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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. For what it's worth, those Builders Parts (ie the first three) are designed for Bandai's 1/144 Gundam kits (they stand about 12.5 cm tall), and that last one, part of the Modeling Support Goods kits, is a handheld gatling gun for Kotobukiya's 1/100 Frame Arms (which measure 14-18 cm tall). From a quick google-fu, the Destroid model should measure around 15-16 cm. More pics of the tripod gatling gun: http://dalong.net/review/bf/bc23/bc23_p.htm
  2. Ooh, nice. Good luck on the casting. Will that be a solid chunk of clear resin, or will you be making a hollow cast?
  3. Hey guys. Contemplating my own Revell F-14D, what are some of the advantages of raised panel lines? I'm looking at all the raised surface detail and I'm not relishing rescribing everything. What was the impetus for the transition from raised to recessed panel lines?
  4. I asked this somewhere else a few years ago, but I've since forgotten. We use "VF" and "valkyrie" interchangeably. Is it the same in the Macross world, or do they use "Valkyrie" to refer to strictly the VF-1, and "VF" to refer to the broader group? Phoenix, Excalibur, Messiah, etc. aren't nearly as ubiquitous. Also unrelated: Is it YF-19 Excalibur, or YF-19 Alpha One, or just YF-19? (And YF-21 Sturmvogel (II?), or YF-21 Omega One, or YF-21?)
  5. You may be right. But I do think this show has bits and pieces of good writing, it just relies too much on bland, by-the-numbers anime conventions (and even then, it doesn't use them to good effect so much as to fill time). I won't bore you by writing too many more walls of text than I already have, but I think the majority of my criticisms can be summarized by "It's inconsistent." When you're with the side characters, the writing and the story is generally really good, fun, interesting stuff. Like Biscuit and his brother, or Atra as a whole (though it does get a bit heavyhanded at times, no pun intended), or Orga and especially his relationship with Merribit. If the writers wanted to do a romance subplot, those two would have been prime material. But what's really great is that they don't have to, either. Their contentious, mutually (and begrudgingly, for one) respectful relationship is ripe with possibility, and the power dynamic is all weird and not totally tipped in favor of either party the way it is with Mika/Kudelia. I can easily see them playing out any number of ways: becoming good friends and allies, she becomes his and Tekkadan's surrogate mother figure, they become involved romantically, she (or he) chooses Teiwaz over Tekkadan, etc. Tekkadan are strong, Teiwaz and the crew of that... other... ship (I forget its name) are strong, even creepo-guy McGillis is a strong character because it's clear he's very politically savvy, and his intentions and actions can always be multi-layered. Why is he courting this nine-year old girl? Maybe he really is just a pedophile. Maybe he's playing her for political gain. Maybe he actually does legit like her. Maybe--and so on and so forth. When you're with Mika and Kudelia, which is unfortunately most of the time because they're the leads, the writing tanks. You can never (or at least I can never) get a real feel for who those two are, because the writers themselves don't seem to know who they are. Kudelia starts out as a gifted and accomplished politician, but then she becomes... an insecure housewife? And then an insecure love interest? Meanwhile, Mika remains as apathetic as ever and yet everyone wants to please him or get his approval. He's not particularly introspective and talkative yet will, unprompted, discuss his feelings. So... yeah. It's inconsistent.
  6. If not there, maybe Mandarake or Yahoo Japan auctions. (There's another place that gets thrown around a lot, but I can't remember it.) Those are Japanese-language sites, though, so I imagine you'd have to do the bidding through a proxy service. Otherwise, Bandai re-issues their old kits once in a blue moon, meaning the usual Amiami/HLJ/Hobby Search routes are also available. HLJ has them listed as backordered. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN27309/Gun http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN27969/Gun
  7. Oh, man, those curves... Say what you will about how outdated the kit is, but it sure does capture the look of the GP01 better than any kit after it.
  8. Wow. I never realized how small the VF-1 really is. (Unless it's a different scale, but that doesn't seem to be the case.) Nice collection. Even the YF-29 looks goodish. Must be the skull and crossbones.
  9. Finished watching Episode 15. Less Mikazuki equals less flip-flopping writers equals a better episode. Still waiting on Kudelia to inject some Audrey Burne political savvy into her veins, though. You know. That thing she had before the show even started. That's my one make-it-or-break-it for Episode 16. Either they need to finally do something with her or kill her off. Some similar thoughts from my Gundam Eclipse post:
  10. Didn't you do the HGUC Victory over at HF a while back? If that one's anything to go by, this one'll look great. Best of luck with all those decals!
  11. I remember Cheyennes existing, but I don't remember seeing them en masse on the exteriors of the Macross(es), only as complementary forces (and deployed in interior settings). Memory's fuzzy, though; I haven't watched that show in years.
  12. Finished my second attempt at Unicorn, actually making it to the end this time. Enjoyed it much more this time around. The entire Torrington Base episode could have been cut, as well as anything involving the main character. That seems to be my criticism of all the recent Gundams nowadays: bland, uninteresting main leads. Literally every single other character was more interesting than Banagher Links. If what I hear about Kira Yamato is true, Banagher gives him a run for his money. Hand the Unicorn over to Audrey and THEN you'd have an interesting main lead. Or to Marida. Also, Speaking of the Unicorn, Destroy Mode still looks like garbage. Blegh. Stormtrooper Unicorn all the way.
  13. Not necessarily. A ground-based mecha with strong and plentiful enough thrusters would be just as effective in space as a VF. The Cheyenne from M0 has a large main thruster that would be perfectly serviceable in zero-G (given an upgrade in output), and its simpler, cheaper construction would probably increase its cost-effectiveness. Limbs made for traversing actual terrain (instead of using your main engine exhausts) would be better-suited for navigating asteroids and the like. The main advantage of the VFs is that they can operate in atmosphere, and the main reason they get top billing on the show is because they're the franchise's poster boy. In a more realistic setting, I'd imagine Destroids would have become the de facto mecha of Macross (the same way the Ball would realistically be flying circles around every Gundam ever). But then we're not talking so much Destroids as VF-style transforming land vehicles, in which case... well, see above about atmosphere navigation. I seriously doubt an APC that transforms into a robot would be very useful, or comfortable for the P that it's C-ing.
  14. Did the original YF-19 (or the VF-19) ever have hardpoints on the wings like they do on the toys? I'd imagine some must have existed (or could have been reasonable integrated) on the wing ROOTS, but not on the wings themselves because of the very problems that exist on these toys. I don't think I ever saw any 19 with underwing weapons...
  15. I don't know. I've never used anything other than the plain one. I imagine the scented one would work just as well, with the added benefit of perfuming the kit...? (Check the ingredient list, if there is one.) Chunky is just fine in my book. I never did like the trend towards "sleek" and skinny profiles. It was nice when the EW suits were completely redesigned and the slimness was integrated into them, but the HG 1/100 X and Double X look better than the MGs despite their age, IMO. Same thing with the HG Strike going to the RG Strike, and original MG to RM MG. But to each their own. A new Alex tooling in general would be nice.
  16. For my part, I'd just like to see some toys/models of the Cheyenne Destroids. They may be the series' cannon fodder, but they make a fine picture in the process.
  17. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Well, to be fair, Sharon Apple wasn't just limited to concert halls, and her hypnotism wasn't just based around singing (or at least that's what I gathered from watching it; official explanations probably have a better explanation). Light, sound, and even a rudimentary sense of touch(?). She did almost exactly the same things the human characters of Frontier/Delta are doing. She just didn't have to worry about being a physical body. It could just be a case of technology so advanced as to be magic.
  18. They are indeed. Future was a Pledge brand, and Pledge a few years ago consolidated all (or most) of its products under a single brand name.
  19. 10-meter tall hornets? Do not even joke.
  20. lol No, I'm just an unrepentant hoarder. I wouldn't have used her or the sound boosters even if I had them, but I can't stand the thought of not having them. Unrepentant hoarder am I.
  21. I'm sure you all must have already discussed this in the last 30 pages, but do people have experience with their other products? I was under the impression that this was going to be their debut, but apparently they've made a bunch of super sentai stuff already. If you do, I'd love to hear your thoughts on their quality and QC, generally.
  22. Right, I knew that, but I was curious all the same. I suppose those "weapons" + Ranka must be on their own runner, so you're probably right and it's unlikely they'll be included. ...unless they're on the same runner as the 25G's gunpod and/or head... EDIT: Nope, seems gunpod/head parts are runners K/V respectively, and Ranka and sound boosters are N and Q. Shame. Well, here's hoping.
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