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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Pretty much, yeah. Wing EW looks more like the Wing Zero EW, with different wings/forearms. It gets optional buster rifle ammo packs and a shield. Deathscythe similarly has different wings/forearms, but also different shoulders. Its beam scythe oddly enough is exactly the same, though in fairness don't fix what ain't broke, I guess. It retains the shooty beamy shield thing from the TV Deathscythe. Heavyarms looks almost exactly like its EW counterpart. The difference is in the minute details; the missiles in its packs are lessened as well as the number of guns in its chest. It does come with a big frakk-off gatling gun, though, with belt and ammo drum. Shenlong is exactly the same as its EW movie look. The dragon fangs become a single dragon fang, and it loses the ability to extend that arm like the TV version can (though the fang does have a bit of an extension gimmick built in...). The beam glaive of the TV version becomes a beam trident (which then becomes the double beam trident of the TV/EW Altron). The Sandrock is exactly the same as its EW version. It gets a shield and machine gun that the EW version lacks. The EW version gets that cloak thing instead.
  2. Yeah... "display"...
  3. I don't touch RGs anymore (though this might change my mind), but you should check out Bluefin first to make sure you don't pay up the butt when you don't have to: https://www.bluefinbrands.com/tallgeese-iii-gundam-wing-endless-waltz-bandai-rg-1-144-bas5058023.html
  4. Started Konosuba the other day. It turns out I can't stand these Isekai setups where the fantasy world isn't explicitly an RPG but runs on RPG rules, but the characters are fun at least. They help to distract from the absolutely boring world and all the questions I have about it. It seems like something to just shut your mind down and have fun with the wacky mishaps the characters get into. That's fine, I guess. The kids like it, so it'll be something to watch with them. ...it's just I see this and I get cravings for Escaflowne and Slayers to come show them how Isekai and comedic fantasy anime are done right.
  5. I prefer to think of it as a frog gullet, myself. It grows on you after a while.
  6. Eh... It looks like a fairly standard Gundam "detail-up" conversion kit. Lots of nonsense details thrown all over the place without a thought given to function, or even the semblance of function. I wouldn't say it's bad, per se, just kind of... messy. That huge glass cockpit, though. If that isn't a big ol' "Kick Me" sign, I don't know what is. Those extra long exhaust nozzles/feet, too... But I mean, it's a game effort.
  7. http://www.kyotoanimation.co.jp/information/?id=3080
  8. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    Don't think we can't see exactly what your name is.
  9. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    I believe she and Alto are 17 throughout the entirety of Frontier, and Ranka is 16. But now I think about it I have no clue where I got those numbers, so...
  10. Isn't the Macross wiki notorious for having outdated and/or flat-out false articles? Last time I checked one of their articles, I X'ed out after I couldn't figure out where one section started and another ended.
  11. Obviously Seto's working on an answer to this as we speak, but maybe I can beat him to it. IIRC, the YF-24 prototype became the VF-24, and is strictly for Earth forces use. Something about increased autonomy for the immigrant fleets, but because of that Earth wants to keep the true strength of its fighter a secret. Toned-down monkey model schematics(?) were distributed throughout the immigrant fleets for use in making their own local variants, which is where the VF-25 et al come from.
  12. How old IS the F-16? I always feel like it's 20 years old, max, no matter how much time goes by. But then I also can't accept that the F-22 was basically made in 1990 or thereabouts, so maybe I just have a poor sense of time...
  13. Nah, I'm sure it's great, I just always raise my eyebrows a little bit in skepticism when it comes to IGN.
  14. I just gotta say I honestly never expected Gilbert and Sullivan to be referenced here.
  15. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    Eat your heart out, real doll "collectors."
  16. https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/culture/20190725-OYT1T50298/ The tl;dr of it: Firefighter anime Fire Force has made visual and narrative changes to its third episode, and will roll those changes through to future episodes as well, in light of the KyoAni fire. According to some person on reddit, episode 3 --- So... yikes. That's rough for everybody, to put it extremely mildly. In situations like this, I think it would have been just as "good" a move to run a monologue before and after the episode airs expressing the same sympathy and remorse that everyone feels and provide links/phone numbers for donations and the like. No one in their right mind would blame the makers of this anime for what happened to KyoAni, nor would (or at least should) they hold any animosity toward them for continuing to pursue their commercial/artistic goals. That said, I can understand the studio also not wanting to, even unintentionally, further agitate audiences' already raw emotions. Rough place to be in.
  17. Same kind of VF-1X++ as in Macross the Ride? Is it a civilian model, or military? Am I right in assuming that it's based on the VF-1X Valkyrie Plus?
  18. I'm sure this has been asked before, but In the The False Songstress "next episode preview" of The Wings of Goodbye, there's a red Super VF-1 and what looks to be a Monster in Destroid form with gatling guns in place of its standard missile launcher arms. I can't be arsed to go through all of WoG right now, but I don't recall either of those being in there. Were they simply placeholders? I'd imagine that's the case for at least the VF-1, to avoid revealing the YF-29 early. If not, where in the movie do they show up and why?
  19. My friend wanted to see it too and dragged me along with. My thoughts on it, not knowing anything about the series: All of that said, I'm sure I'd like it more if I watched the show, so... sure, 6/10, it's pretty standard anime fare I guess. (Seriously though, who were those two dark-haired chicks because GAT DAYUM.) Also, there was a trailer for apparently an August screening of Millennium Actress, and I am most definitely not missing out on that opportunity. That movie is so frakking good.
  20. Question: Which of the two recent Supermans (Superman Returns, Man of Steel) is better? I'd choose the former if locked in a room and forced to watch one in its entirety before I'd be let out, but having not seen all of either, I couldn't say for sure.
  21. Bit of column A, bit of column B. So... People love that she brought an end to an intergalactic war through the power of song, they just... hate bringing an end to an intergalactic war through the power of song. (Okay, seriously, I know I'm just attacking a strawman making fun of Robotech here, but boy is it fun to attack strawmen make fun of Robotech sometimes all the time.)
  22. Well, there's the chef... And Josuke fixes broken noses on the regular... I wonder, if Kishibe Rohan opened up Reimi and Arnold and wrote in that they weren't dead, would they come back to life?
  23. I think that's a consequence of the slice-of-life flavor that this arc took on. Some of your neighbors having wacky, stupidly specific magical powers that the rest of your neighbors can't see is silly. Part 5 so far seems to have the same sense of... inconsequentiality? Low stakes is what I mean, even though the stakes have obviously ramped up from Diamond is Unbreakable. Just seems like a wacky fun aaaaaadventure time! rather than the more serious, personally-driven main conflicts of the first three stories. All of that, then (spoilers in case you haven't gotten there yet) People have said as much too, now that I look them up. I also found it insanely weird that Jotaro opted to give his Stand's ability a name, and especially to name it after his nemesis. If anything, I'd have thought he'd simply tell Star Platinum to "TOKI WO TOMARE!" but then again that would rob us of more wonderful "ZA WARUDO!" pronunciations, so let it rock, I suppose.
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