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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. So I've been on a tear recently through a bunch of classics in my HBO Max library. - The Mummy (90's Fraser film): Finally watched this after having seen Returns way back when. Rollicking good time. - The Mummy Returns: Just as fun as I remember it. - The Scorpion King: I forgot how incessantly horny this movie is. Decent enough, though I don't think it's withstood the test of time. - Blade: Still remarkably good. Still kind of chuckle at the weird edgy??? editing on that car chase. - Blade Runner (Final Cut): It's good, I see why it's a cult classic... but it's also really rough, I can see why it wasn't successful. 2049 is much better. - Jurassic Park: Good as always. - Batman Begins: Good as always. I'm debating between finishing up the JP and/or Dark Knight movies or starting the LotR Extended Edition movies. Oh, by the way, they finally got the Extended LotR movies on HBO Max.
  2. Saw it, enjoyed it, interested in seeing what's next. I don't have the same connection to it that most of you do, so I don't have much more to say beyond that. Good movie, I'll probably make it a theater watch sometime this week.
  3. Oh crap, Michael Jai White played Spawn? I just watched Black Dynamite for the first time the other day. Hilarious frakking movie! So many good moments to choose from:
  4. They could actually stand to undercrank (ie speed up) some of the action, if that choreographed takedown at 1:40 is any indication. It's a reeeally minor nitpick, but that won't stop me from doing it. I tried having zero expectations, but honestly, ever since they announced the cast I've been holding onto the teeniest, tiiiniest bit of expectation. I actually hope they have as much good quality new music as possible. Reusing the anime stuff is all well and good because the anime stuff is great, but new original music would really help the show maintain its own identity. I'm already getting tired of them reusing Tank! for three trailers in a row. I had this issue with the anime at first, too. On subsequent watches I've come to appreciate that, in some respects, that's kind of the point. Which isn't to say there's necessarily no meaningful character progression - I think there is - but that any "progress" they make is hampered by their being shackled to/by their respective pasts. The exceptions are Ed and Ein, and it's telling that their departure from the crew isn't as fraught with emotional turmoil. I agree. Not a bad or a good thing, but still a worthwhile observation.
  5. Please be good. ...was going to be all I wrote, and then I couldn't help but laugh at how weirdly trepidatious I'm feeling about this show.
  6. Let's not forget there are the options by Sanity is Optional, et al, from the 3D-printed pods thread. They might not be a simple drag and drop solution either, but then again I don't imagine that being a major hindrance:
  7. I'm browsing Amiami and come across the two of these: GFFMC Zaku II Type C Origin, 20k JPY https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-054843-R GFFMC Char's Zaku II Origin 42k JPY https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-047037-R Are those prices actually reflective of their respective values? $200 for the regular one and over twice that for the Char? They're the exact same toys, aren't they? Seems like the Type C even comes with more. I wasn't gonna jump on either, I was just perplexed and curious. But otherwise, if you want one, well there's some options.
  8. I'm more interested in Guillermo Del Toro's freaky new trailer, not gonna lie...
  9. Huh. Did the V-fin always have a red centerpiece? Seems like it might be unique to this rendition. The side skirts are red, too, and the crotch cap piece is yellow... Otherwise, it looks more or less how it should. What are the chances this eventually brings down the price of the Wing Zero? Not likely, methinks.
  10. Yeah, I just remember the TG Flugel selling out instantly the first time on P-Bandai USA, and I said then that it would probably see a second preorder soon given the demand. I think Japan at the time successfully saturated four production waves by the time preorder demand finally died down in the domestic market? It's still available for preorder right now. Maybe demand has died down from the initial hype. This time didn't seem to get much prior notice, either; the email newsletter caught me entirely by surprise.
  11. To clarify, the above Ground Gundam is specifically the Desert Type, with dust covers at the joints. It's up at P-Bandai USA: https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2606515001001 Personally, I think it looks like a half-assed effort. For what it's worth, the regular Ground Type is a standard release preorder, though seems to be sold out everywhere atm.
  12. Some clarification? The Bandai Spirits tweet run through Twitter, Google, and DeepL all say that there will simply be "detailed information" on 10/25, not that it's necessarily the preorder date. The image says the same, and further indicates a March 2022 release date. Is this simply how they usually word these things, and indeed 10/25 is the preorder date? Or should I take the translations at their word and 10/25 is when more information - including a preorder date - will be released?
  13. FYI, a batch of P-Bandai US preorders are going live at 9pm EDT (8pm Central, 7pm Mountain, 6pm Pacific): - MG Tallgeese Fluegel EW https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2573640001002 - MG Shin Musha Gundam "Black Robe Large Armor" https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2569532001001 - HG Gundam Aesculapius https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2564295001001 - HG Jegan A Type (F91) https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2301524001005 - HG Jegan B Type (F91) https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2281074001006 - HG Jegan Normal Type (F91) https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2281073001006
  14. The Engrish is as Engrish as always, but Junna(?) puts in a heck of an effort and the song hits nicely otherwise.
  15. Fair enough, lol. Frankly, the Hayate looked similar enough at a glance that I just assumed it was the same head, and the same would hold true for all the others, and never thought to double-check. 😛
  16. Eh, it's more of a maroon anyway. But boy oh boy am I glad I didn't go in on the Hayate. That red/maroon/purple is looking MUUUCH nicer than blue. EDIT: Are the heads the same? I'm really digging this head design.
  17. I forget if we have a 007 thread here or not, but I saw the new movie "No Time to Die" last weekend. I wasn't planning to - the Craig-era movies were a bunch of peaks and valleys, and unfortunately the valleys rendered the entire thing fairly unmemorable. The character "arc" that Bond was supposedly going to go through seemed to have turned into more of an ouroboros, with him starting and ending movies in seemingly the exact same emotional place. The supporting cast were never particularly memorable, though not through any fault of their own; they simply didn't get anything to do. Anyway, I saw No Time to Die because the positive reviews piqued my interest, and... eh. There must be some disconnect between me and moviegoers writ large, because I found this one to have more in common with the two duds of this era (Quantum of Solace, Specter) than the two studs (Casino Royale, Skyfall). It's not as impressively bad as the former two (though it does have some residual plot stink from Specter to deal with), but it also doesn't do much to keep my interest the way the latter two do. Bond unfortunately repeats another trip around the character arc ouroboros, and the supporting cast again have very, very little time in the limelight. It's especially disappointing that Lashana Lynch as Nomi all but disappears from the movie after such a big hullabaloo is made about her character inheriting the 007 moniker. And similarly, Ana de Armas's character barely has any time to establish itself before being whisked out of the script entirely. Oh well. Better luck to them on the next one, if there is a next one.
  18. FFVII Remake is hot garbage, but I will hold my tongue for these. https://store.na.square-enix-games.com/en_US/product/685770/final-fantasy-vii-remake-static-arts-aerith-gainsborough-dress-ver https://store.na.square-enix-games.com/en_US/product/694805/final-fantasy-vii-remake-static-arts-tifa-lockhart-dress-ver (also up for preorder at all the usual places, HLJ, Amiami, etc.)
  19. They've done a great job casting this so far, and an especially great job casting Mustafa Shakir as Jet. It's actually kind of eerie how well he's taken on the role.
  20. How much of the original show/movie does The First remix? And last I heard it was canceled, yay/nay?
  21. Apparently it's running pretty smoothly on emulators already, too, so... there you go.
  22. I've asked before where the YF-30 sits in the VF supremacy hierarchy, but I either forgot or never got a satisfactory answer. It makes sense that, out of all the other VFs fashioned after the original VF-24(YF-24???), the YF-29 is the top dog save for maybe the -24 itself, but wasn't the YF-30 even a step beyond the -29, so far on the bleeding edge of fold quartz tech that it directly/indirectly causes the time travel shenanigans of Macross 30?
  23. I don't know how far the anime goes, but according to some friends, in the manga she's currently a fairly "normal" high schooler (college student maybe???), having grown out of a lot of her old anxieties. I couldn't finish the anime myself, though I remember enjoying the bits I saw well enough.
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