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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Every time I'm reminded that the F-23 could have existed, I get a little teary-eyed... Anyway, since we're sharing documentaries now, I know I've shared this before, but here's an episode of NOVA focusing on the second most famous prototype fighter jet battle, the JSF development program:
  2. It's good for someone like me who has items that can't be shipped via the business couriers. In my case, I have some treats that have been waiting in my PW for... quite a while now. There's no risk of them going bad (fingers crossed ), though, so I'll probably wait a while longer for my PW fill up some more.
  3. To be fair, the ADFX-10 and ADF-11F are both huge chonky boys. They're pretty sizable even at 1/144. That said, I too would prefer some nice 1/72 kits from Hasegawa.
  4. Jesus. Who directed this video, Michael Bay? Anyway, the proportions don't look all that appealing, honestly. Actually that's a lie, it looks fine. But I'm reminded of the RG GP01, and I did not like that rendition of it at all. It's mostly the legs, I think. Not sure if it's the giant calves or what, but... eh. Well, whatever. It looks fine.
  5. I don't know how they keep getting ahead of the official announcement, but USA Gundam Store have new pics of the PG 1/60 RX-78-2 Unleashed: https://www.usagundamstore.com/products/pg-1-60-rx-78-2-unleashed-2-0
  6. I wasn't old enough to be aware of the Club-M kit back in the day, so obviously don't have one on hand. From the observations of people who have built both, apparently the Hasegawa kit is sleeker and more streamlined than the Club-M kit. And if the Hasegawa kit, the sleeker of the two, is slightly larger in all dimensions than the lineart, then the Club-M kit is probably even more so.
  7. They took orders earlier this year for what was at the time a planned November reissue of some kits, from Delta on back to OG 80s/90s kits. Not sure if they're still taking orders or not, or if the reissue schedule has changed or not.
  8. What's the Core generation that everyone seems to agree was a sort of paradigm shift in processor tech? The one that overclocks really well and is seen as still being viable even today? Was it the 2000 chips? 3000? 4000?
  9. Yikes. I almost hope that's a break and not how the toy is actually designed, because... that's really really bad design if it's intentional. There's a reason the model kit division moved away from that type of elbow design. EDIT: Some attempt to help might be appreciated, I bet. Um... There's always super glue. Not super glue them together, but apply a thin layer to one half - the peg would be easiest - and let it cure. There should be more friction which results in a tighter joint. You can do the same using other liquids as well - floor polish, paint, modelers use styrene cement sometimes, etc.
  10. I forget if My Little Pony figures were brought up here or not, but Kotobukiya have now officially moved their MLP Bishoujo line beyond the Mane 6 with the announcement of (or at least preorders are open for) Sunset Shimmer: http://en.kotobukiya.co.jp/product/product-0000003860/
  11. Apparently the 3000-series crash to desktop issues are a combination of AIBs using lower-quality capacitors (that are still within Nvidia spec, so don't blame them) and Nvidia not providing proper drivers for them to validate their card designs pre-launch and catch any such potential problems. There have been a bunch of videos, write-ups, AIB statements, etc., regarding the matter. All in all, it seems like Nvidia really mucked things up for themselves and their board partners, marring what is an otherwise pretty good product. They've released updated drivers now, which IIRC EVGA have said tentatively fixes the stability issues on their lower-end cards.
  12. All that about the subscription approach is true and all. I suppose I just don't see anything compelling to play within that subscription. A lot of the indie and "AA" games I already have on Steam. The only EA game I've played in the last... 5? 10? years is Titanfall 2, IIRC, rendering their addition to the Pass moot, and it won't be any more compelling if other big names like Square or Ubisoft also get on board, because what's true about EA is true about them, too. Even Capcom, the one big AAA dev/publisher that I've consistently bought from the past five or so years, I have basically their whole collection on Steam already, so... That all said, my coworker has been really hype about the S, and Game Pass, and especially the streaming service component, which honestly seems like the most interesting part of the whole package.
  13. Almost assuredly so. Or, well, decently probable that that's the case. That said, DeS and DS are owned by different companies, so DS coming to PC isn't necessarily an accurate barometer to measure the probability of DeS doing the same. Now, if I start hearing word of other Sony-affiliated IPs (like God of War, Spider-Man, Killzone???, Ghost of Tsushima, etc.) coming to PC, THAT'S when I'll start seriously entertaining the idea of DeS coming over. One can hope. I dunno, I think Sony's definitely got the better lineup... which is to say, they actually have a lineup. (That it's a compelling lineup is just icing on the cake.) I'm fairly certain that all of Microsoft's announced games can also be found on PC, which negates the point entirely of their dedicated gaming console. I think only Halo Infinite is Xbox-exclusive, and Halo Infinite is hardly going to be a system seller, unless I'm horribly misreading the room on it.
  14. Sony have clarified that it is not coming to PC and that the message at the end of the trailer suggesting so was an error.
  15. Oof. I completely forgot to check back on this thread, didn't see the responses to my own question. Thanks for the answers, everyone. Shame about the sparse reissues, but it's understandable. Thanks @F360 for the link, I might just jump on that.
  16. Did Bandai release new promo pics of the upcoming MG Wing Zero Ver Ka? USA Gundam Store updated their listing with pics, which don't seem to be reflected by other retailers. Anyway, new pics: https://www.usagundamstore.com/products/mg-1-100-wing-gundam-zero-ew-ver-ka
  17. Oh it also involves dedicated hardware? Well, never mind, then, there goes all of my interest in that. I thought it was a software thing, but that would explain why it's missing from 10-series cards.
  18. Was anyone else underwhelmed by the Nvidia 3000-series launch? They were hyping it through the roof as this huge game changer, and I dunno, it seemed like just your standard generational improvement. Maybe it seems more impressive simply because... Turing? Ampere? Whatever 2000-series was called... was such a disappointment. In retrospect, you can really see how much of a transitional generation those cards are. RTX continuously fails to impress, both in terms of the games using it and the implementation itself. I'm continuously put off by the proprietary nature of it, and the continued massive hit to performance that it entails. DLSS continues to be the most impressive technology Nvidia are working on. It's legitimately a great thing to have, and it's frustrating that their marketing doesn't focus on it more, instead using it simply to pad their ray-tracing and 4K performance numbers. Regardless, I'm hoping AMD's event next month won't be as full of "pie in the sky" half-truths and cherry-picked numbers. At the very least, I hope the technology they're working on is more interesting. I forget where I saw it, maybe the Mark Cerny PS5 deep dive, but IIRC their raytracing solution seemed... ultimately less performant, but also more elegant than Nvidia's dedicated hardware solution, and more open to continued development. I believe it involves some/all GPU stream processors "switching mode" from traditional rasterization to ray calculations? I dunno. Either way, I hope this generation will be good competition.
  19. Nice work as always, anubis. Out of everything, it's always your work on the tiny tiny figures that impresses the most. Took another look at the Mercurius/Vayeate page, and it looks like there's some sort of preorder campaign going on; can anyone confirm? Seems to me Bandai are reissuing a whole raft of Leo/Maganac kits. If you order the Sandrock AND MnV AND one of the others, they'll throw in a "triple stand" action base. Dunno if this is limited only to P-Bandai Japan or if @BluefinBrands/PB USA will be getting in on this, too. Kits being reissued: - Leo Flight Type https://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000149523/ - Leo Space Type https://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000149524/ - Leo Full Weapon Set https://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000149527/ - Maganac Rashid/Abdul https://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000149525/ - Maganac Auda/Ahmad https://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000149526/ - Maganac 36-Machine Set https://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000149528/ Promo page: https://p-bandai.jp/hobby/special-1000012123/
  20. Is there a difference between the Sandrock and Kai other than the machine gun? Also, boo misleading promo picture, I was really hoping the kit would include a Leo as well. Boo!
  21. If they are working on an AC8, I would love to get some expansion to the multiplayer. Deathmatch was fun while it lasted, but there was obvious room for expansion. A bunch of elements from AC Infinity are just begging to be ported over.
  22. I forget if electric indigo was the one who introduced me to that store or not, but I've ordered from there several times and had zero problems. Shipping can get somewhat expensive, IIRC they charge individual shipping costs per item, but it's never been a deal breaker. I don't think I've ever dabbled in Model Legend's stuff, though, so can't speak to that at all.
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