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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    Sorry, I didn't mean that they're low quality. Just the designs themselves are VERY 80s. I'm getting flashbacks to my childhood.
  2. On the one hand, I'm just as hopeful that AMD nails 4th-gen Ryzen. Maybe even take over the gaming crown? On the other hand, I really hope Intel finds its footing again, and soon. Above and beyond the regular implications for the industry, the US losing one of its last bastions of processor manufacturing is a bit disconcerting, especially with competitors being increasingly tied not just to China but the Chinese government in particular. Or am I being paranoid in that regard? I admit I don't know the industry players all that well, just loose national associations.
  3. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    Phew. Those are some 80s-ass 80s designs.
  4. Except it can be argued he did exactly that with Delta, both by its aping Frontier and by its focus on idol groups a la AKB0048. That's not to say that's a bad thing. So long as he's tweaking old ideas for new projects, I wouldn't mind him taking another stab at the original premise for Delta, ie competing idol+flight demo groups.
  5. Good to know, I might just jump on a Maruyama then. I'd been debating for a while now anyhow.
  6. There's also been instances of video game companies - Sony, most notably, though MS and Nintendo recently, too, to an extent - tamping down on some of the more risque elements of not just but mostly (or at least most visibly) Japanese games. I don't know if that's part of what bluemax is referring to.
  7. Not cannon fodder Super armaments?
  8. Color me surprised. This type of content was the last thing I ever expected to see from HLJ. Proper discussion starts around the 16:15 mark, but the whole thing is pretty well worth listening to. Macross even gets mentioned, however briefly.
  9. To be fair, it seems like they're finally(!!!) getting their 10nm process in order, which should hopefully sustain them through to then. I don't recall how good their 10nm chips actually are, since they're in such short supply (IIRC they're only supplied in super low-wattage devices??? yes/no???) but I want to say they benchmarked really well, especially paired with their new iGPU tech. Can't for the life of me remember any details about them, though... ;k;lfajsdf But anyway, hopefully they can start shipping out laptop and desktop 10nm chips soon? Hopefully they'll be competitive?
  10. *throws another onto the pile* See? Doesn't look much different, does it? What's one more?
  11. Nice job on the Barbatos! Something about the MG's proportions doesn't sit right with me, but still, that combo of big ol' cannon and frakk-off mace just... it gets me every time. Mwah!
  12. 9800 might be the price with tax. (10% I think? I forget.) Take that off, it's about 8900, and then HLJ tend to take off another 10-15% on top of that to remain competitive, so... 8100? Today's conversion rate, that comes to ~$75. Seems about right. Dunno, but either way, preorder placed, looking forward to it.
  13. Oh yeah this game looks damn good and has done for a long time, too:
  14. That exact problem was one of several. I'd have to unplug and replug the devices together afterwards, every single time press Allow on the iPhone, and even then sometimes the prompt wouldn't show up or the phone would be paired but shown as "Unknown device" or "Apple USB composite device" or something similar or etc. etc. etc... Good to know about disabling the high-efficiency format, thanks. I'll make sure to discreetly toggle that next time I get hands on her phone. They pay a lot of lip service to the cause of "security," but in truth a lot of their practices actively add frustrations for people not wholly invested in their ecosystem for no other reason than to punish them for... not wholly investing in their ecosystem. It just makes me swear them off even more every couple months or so I when I have to deal with their products again. I'm pretty sure I made a similar post griping about exactly this same thing in the backlog of this thread somewhere, hahah.
  15. oh my god apple can go to frakking helllllllllllllllllllllllll Just spent two hours getting my mom's iPhone to play nice with my PC so I could offload... *checks* ...20 Gig's of photos and videos. (Jesus Christ, mom.) One frustration after another after another for what should be a routine copy and delete. Whyyyyyyy????????
  16. Same. Or, well, "want," at any rate. Just built an ITX system and gave that and my old rig to the nephews, and now I'm considering a nice compact system for their sister as well. It's a shame these won't be available for DIY builders and SIs for a while yet.
  17. So Ghost of Tsushima was already looking extraordinarily beautiful, and was already pretty high up on my "probably gonna buy" list, but seeing the title sequence seals the deal for me: Anyone else getting/got this game?
  18. I've traveled from the future to tell you all what I'm currently watching a month and seven days from now:
  19. The news is a couple days old now, but all the same. He passed away on July 13, 2020. Instead of news articles, I figured I'd post some video tributes:
  20. Just got an email notification from USAGundamstore that they're receiving stock of GFFMC RX-78-02 (40th Anniversary), $200 and GFFMC MS-06C Zaku II Type C, $210 They regularly have 10% off coupon codes. Dunno how that price compares to other retailers. I know the Zaku Aurelius Youtube channel has a code that's consistently plugged on his videos. I forget what it is off the top of my head...
  21. So from a few pages ago, this got me curious: Did Isamu and Myung canonically marry or at least get together post-M+? Because my honest assessment of M+ was that... well, besides it kind of being irrelevant, they didn't.
  22. Not Gundam, but this caught my eye for being unexpected. Kotobukiya are adapting their Frame Arms Girl into crossover territory. Or, well, they're continuing to, at any rate, with the "Cross Frame Wonder Woman" that looks pretty good, honestly: https://www.hlj.com/cross-frame-girl-wonder-woman-humikane-shimada-ver-kbycg-004 I think this is the fourth in the line, with... a GaiGaiGar kit first, something else second, maybe the KojiPro Ludens girl third?
  23. Slightly off-topic, but this was a surprise. Kotobukiya are releasing a Wonder Woman model kit based on their Frame Arms Girl kits: https://www.hlj.com/cross-frame-girl-wonder-woman-humikane-shimada-ver-kbycg-004
  25. Dunno how much if any of this is true, but $18 an episode sounds so frakking insane.
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