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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. This might be one of those rare instances where I say it's better to compare this to the animation. After all, with the CGI model there's less wiggle room for proportion magicking.
  2. I third the ayes.
  3. Tangentially related: "GitS: First Assault" is free on Steam for the weekend, and 50% to purchase until Monday 10am Pacific. http://store.steampowered.com/app/369200/ Dunno anything about it, but there you are, if you're interested.
  4. Forgive the question being asked for the umpteenth time, but has this been more or less confirmed to be the same as the old 2.0 Yamato, FAST Packs and all? Anything new in this at all? This is suddenly very high up on my list of first purchase items, despite all the white innards. Only something like a VF-0 w/ Ghost could bump this out of my tunnel vision right now.
  5. Masking and painting plate by plate? Boy, I bet that took a lot of time. Beautiful job. I'm digging the cockpit details. Not sure if all those controls were scratch or not (I'm guessing they were), but good stuff either way. And it really, REALLY makes me want to get one of those VF stands, too. Maybe I'll throw it in with my next batch purchase...
  6. I dunno, I almost always think it's a terribly uncool design choice.
  7. Sigh... I don't trust the industry to make the movie any good, both despite and because of the race debate. I honestly would just rather get a high-budget, high-profile CG/anime movie (of this and GitS). Tangentially-related: Didn't Alita basically invent the Rasengan? Like, some sort of lightning palm strike in the anime movie or something?
  8. I have a question: What does "Advanced Variable Fighter" entail? My first guess is taking an old design and modernizing materials/capabilities to modern specs (specifically those of the two competitors in the Super Nova Project). My second guess is a "2.0" Super Nova Project, where the next generation of VF tech is invented with the added stipulation that said tech must be implemented in existing VF designs. If the first, then I have a follow-up question: Haven't VFs from the Messiah on already surpassed the specs of the YF-19/21? My heart says no but my mind says possibly if not likely. If the second, then I'd say the 17 just because I want it back to its original cool bulky self. Certainly NOT the 19 or 21, because they're default forever top-tier for all time amirite.
  9. You think the front looks sexy, wait 'til you see dat ass: I still have one on preorder, but what I really want are at least one of the Frontier kits just because I like the design more. Here's hoping they do get reissued in June like Amiami says they will. I think based on all the personal anecdotes, every modeler has a serious responsibility to build at least one of the Bandai Macross kits. They seem to exemplify all the pros and cons of overengineered model kits.
  10. Definitely painted. It's most obvious... well, everywhere, but especially on the ankle cuffs, which are white all around where the stickers would only cover the sides of them, not the lips. Are the ears on the 31S supposed to be dual laser cannons a la VF-1S? Otherwise what's with the weird shape? That SV-262 looks as good as always, even though I still can't tell how the transformation works. lol Also, got impatient and had my set shipped out today. All this talking about them made the temptation too powerful. Same question as before: Should I need white decals, anyone have advice on good sources for clear and/or white decal paper? Apparently there are now white decal papers that will dry white when you apply them?
  11. Oh no, I didn't buy one (wish I had that kind of spare cash lying around, I would seriously want one of these or the 171 just to dink around with once but only one and only once ), I was just throwing it out there. It's a long shot for any kind of support from Bandai US, but I know they were still replacing Gundam model kit parts as recently as a few years ago (haven't checked since), so it's not completely a lost cause. If people can't get help through the stores (seems NY is the only one to have not yet responded), this would be their one and only alternative.
  12. It looks very... selfish? Cynical? Like, my immediate reaction is that it feels like a cheap cash grab riding on the coat tails of The Martian, but lacking its sense of camaraderie. It's trying to echo that film's sense of adventure and optimism, but the main character is putting a selfish personal desire above not only his own safety but the chances of a successful mission. Instead of "Going to Mars is dangerous as hell, but here's why you should," it seems to be saying, "Going to Mars is dangerous as hell, so let me show you why you shouldn't." But I'm definitely keeping an eye on it. I tend to like Mark Strong's performances. Can't for the life of me remember what else he was in, though...
  13. Is it possible to contact Bandai US about this as well? I mean, great on the online sellers who've responded thus far (amiami and HLJ) for providing top-notch customer service the way they usually do, but supposing you can't get it through them, Bandai US seems the next best option.
  14. The first trailer IS a really bad trailer. I'm not a big fan of the animation style, either. Batman: The Brave and the Bold was probably my favorite Batman animated anything I've seen in a while. That show ended far too soon.
  15. You might be interested in the political history of Asians in America, too. California, for instance, was the first state to make citizenship race-based, barring non-Whites (specifically Chinese immigrants that arrived during the gold rush and the building of the transcontinental railroad) from being recognized as Americans. Then there's the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Immigration Act of 1924, and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 that undid those two mistakes. Also, the simultaneous desexualization and hypersexualization of Asian male and female bodies. (Fu Manchu and Charlie Chan, opposite sides of that same coin.) Also also, Vincent Chin. He's less to do with Hollywood and more with criminal justice, but still relevant to the overarching issue of race in America. All of which fed into and grew from the yellow peril idea. Back in the realm of Hollywood, though, you might want to take another look at Gran Torino, in case you haven't already. Lots of lingering Hollywood racism, there. Plus that scene at the end is stupid, like christ those aren't even funeral clothes they're wearing, that stuff is for weddings and new year's celebrations what the hell.
  16. Does the Frontier VF-171 have a gunpod? The original 17 has the internally stored one (and the forearm-mounted guns), and the Delta 171 sports a traditional undercarriage-mounted one, but I don't think I ever saw a Frontier fighter with either variety...
  17. Such an anime anime, for both the better and the worse. I was thinking of how best to sum it up, and the closest I can get is "Let's fight Attack on Titan with Really Japanese Engineering." Because this is a Really Japanese anime. Like, Steamgun Samurai vs Ninja on a Post-WWII Industrial Bakufu-era Shinkansen levels of Japanese. I'm digging it so far. Let's hope this train ride doesn't disappoint.
  18. I saw Flashpoint Paradox a week or so back. Also surprisingly good. (It's still a peeve when DC does grimdark for the sake of grimdark, and so it just comes off as them trying too hard, but either way, that was a pretty good one, too.) I remember watching the Sub-Zero animated movie way back when, too, which was also surprisingly mature. So hm, maybe I have more reason to check out those than I thought I did. Thanks for the suggestions.
  19. I'm reminded of the Batman Beyond movie and how that one was... actually pretty good. I've never read nor care to read the comic, but if this lives up to The Return of the Joker, I'm game. It certainly can't be worse than that OTHER Batman-starring movie...
  20. Vigorous nodding, to basically all of that (what mickyg said) up to and including the last bit. Well, I've ordered 3 of the 171 and 2 of the 31. Three will go to the niece and nephews, and whatever's left over (hopefully one of each lol) I might try making decals for. I dunno. We'll see when they arrive. Any good sources for clear and/or white decal paper? (Given the lack of white ink, what's the best alternative? I remember perusing some thread somewhere talking about that but I've since forgotten.)
  21. Nice build, but oy, those literally spotty stickers... How... how does one theoretically go about turning a theoretical sticker sheet into a theoretical set of waterslide decals? For theory's sake, of course. No, but seriously, I'm really wracking my brain wondering what strategy would give me the least headaches while minimizing sticker usage. EDIT: Are there no stickers for the insides of the tail fins? They should have the same blue pattern as the outside.
  22. Plus had the arm cannon. So that's Armor...ish. Good/badass enough for me.
  23. Helmets discarded for Rule of Cool. It's like Macross's version of the emperor's new clothes: Everyone knows, but no one talks about it.
  24. ...a Nightmare Plus, even. wark wark
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