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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. I dunno, I kind of like the stylized approach they took. It's really a fresh take on a classic design.
  2. Condolences to you and yours, sir.
  3. Could those "shoulder pegs" simply be the arm/shoulder-to-chest joint?
  4. I think opening weekend was something like $150 million on a $50 million budget.
  5. For what it's worth, they're doing the whole "keep the audience in the dark until animation" thing with Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans models, too. There have been MS A, MS B, up to MS H now I think? All have been revealed in time with their premiere in the anime.
  6. I know there's actual debate about this because I believe the word gunpla is trademarked/copyrighted, but in common parlance no one's going to call johns on you. Everyone understands the wide breadth of Gundam.
  7. That "MERAMERAMERAMERA" though. Makes me want to pinch that 80s babyface cheek.
  8. To be fair, I think a modest server farm would be underpowered compared to ChaosYeti's PC. Also thanks, that does help quite a bit. More to look into.
  9. No worries, I get the advantages of multiple monitors. Like I said, the only reason I have the single monitor is because of space constraints. When I was at university and had access to the occasional multi-monitor setup (for an introductory Java class, I think), I really did enjoy the increased desktop space. (The novelty didn't hurt, either. I must have spent a good 10% of my time just messing with mousing windows back and forth and stretching them between and across screens.) As for W10, I'm sure I'll switch over to it in due time. From what little I've done with it on my brother's computers, it feels decent enough. Better than 8, at any rate. EDIT: @Nazareno2012: I used to run a dual-boot W7/Ubuntu system back when. Once I update my PC, redoing that will probably be on my to-do list. Thanks for the Studio recommendation, will definitely check that out.
  10. Thanks for the suggestions, all. I'll give Blender a shot and do some reading and asking around other forums. 1.) Mostly just what others here are doing (or what I've seen, at any rate): 3D modeling for the sake of rapid prototyping/printing. None of the high-end animation work that you're doing. 2.) Windows 7. I'm still debating between W7/W10/Ubuntu to put on my next computer build (which will hopefully happen sometime in the next six months, if I can get to it). I've read mixed reports on W10. - W7 is most familiar, and there's no pressing need to update yet. - W10 likely has better long-term support. - Ubuntu is Ubuntu, and I know enough about it to get what I want working. 3.) Just one monitor. I had an extra, but no space for it, so ended up selling it.
  11. It's just another sensor/camera/what-have-you. Probably a backup in case the regular suite get damaged. (It's built into the frame rather than added on like armor.)
  12. I had a similar thought, but I'd have preferred to see legacy VFs in that role, like the VF-11 or even VF-4/VF-5000. (Maybe some VF-1X+s in there, too? A guy can dream.) But I suppose the Nightmare was used because it's always easier to reuse assets.
  13. Hi all. Seeing the incredibly awesome stuff being done here (especially those M+ drone projects by Xigfrid and JasonC) has got me really wanting to try my hand at it, too. However, the only 3D modeling software I have is an old old oooooold copy of Turbo CAD. What 3D software do you folks use, and what PC specs are recommended? My current desktop is nowhere near top of the range, but I hope that it's beefy enough to pass muster: CPU - AMD Athlon X4 750k quad-core GPU - AMD R7 260X, 2GB GDDR5 Memory - 8GB 1600 1 120GB SSD (~65GB free) 2 1TB HDD (~1.1TB free total)
  14. http://phys.org/news/2016-02-scientists-glimpse-einstein-gravitational.html So in case you haven't heard, scientists recently detected/discovered the existence of gravitational waves, aka ripples in space-time. Wave folds confirmed? Oh god, fold quartz and BS transdimensional pop music, here we come!
  15. I've noticed that type of pose (super aggressive, with the shoulders pulled way back and the hips thrusting forward prominently) showing up more and more recently. I associate it most strongly with the Revoltech line of action figures; is it just me, and that type of posing has been prominent even as far back as the 80s/early 90s? Or is it something of a fad?
  16. Does Yamcadia/Bandai put work into seam line removal? Moreover, what kind of plastic do they usually use? If it's polystyrene or ABS, you can use some easily-sourced cements to easily get rid of those. As for the finish, a clear coat would take care of that. That said, thoae are issues you take care of on cheap $10 model kits, not $300(?) toys. I do think it looks better with these higher-res, closer-up shots, though.
  17. Ohhh, I see now. My mistake. The training drones ie the ones that get shot up during the evaluation exercises at New Edwards?
  18. HLJ just released their coverage of WonFes. I haven't seen it yet so I don't know if there's any Macross stuff in there (EDIT: Arcadia appears around 28:40 EDIT 2: For all of ten seconds... boo ), but all the same:
  19. So I've been following this thread for a while and only now thought to ask for confirmation: Is this the same as JasonC's Ghost X-9 project? I had assumed it was, with this thread being on the CAD side and his the production side.
  20. For what it's worth, I don't consider that exactly "weathering." It just looks like some pre/post-shading work, which isn't meant to mimic weathering effects so much as... well, add shading. It breaks up otherwise largely monotonous color apps. Like, if I wanted weathering on my (hypothetical, sadly) 19, I'd add streaks to the wings (running back from along the forward edges and panel lines) emulating the desert sand/dirt flowing across them, and/or drybrush along the sharpened angles to simulate sand blasting at the paint, etc. And that's before you whip out the dremel and start gouging at the plastic of your $300 toy...
  21. Copy-paste the URLs or highlight image link (on Denied page) in address bar and press Enter. It just doesn't allow hotlinking from other websites.
  22. So are you talking about mainstream as in "mainstream mecha-wise"? I thought you meant mainstream just in general. Even then I thought it's sort of always been second place to Gundam in widespread appeal. A distant second, for sure, because Gundam is Gundam, but still, I thought it was already fairly mainstream in that regard. Yay/nay?
  23. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Oh cripes, you're probably right. I'm mixing it up with the Frontier naming scheme. Will double check. EDIT: Yep, my bad. Completely mixed it up.
  24. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    For what it's worth, there are apparently two different Fs, one in blue piloted by Hayate, the other by another Delta member(?). Can't grab the pic as I'm on the phone, but there should be one of the design on the post Tochiro shared. (Part of the Mecha Collection kits.)
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