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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Hey, all. A bit of an odd question: HLJ constantly has Doyusha's diecast VFs listed, even though they're also shown as Discontinued. Do Doyusha regularly-ish reissue them or something? I remember getting a VF-1S way back when, and it was a friggin' beautiful little jewel. EDIT: I'm talking about these - http://www.hlj.com/product/DYSDMM-21/Sci - http://www.hlj.com/product/DYSDMM-22/Sci - http://www.hlj.com/product/DYSDMM-1/Sci
  2. What's the current "canonicity" of the manga(s), insofar as anything can be considered canon?
  3. "The race thing." Snerk. Don't worry, I'm not here to stir things up again; lord knows folks here seem allergic to the topic. Anyway: MCU Nick Fury was based on the "new" Nick Fury design, who was himself based on Mr. Jackson. Just to reiterate: Anime characters are obviously Asian if you're Asian, and obviously White if you're White.
  4. Ah, I had seen the unboxing video and all the not undeserved hate leveled by this gentleman. Still, it's a perfectly fine build video, though I prefer the Japanese ones without the emotionally-wrought commentary.
  5. ^ I giggled. And I hope all the rest of you did, too.
  6. Is this still a go? I asked HLJ about a potential reissue and they said they haven't been informed of any such thing...
  7. Oh god, it'll be the end of the Frontier movies but with idol groups instead of Macrosses.
  8. With Shizuoka coming up soon, hobbylink.tv teased that Hasegawa's got some Macross-related surprises coming. Anyone heard anything on the rumor mill? I'm hoping against hope that they'll be showing off prototypes for 1/72 VF-31/SV-262 kits, or, god willing, 1/72 VF-171s. ...or really just anything. They can always be counted on. Maybe Gerwalk/Battroid kits of something from 7/+/Frontier? Eh? Eh? EDIT: Video in question (around the 46-minute mark, just a few seconds spent talking about it):
  9. Whoops, didn't catch that first time around. Well, good to know, and even more congrats then to big F for snatching it when you did.
  10. I dunno about the carriers, but I remember seeing screens where Elysion was written, not Elysium. Semantic differences for the most part, but all the same.
  11. I had the same reaction to M7 and M0 (but mostly M0 because M7 is popcorn fluff). Arkan is one of the best things to come out of Macross, and Dogfight is good for getting the blood pumping, but otherwise I don't remember a single thing from it. But as much as I heap praise on Kanno, a bunch of the Frontier stuff was just as forgettable. Okay, maybe none of them fall to forgettable status, but there are definitely tracks I skip. There was just a whoooole lot of music that it seems substantial in comparison to other stuff. The prominence of trumpets in the soundtrack is a mixed bag. I remember thinking that the music playing during the VF duels and the 262 transformation rang a bit dissonant, but perhaps only if I'm in the mood for dramatic battle music rather than throwing caution to the wind adventure.
  12. Exactly where I got my analysis from.
  13. Based on the line art, the 08MST GM (officially RGM-79[E] Early Type GM) is the same as the RGM-79C GM Type C save for: - missing all details on the armor (those divots on the shoulders, armor, legs, etc.) and backpack - no beam saber on backpack - no horizontal panel line on lower leg - no handle bars on the shoulders - no head antenna - no hardpoint on forearm for shield I didn't realize that there WAS a P-Bandai RD-4. Thanks for the head's-up. Looking at it, it is indeed much the same mold as the Prototype Dom. There's also a lot of the Origin Char's Zaku II in there - the head and backpack in particular. Other parts seem to be unique, though: - The left shoulder armor doesn't seem to exist on any other HGUC/Origin/Thunderbolt kit (the closest that come are the Zaku I kits). - The shoulder-to-chest joints are either unique or borrowed from the Origins Char's Zaku II; the shoulders themselves still look to be from the Proto Dom. I wonder if the OCZII's unique shoulder joint setup can work with the Proto Dom's shoulders. (I imagine it can to some extent, since they're from the same series of kits and came out around the same time.) For a more "anime accurate" RD-4, I think you could start with the Proto Dom and add in the HGUC Zaku II for the head and backpack. Replace the left shoulder armor (not the joint) with that of the Zaku II, and attach the Zaku's shoulder armor (shaped to remove the spikes). Cut off the pegs attaching the Proto Dom's shoulder armor to the shoulder joints, then scratchbuild some thrusters onto the Zaku II backpack, and you're basically done. Either way, kitbashing an RD-4 is still a somewhat involved process. Certainly more difficult than removing detail from a pre-existing kit for the GM Early Type.
  14. True. And it IS an easy way to kitbash an RD-4 Zaku, so I'm not complaining... too much. Kitbash this with a Zaku II and modify a GM Type C, and I might finally be able to recreate the opening battle of 08MST...
  15. Seems more likely than not. I even worried about that when I heard her introduction.
  16. Life expectancy comes with a bunch of caveats, though. Human life expectancy in the medieval period was 30s and such not because of "natural" life expectancy, but people dying off due to disease and unhealthy conditions. Anyone lucky enough to make it past 30 would live on well into adulthood as we know it. So while yes, average life expectancy could be 30 for Windermereans, it's possible that a "healthy" Windermerean's life span is just as long as any human's. By the by, what's the average lifespan of a Zentraedi/Zolan/other races? Have they gone up/down/neither with human contact?
  17. I like the fact that there's at least a lot of clear on those stickers. That should make it easier to cut them to proper shape, should I deign to go that route. Otherwise a very nice-looking kit. Looking forward to building it once it ships out with the rest of my Private Warehouse.
  18. My question: Am I reading that right and the cockpit is the head of the battroid? On second look, it seems like (what's left of) the rear fuselage + arm assembly slides forward while the forward fuselage and legs rotate down. The nosecone becomes the head(?), the cockpit is... I dunno, and the wings fold down to cover the back. Though why they're inverted (forward edges facing downward) I still can't wrap my head around. Clearly they left the full transformation sequence out of frame on purpose.
  19. I'd be more interested in that Dom if it were more of an original design. About the only thing unique to it are the backpack and shoulders. Everything else has been borrowed from pre-existing designs, namely the legs/body/arms of the Zaku II prototype from 08MST, the head of an MSV Gouf, and the beam bazooka of the Rick Dom. It even comes with interchangeable chests mimicking either the Zaku or Gouf chassis. But I mean, damn if it doesn't look good. I just wish it had had more done to it.
  20. Haven't gotten through the raw yet, but some initial thoughts: EDIT: EDIT 2: Oh frakk off Kawamori with your cool transformations. Now you're just pandering to us and we're eating it up.
  21. So this is a really REALLY minor point, but the handle on the gunpod is different between the Bandai and Tomy Tec models. It seems the Bandai one is a bit closer to the animation, but there hasn't been a very good angle of it at this point. Overall it looks like the Tomy Tec one has more inaccuracies all around, but it still doesn't look bad per se. Those biceps are bigger than they ought to be, but then they also look more substantial.
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