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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. I REFUSE to believe that is a legitimate thing that was released for commercial consumption. Wh-what? I mean, I get taking stuff from the original show, the two franchises have that as a common starting point, but... but why would Robotech fans take from the Macross sequels? They have Robotech! Why take things from unrelated sequels and risk copyright/trademark infringement when you can just take stuff from your own franchise's sequohhhhhh, that's right... With all the effort Robotech fans have apparently put into ripping off Macross, I wonder why they don't just, y'know, be Macross fans. Seems like it would be much less effort, and more fulfilling to boot.
  2. Yeah, the art style is a really big shift. I like it a lot, but the flat lighting, especially the sky in outdoor scenes, makes everything feel just that much more off from reality. Well, "reality." Jotaro progressively gets younger. I just caught a picture of him in Part 6, which stars his teenage daughter, and he looks the same age as her. Dude went from a 40-year-old looking 17-year-old to a 17-year-old looking 40-year old. It's so weird. One might even call it bizarre.
  3. Cut the parts off the runners into bags, and you'll save over half the weight and space (unless you decide to keep the box).
  4. Speaking of, gave a new friend of mine the Frontier series last weekend, and he finished the entire thing by Wednesday. I think it's fair to say he liked it.
  5. Too frakking right. This frakking sucks.
  6. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/19/world/asia/japan-fire-kyoto-animation.html "Japan Fire Killed Mostly Women, at a Studio Known for Hiring Them" God frakking damn it. (Entire article quoted here in case you can't access NYT, but you should give them a sub.)
  7. My god, that HAS to be the lighting in the studio. Or the color grading. Or SOMETHING. No person can possibly be that artificially tan. EDIT: On topic, way better trailer than I thought it could or would be. Here's hoping the actual thing meets the expectations set up by this trailer.
  8. I mean, if you don't like your RD GP01, I'd be more than happy to take it off your hands. IMO, it's the closest Bandai's ever gotten to a perfect GP01.
  9. IIRC, the Tallgeese, Epyon, and Wing Zero are all technically "EW" designs that just so happen to be exactly or nearly the same as their original TV designs. The "EW" TG has some extra color that wasn't present on the TV version, but it's essentially the same design. The "EW" Epyon looks generally similar to its TV design, but there are subtle changes throughout. And the TV Wing Zero gets a similar makeover AND is re-christened the Wing Proto Zero to differentiate it from the EW Wing Zero with its angel wings and blue-centric color scheme. This is all IIRC, of course, since I haven't read the manga.
  10. Hasn't he retired from the industry multiple times now? Maybe? Just imagining it?
  11. What the actual frakk.
  12. Part 4 of Jojo is off to a stronger start than Stardust Crusaders, IMO. Just beginning the psychotic yandere part that I've seen memed to hell and back now, am excite. Some wtf's, though:
  13. I thought the second movie was good. I kind of forget what happens in it, but I remember having a good time.
  14. Oh no worries, I wasn't offended. Ah.... You know, it's funny because I made extra sure too on the "valkyrie" translation to get that right. And yet didn't notice when checking Walkure (thrice!). Sometimes my eyes just roam right past what I'm supposed to be looking at.
  15. I wish there was a way to downvote news pieces for being lazy, because this "article"'s sole source of info is the Den of Geek article, whose sole source is the HG press release (with a subsequent interview with HG staff).
  16. Eh, you know how the Japanese are with their L's and R's. EDIT: I should add that the pronunciation isn't a case of Engrish or anything, it's intentional. The same (English) word, "Valkyrie," is written and pronounced バルキリー "ba-ru-ki-rii" and the word used in the song Sayonara no Tsubasa, "Valkyria," is written/pronounced バルキリア "ba-ru-ki-ri-a" I don't know if you're familiar with the promotional art, but the "W" visual is getting lots of play here. The W in the idol group name, the hand signs, the wing configuration of Delta Squad's VF-31s, etc.
  17. If you're wondering how the specific pronunciation in-show, it's ワルキューレ or "wa-ri-kyuu-re" or "wall-cue-ray".
  18. See? Clearly. This thing must be huge. Would it be the biggest RD to date? Or have they made similar/larger RDs already? Either way, I won't say no to more 0083 ANIME designs. That GP01 looks so freaking good.
  19. Ah yes, completely forgot about that. That's where the Valks were actually colored as they are on these special color kits, right?
  20. I don't know where you're getting "Xamel" from. That's clearly a D-50C Loto silhouette. Clearly.
  21. Hey, was there a re-issue announcement for the YF-19 25th Anniversary Color kit? HLJ has them on backorder right now, and I placed an order, though I don't know if they've just marked it at that status because of all the other re-issues lately. I didn't see anything on the Hasegawa calendars, but I may have missed it.
  22. So I'm coming to the end of Stardust Crusaders, and it's been a heck of a romp. Once things finally got going with Dio proper, they went fast. The episodic nature does the story a disservice, though, methinks. @Seto Kaiba, I remember you expressing similar dissatisfaction with the ending. I don't know if you checked out the older OVA version of the same story, but I feel like it does some parts better even if it's less accurate to the source material. The final fight definitely takes some cool liberties. Something you might want to check out.
  23. In the opening episode, each member of the idol group Walkure is escorted by a corresponding member of Delta Squadron, with each member of Delta having a unique variant of the VF-31. This ostensibly carries on through the rest of the show, but it doesn't ever really come up again. The colorful kits reflect this relationship. So the Kaname-themed VF is a VF-31F, the Makina one is a VF-31C, and presumably a Mikumo/Reina/Freyja one would be a VF-31S/E/J, respectively.
  24. I didn't particularly want to see it again after the first show, but like I said in a previous post, different friends happened to want to see it different days. I actually went and caught Endgame again last weekend during a matinee, for the extra bits at the end. They were kind of meh, especially since one extra bit was just the intro to Far From Home. Still, it's Endgame, so... it'll always be fun to see it on the big screen. (I think this makes it my... 4th? 3rd? viewing of that, too.)
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