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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. I have about a week before Hulu expires, and there's still Delta, Plus, and Zero to get through. The latter two I already got the recent BDs so I'm not going to bother, but Delta... boy is it hard starting it again. I'm only 45 minutes into the first movie and I swear to god it's like I'm having Vietnam flashbacks. I didn't realize how much of a waste of time FB2012 and FB7 would be. The first because the only part worth seeing is already in the DYRL 4K in better quality, and I didn't know FB7 would be a literal clip show; I'd heard it was the Frontier characters recreating the M7 story and assumed it would be like the similar M0 tribute episode. I'm honestly a bit embarrassed it took me so long to realize what it was and skip to the end... which in fairness did slap. For as many issues as I have with M7, the movie and Dynamite 7 did a lot to re-establish Basara's character. Dynamite Explosion is such a frakking fire (bomber!) OP, it kept me from skipping through any part of the 4 episodes. Frontier remains stellar, in almost every single way. In retrospect it was kind of unfair to compare Delta to it except Delta constantly invited such comparisons. Labyrinth of Time sank its claws into me in a way it didn't the first time around; that barely-there Diamond Crevasse weakly bringing Sheryl back just yanks at your heartstrings. I'm still flabbergasted by how good it is.
  2. EDIT: Spoilered to save space. Anyway, I don't mean to derail the thread further. I'll leave my thoughts at that.
  3. I've always assumed that it's a "how you like it" thing; I'm sure there are cels or illustrations featuring the UN Spacy logo upright in both battroid and fighter modes, and there's no hard and fast rule for prioritizing either orientation. Hasegawa's kits emphasize one particular form, so it makes sense that the lettering orientation would be whatever best fits that form. The 1/100 Wave kits, on the other hand, are meant to intermingle to a degree, so it makes sense there that the lettering orientation has to conform to one form or another, and product pics show they favor fighter mode. (Meanwhile, the Bandai 1/72 transforming kit shows it upright in BOTH modes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
  4. They've gotten very good at multi-color injection; look up their Figure-rise and Figure-rise LABO kits, where they've done things like mold wholesale eyes and faces and, in the latter case, emulate the translucence and subsurface scattering of real skin. IIRC, this slide molding tech is actually a technologically simpler (if similar) process than what they've used in the past, patented as "System Injection"... but that's just conjecture based on vague recollection on my part.
  5. Tamashii page: https://tamashiiweb.com/item/15292/ Seems like just a basic recolor of base Exia, not actually parts to make Exia R2. But the available pictures only show Exia and no parts breakdown, so... maybe?
  6. I'm about half a dozen episodes from the end and I'm largely in agreement with you, @M'Kyuun. The music definitely doesn't do it for me, but whether that's because of the music inherently or just the lack of variety, I don't know. It certainly becomes more tolerable some 30 episodes in, but even then, that goddamn harmonica riff regularly stabs through my ears like a set of rusty scissors. I've liked these same songs and Fukuyama vocals just fine when remixed in Frontier (and Delta?), so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Spoilers just to truncate the post a bit: To @Big s's point: In the time it took me to get to episode 45, I managed to blitz through DYRL, FB2012 (okay, that's cheating I admit, only like the last five minutes or so is worth watching, and that's included in the DYRL 4K anyway), all of Frontier, its two movies and Labyrinth of Time, and the first episode of Zero. I bet I could get through most of Delta, too, if I wanted--okay, that's a lie, I'm definitely having more fun with 7 than I did with Delta. That being said, I hope my rewatch of Delta leaves a better impression this time around. Maybe 7 will soften me up to it a bit.
  7. My vague recollection is that those were movie-specific, and in SDFM the female Zentradi shared the same machines/technology as the male Zentradi save for the Q-Rau. Maybe they were colored purple instead of green, but that was the only difference. Again, vague recollection. I could be wrong.
  8. Already I'm not a fan of them "upping" its "cup size." That aside, pretty stoked to see it. Did the VF-19 ever come out? I want to say yes, but...
  9. Musta got the three I canceled . I realized when the Milia preorder didn't go through that I was on pace to have 12!!! kits of this single mold, and as much as I like the design, I don't 12 molds' worth of money like it! (That said, now that I'm going through M7 and Max and Milia are my favorite characters in the entire cast, I may have shot myself in the foot there... Oh well. Gamlin's a fun guy, too.)
  10. And the pricing rumors for AMD's 9070/XT aren't much better, ie $650 and $750. At the very least, they should maintain those prices for a bit longer if only because stores have already been building up stock for the past two months, but I have no doubt they'll jump up as well. Get ready for another generation of psychotic price:performance ratios. By the by, Strix Halo, aka AMD's "mega APU" has been reviewed pretty positively overall... but it's currently only available in an Asus tablet PC that starts at $2100, so... again, another generation of psychotic price:performance ratios.
  11. The biceps were what my eyes went to immediately. I'm glad to see they're not pencil-thin for the sake of transformation. Still don't care enough to actually get it, but kudos to those who dig it. The acrylic stand certainly isn't a bad inclusion. I'm curious what the "deluxe" is supposed to include besides... the extra Freyja waterslide?
  12. Right, I think the latter is more appropriate as well, but I like the idea of Minmay's song "unlocking" the ability to put word to concept, and Milia calling Max beautiful is an instinctive act.
  13. All previous translations (and even just listening to it) of the Max/Milia "Utsukushii" exchange have been The official subs instead choose to write those lines out as Does anyone know if the official subs are reflective of what was actually intended with that scene? Because I do have to say, I prefer the first way more, where they're both struck by each other's beauty.
  14. That's where I'm at currently. In the time it took me to skip through the first... 7? (apropos, that) episodes of M7, I've binged through half of MF. Also agree about Labyrinth of Time and MF movies > TV. Alto's personal drama is a bit poorly defined in both versions. I remember feeling something similar on first viewing, but it stands out this time for some reason, as well as the rather lopsided nature of the triangle. I took renewed enjoyment out of Ranka and Sheryl's relationship/rivalry, though. (Similar thing in my DYRL 4k rewatch, coincidentally, the idol character was more interesting this time around.) So that's two votes for FB7, and one against. If I can't get into M7 after... I dunno, I'll give it to episode 15 or so... then I might just check that out instead. Half a month left to blitz through the whole franchise. Wish me luck!
  15. Eh, despite my initial exuberant praise, I've actually been a bit cool on these. I think the YF-21 and variants is the only one I out and out love. The YF-19, YF-29, and... okay, maybe the VF-19 is fine, but it's an ugly design to begin with anyway, so... But yeah, the 19 and 29 both feature aesthetic choices that I find just kind of off-putting now. The 29 I thought would be an easier translation than the 19 or 21, but they still managed to flatten out a bunch of its appealing curves. In particular on the backpack turret... the old 1/100 fighter looks much better IMO. I'll immediately be right back in, though, if they announce a VF-1 and/or VF-0. Or dare I hope, a VF-4.
  16. Sorry, I guess I just don't know exactly what's what. Set comes with two discs, UHD with red trim, HD with yellow trim. UHD disc presents you right away with options for Linear PCM 1984, Linear PCM 2016, DTS 5.1 2016. I was confused and assumed they had packed two different versions - the 1984 being the new 4k one (with the one audio track), the 2016 ones being the 2016 master, maybe with a basic 1080p-to-4k integer upscale applied (with two audio tracks). Since I didn't have the discs on hand, I didn't pay too close attention to the discussion up through now about its contents. Teaches me. EDIT: The Zentraredi troops quaking in fear at the Minmay doll. I'd forgotten such silly moments.
  17. Maybe this has already been answered, but for those of us lacking language skills, which disc has what, and what differences are there between the 1984 and 2016 versions? From context clues I'm guessing red disc is UHD, yellow is HD... Do both have multiple versions of the movie?
  18. Yeah, I've heard this sentiment made a lot here, so I'm steeling my resolve to push through it. I also had that same sense after those first few episodes, that it could be condensed fairly easily. I'm surprised there's no compilation movie, either. See, this is what I mean. Everyone who gets through the whole thing LOVES it, but everyone who gets through the whole thing also says that it takes a looong time to get going (and reuses a lot of animation, which boy were they not kidding. Not even GOOD reused animation, either... We really were spoiled by Zero/Frontier ).
  19. Which is to be expected, as this is essentially the 1/20 kit scaled down, which also did the same thing in the same way. IIRC that line launched the other way around - Super Fighter first, then regular Fighter later.
  20. Broke down and got a Hulu sub to watch M7 for the first time. Two episodes in and... boy, it is 90s as HELLLL . All the hallmarks of 90s anime, and 90s pop rock. Phew. I honestly don't know if I'll be able to make it all the way through. Just for comparison, I threw on the first two episodes of Frontier and they hold up muuuch better. And there's 50 episodes left to go, AND the OVAs, AND the movies...
  21. Holy cow, I can't believe it's been almost a year now. Anyway, Kotobukiya just announced a Bishoujo Hsien-ko from Darkstalkers: https://www.kotobukiya-collection.com/2025/figures/16078/
  22. There was never a Destroid Spartan. It was all in your imagination. The line art you see on macross2 is just an elaborate hoodwinking campaign by dedicated fans. All footage that features it was the fans getting their hands on the physical tape and acid-etching it into scenes.
  23. I missed the Mikumo VFG preorder going live, but here's HLJ link: https://www.hlj.com/v-f-g-macross-delta-vf-31j-siegfried-mikumo-guynemer-aos06528 Also, apparently Makina VFG is getting a re-release in June: https://www.hlj.com/v-f-g-macross-delta-vf-31a-kairos-makina-nakajima-reissue-aos20055 Gotta say, the Mikumo color combo looks much nicer than I anticipated. I always thought her design was a bit of a color palette eyesore; the VFG is very nice to look at in comparison.
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