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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. You know, now that they have the molds for it, I don't know why they don't release a LE "Super YF-19" kit.
  2. What are you guys talking about it can't be that siiiiiiiiiigggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh god damn it god damn it god damn it
  3. I think the 00 re-release is going for the "Designer Color Version" look based on Kanetake Ebikawa's original artwork. Note the paler red and yellow as well. Bandai's hobby division released a similarly-colored kit back during the run of the show. left is TV version, right is DCV
  4. I mean the real answer is whatever design Kawamori decides isn't TOO protagonist material. My money's on the VF-25. Since the -25 is a spiritual successor to the VF-1, it can fit into the same mass-production roles. It can achieve a heroic look, but not TOO heroic, wouldn't want to upstage the aces sharing the battlefield.
  5. I think someone points out in the forums there that Gundam churned up interest in MSG by way of its more recent entries, allowing MSG to sell fairly well when it finally released on DVD(/BD?). You kind of need that modern entry point to get new fans interested in something as old as these OG shows rather than just relying on the dwindling and aging fanbase to achieve high sales.
  6. Aggretsuko season 2 continues to have some damn good localization work. Weirdly enough, it reminds me a lot of Bojack Horseman, just with a somewhat cheerier disposition. EDIT: ok but anai's fraked tho
  7. Gah, yeah, that too. I didn't mean to imply it was a bad or incomplete summary. In my own haste to be, well, hasty, I skimmed over some details myself. The irony...
  8. Yeah, for as concise as the author was trying to be, the unintended result was that he skimmed over some important details.
  9. ANN q&a about the recent license renewal: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/answerman/2019-08-07/.148929
  10. So you were saying that it looks basically like a MG Zeta 2.0, but is the parts makeup also similar? Did they just take maybe the inner frame, say, and recast it in metal?
  11. Um. Think I'm good, thanks.
  12. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    Man, these have really appreciated in value. Didn't they initially start at like 4k?
  13. Apparently they turned a This American Life segment into a movie. Here's the segment in question: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/585/in-defense-of-ignorance/act-one-5 And here's the movie version: This is a very Asian movie. I'll probably check it out.
  14. So a couple days ago I came across these... when cleaning out my niece's closet. They were my sister's before she died, but there were no CDs (for the jewel cases) to go with them. So I got to looking up the songs on Youtube and boy was it a blast from the past. Lots of Digimon songs (back when there was no possible way to watch the original Japanese versions), an Inu-Yasha song or two, and this from Revolutionary Girl Utena: Fast forward a few days later, and my Youtube recc's are blowing up with the rest of the soundtrack, and GOD DAMN what a soundtrack it is. Seems I'm gonna have to finally watch this show; thankfully the entire series is officially available subbed on Youtube.
  15. Yeah, I can see why some would prefer the laser-focused overarching plot of SC over DiU, and admittedly SC and GW feel like actual adventures as opposed to... a slice of life??? anime. What I like about DiU is that each enemy of the week adds to the town of Morioh, and isn't strictly antagonistic. Everyone seems like an enemy at first, but more often than not it's just two people's eccentricities clashing with each other for a bit. Eventually, you expect that that's simply how it goes in a town of Stand users: There's just always going to be the occasional random incident that escalates into a full-blown Stand battle. You know, like how I imagine New York is or something. You'd hope so, right? "It can't possibly be this jack-off contorting his limbs into an impossible pose, what a sneaky konoyarou!" "Ah, you thought it was the yoga instructor, but it was me, this random frakking ant!" ã‚´ã‚´ã‚´ã‚´ã‚´ã‚´ã‚´
  16. Finally finished Jojo: Golden Wind. All in all, it doesn't hit the high water mark of Diamond is Not Crash Unbreakable. It returns to the "road trip" storytelling of Part 3/Stardust Crusaders, and runs into a lot of the same issues as that: formulaic enemy of the week episodes, a pace that's both too fast and too slow, and, surprisingly for a 39-episode run, remarkably little in the way of characterization. Giorno is the closest the series has ever come to a Gary Stu protagonist; he always seems to know what's going on, he always seems to have the best ideas, everyone always seems to respect and/or defer to and/or fear him, his Stand powers are conveniently vague enough to justify pretty much anything he does... The number of times Narancia or Mista panic and he interjects with a guesstimate that just happens to be exactly correct quickly grated on me. This is a weird one where I feel like either 20 episodes more or 20 episodes less would have really benefited the final product. Either condensing the story, expanding some characters (like Risotto) while excising others completely (like pretty much the entire rest of the assassin team or whatever they were called); or expanding the story to allow for down time, offering the chance to get to know the characters without the need for a narrator, would have been preferable to the story as is. I spent 30+ episodes with Trish and still don't really have a firm grasp of her character, for instance. The ending also seemed really abrupt. I'd have thought there'd be some sort of epilogue in store or... something. An episode to tie off loose ends. The Rolling Stones two-parter obviously was meant to fit that role, but instead it just added more stakes to a story that was already chock full of them and was in dire need of ramping down. Probably my least favorite of the five animated parts so far, but still more enjoyable than not. I've heard good things about the Jolyne arc; looking forward to it.
  17. Seems like it's kind of really incredibly fundamentally missing the point. If you're gonna get the MB, it's because it deviates so far from the original design. Changing the head and shoulders (and ankle guard?) is like a 10% fix at best when the arms and trunk and legs and feet and proportions thereof are still so specifically MB.
  18. Yeah, I wasn't sure how to word it, either. It's actually changed once already. I think yours works better, I'll change it again. I didn't intend to get you riled up about this, I hope you know. I posted it because it's a weird freak instance of outside shenanigans intersecting with Macross shenanigans. I don't know enough about ANN to speak to their veracity or lack thereof. They did reach out to her. From the article: ANN didn't ask another VA. They saw and reported the Twitter post made by a VA named Brett Weaver, and followed up on it with Iijima, who declined to comment. I mean, they probably also followed up on it with Weaver and the other people mentioned in the article, too. I'm just saying they followed up with her specifically and she declined to comment. So I guess that's the end of that as far as this forum is concerned. True or not, I never would've thought that the Mignogna... fiasco... would ever in a million years intersect with our neck of the woods, so to speak. Anyway. That's that.
  19. I do wonder, though. Seems like you could just watch this instead and save yourself an hour and a half:
  20. Are you sure? Must've been bought between then and now, because I don't see it listed anymore. I can find the original listing, which is for a new item and is discontinued, but no preowned ones. They'll have condition rankings on the product page next to the name of the item, like so: https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-000570-R (Pre-owned ITEM:A/BOX:B)
  21. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2019-07-31/former-tekkoshocon-staff-allege-mignogna-harassed-macross-voice-actress-mari-iijima/.149505 Not sure who he is, though I know I've seen the name. The article details his behavior towards her at a con in 2007. EDIT: Okay, got the gist of it now. Vic Mignona, American VA, known for stuff like Full Metal Alchemist, came under fire for alleged super creep behavior going back a decade or more. The article details recent allegations made by con staff for Tekkoshocon that he stalked Mari Ijima, calling her hotel phone and even showing up at her door. She had to change rooms for the duration of the con and had it booked under an alias, and con organizers hired personal bodyguards for her. Apparently there's an ongoing lawsuit by him vs Funimation and some other people, I don't know the whole story, I skimmed through most of it just to focus on the Macross stuff.
  22. You might not be able to do so, but I know that used figures show up on amiami from time to time. Search for in-stock items, including pre-owned ones.
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