA-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  17. https://www.denofgeek.com/us/tv/robotech/282027/the-robotechmacross-license-has-been-extended-exclusive Some more context for y'all. Not for those who despise any amount of Robotech/HG boot-licking. This part interests me the most:
  18. Finished the journey to Egypt arc of Stardust Crusaders. The formula got a bit boring by the end of the season - lots of monster of the week plots - but the developing camaraderie of the team helped get me through it. Episodes 10 and 22, though. BANG! right in the feels. It would have been nice if more of the enemies had received similar longer-term stories. They were all interesting in their own ways, only to almost universally be dispatched within one or two episodes. Here's hoping some are secretly Hol Horses, though.
  19. By unbelievable circumstance, three different parties wanted to see this movie three days in a row. Took the kids on Tuesday, then a cousin invited me out on Wednesday, then a friend tonight. Sheesh. I feel Spider-wiped out. It's an enjoyable movie, but definitely meant for more casual watching. Cute high school romantic comedy, and I can only sit through so much of that at a time.
  20. I keep seeing this sentiment, and I wonder where it must be coming from or what fluke of the gods it was that my specific one was totally fine. Shoulder flap threw me for a loop because I kept expecting it to be able to droop down more, but that's about as bad as it ever got for me.
  21. If they'd had their way, I'm sure Netflix would have just recycled the old dub and translation and saved themselves tons of work.
  22. I finished Battle Tendency myself yesterday (thanks to this discussion), and pretty much all of this is me. I find the constant "explaining" of every move (it's really more accurate to call it "justifying") to be tiring sometimes, but the characters are interesting enough and the goings-on zany and unpredictable enough that I just roll with it and have a good time. The sudden shift to Stands in the next arc threw me for a loop. I thought the development of Stands would involve a story arc, but nope, just bam, first episode, ghost buddies helping you out. That plus the generational and geographical leap helps keep things interesting and the pace brisk. I can see why people like this show so much.
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