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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. I dunno, those Sentinel kits are good for NOW. They could do with some better parts separation for stuff like the knee beam sabers, but they're still great-looking and sizeable for the scale. Articulation is a non-issue as far as I'm concerned. I still need to get my hands on the MGs one of these days. I keep telling myself to bite the bullet, but neither the S nor Ex-S are ever in stock.
  2. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I just can't picture the missile pod on the 30 as an actual missile pod. It always reminds me too much of a Scout Pod, which reminds me of a regular Regult, which just kind of makes me chuckle because it's such a goofy cute looking thing. If the pod split into two halves and each half was situated over the shoulders a la the 25 or something... anything, really, just not a long uninterrupted black and white bar... it wouldn't look so goofy, but otherwise it's just a wonky ugly thing marring an otherwise beautiful design. That said, I like the 30's tail fins placement more than I do the 31's. But it's an acceptable loss if it means getting rid of that missile pod.
  3. For my part, I was initially put off by the Ghost pack because it was inelegant. It's just a fighter jet strapped onto another fighter jet. The FAST packs have the advantage of being add-ons that require the VF-1 in order to see use. The Ghost is a fully-functioning, self-contained platform. A fighter jet strapped onto a fighter jet. I mean, I got over it soon enough, but still. I'll never like it the way I like the Super/Strike VF-1 or especially the YF-19's minimalist FAST packs.
  4. The modeler in me always flinches reflexively a little whenever I see the flamboyantly obvious seam lines running down down the length of these toys' legs. I would imagine a seamless toy would cost an extra 40,000 yen for the extra TLC, but still...
  5. So it seems no one's put up an 0A link yet. http://www.hlj.com/product/ACA82120/Sci ...and heck, while I'm at it, here's the 0S to keep things handy-dandy. http://www.hlj.com/product/ACA82121/Sci And the larger sale. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?SaleGroup=springsale2016Sci
  6. http://www.hlj.com/product/HSG27/Sci Hasegawa Super VF-25F/S currently on sale at HLJ, 35% off.
  7. lol. I actually had a sneaking suspicion as I was typing it up. Ah well. Cat's out of the bag now.
  8. Is that BD conversion kit for the old 90s HG (doubtful)? The MG (doubtful)? The new HGUC (my bet)? Or even the RG RX-78? Either way, nice job so far. I've never been a big fan of the BD units, but they're starting to grow on me with the rumors of an RE/100 in the works.
  9. http://www.hobbylink.tv/160-vf-2ss-valkyrie-ii-silvie-gena-custom-by-evolution-toy-part-2-review Another review in case you're all still looking for reviews. Me, I'm not a big fan of the author (their review of the Sentinel Anubis toy was even more barebones than their review of this, and their review of ZoE2 was astoundingly pretentious), but there are pictures.
  10. https://youtu.be/HqUTINolvHg?t=20m28s You don't think he covered that base the first time around?
  11. Why and how did people steer towards the standards we have today anyhow? 1/72, 1/48, 1/32, etc. I can understand 1/100 as simple base-100 scaling, and 1/144 seems like a natural downscale from an existing scale, but otherwise these seem like such arbitrary scales to settle on.
  12. I think the Trek movies suffered more from having Roberto Orci penning them than anything Jujabrams did. The guy also wrote the Transformers and Amazing Spider-Man movies. And none of those can be called good in any respect. I don't care if you think any of them were good, you're wrong and there's no two ways about it they were bad bad bad terrible films. That being said, the first Trek wasn't bad at all. A bit derivative and barebones, but hey, it was the best way to move forward given the amount of source material. Anyway. Cool on the DVD/BD release date for those who liked the movie, but isn't it still playing in theaters?
  13. Yep, HLJ is In Stock now, too.
  14. Well, I'm no expert, obviously, but it seems the two (PG fingers/RG frame and multicolored parts) essentially use the same tech, with the former just being more complex and refined. System Injection, as Bandai called it, allows you to make one runner out of multiple "constituent runners," essentially. It was originally used to achieve multicolored parts: the constituent runners would be molded in different colors. (If you have one of those older kits on hand, you can see where the constituent runners criss-cross each other, and there are sometimes even channels within the parts themselves for differently-colored plastic to flow through. The red of a shield part, for instance, might have channels on the side where the yellow runner can flow through to form the cross of a Federation shield. If you were to look at the back of the piece, you would see that yellow plastic coming in through those channels and filling in the cross. You can even sometimes separate a multicolored part into its constituent colors given enough effort and patience.) When Bandai moved onto PG fingers, they must have refined the tech to allow for articulation (likely by way of changing the plastic used), but the process itself is still the same: a single runner consisting of multiple constituent runners. And from PG to MG to RG, they've steadily miniaturized the technology. (You can tell by looking at the leftover sprue: Some sections of sprue are noticeably thicker than others, and this is by design.) God, that was a mouthful, and would be so much easier if I just had examples to show you. But I hope I get my point across.
  15. I thought the Dash was just the addition of leg parts? (Haven't checked the designs in a long time.)
  16. I'm glad I dropped off when I did. All the characters who have actually been carrying the show seem to be getting offed in quick order. Meanwhile Mikazuki remains the bore that he (presumably) is. The mecha designs haven't been quite as inspired, either. I got on board with the Barbatos and Graze and Hyakuri/ren from the word go, but since then only the Gusion has struck my fancy. The latest Barbatos redesign is a massive step back from the original. Question: Is the upcoming Unicorn TV series just going to be the OVA split into 20-minute episodes, or will there be new footage? Or is it an entirely new production, like a side story or something?
  17. A bit off-topic, but is there an official romaji/English spelling of Freya/Freyja? (For that matter, what's her name in kana?) I've never seen Freya spelled with a "j" before.
  18. Chances are they had more preorders than they could fulfill. If you're still waiting for yours, then I'm loathe to find out what my chances are at getting my hands on one. Completely forgot to preorder one myself...
  19. Backordered at HLJ: https://www.hlj.com/product/HSG65831/Sci
  20. The RG frame and PG fingers use more or less the same tech as the multi-color plastic injection in older kits. They just do so using the same color plastic. One of the Astray Red Frames, MG or RG, alternates red and white plastic for the fingers (if I remember correctly). And even multicolor injection hasn't gone away; Bandai have simply gone from mixing colors on the parts to mixing colors on the runners. The A runner of most High Grades (and I believe some MGs/RGs still as well) come in this multicolored setup. The big reason it went away was because modelers complained of problems masking parts for painting, which Bandai chose to address by increasing color separation in their kits. (If I remember correctly, the recent RG Astray Red Frame's frame is also molded in red-and-white, so... yeah. It's far from a dead technology.) That all being said, Bandai won't use it for these. They're not worth the effort, being the budget kits that they are.
  21. Doesn't the kit come with adapters to fit it to Bandai's Action Base 1? If I remember correctly, there are three separate adapters for the three modes. (The fighter mode one attaches to the gunpod???) From dalong (doesn't allow hotlinking, so copy-paste EDIT: or not, seems it's fine): http://dalong.net/review/etc/mv01/p/mv01_27.jpg http://dalong.net/review/etc/mv01/p/mv01_32.jpg http://dalong.net/review/etc/mv01/p/mv01_105.jpg http://dalong.net/review/etc/mv01/p/mv01_170.jpg http://dalong.net/review/etc/mv01/p/mv01_174.jpg
  22. The Tomy one also looks to be a bit bigger, if the rumors of 10cm length for the Mecha Collection kit is correct. (Bandai would be roughly 1/200 where Tomy Tec's is 1/144.)
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