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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yikes. Those Super parts emphasize just how wide the VF-31 is. Still no likey.
  2. In-canon the casings are stored in the gunpod, right? Or they're caseless? I seem to recall ammo being ejected, but it might have been creative license.
  3. I forget the source, but I'm fairly certain Kawamori himself states that he designs fighter mode first, and fashions Gerwalk/Battroid afterward. It has to look like a reasonably air-worthy vehicle first, THEN a cool robot/chicken later. The opposite approach would be Gundam.
  4. Yeah the initial glitz and glamour is starting to fade away now. Still, it was strong enough that I'm in it for the next few episodes at least, probably the entire run.
  5. People say Maki-Maki and I think of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahi-mahi
  6. Your best bet, if it's just to display, are the model kits. Jefuemon et al might be willing to do them up for you on commission, and it'll cost a fraction of a Yamcadia VF-1 (or god forbid a VF-11). Hasegawa has almost all the main VFs at just a slightly smaller scale (1/72). VF-0AS, VF-1AJS, VF-11BC, and the ®VF-25FG (not a mainstay VF, but close). If Hase's Shizuoka showing goes the way I hope it does, then we'll be getting a Delta VF-171 (and maybe the Cheyenne *crosses fingers*), too. No battroids save the VF-1, but if it's just for display...
  7. A T-Rex is a large flightless bird...
  8. Admision: I actually really liked Batman and Robin. ...no I don't, but I do really like their suits. Yes, bat-nipples and all. A lot of thought went into them, a lot of nods to and inspiration from classical Greek/Roman art. The lines and coloring were great, too. But anyway.
  9. Huh. I'll have to take a closer look at those screenshots, then.
  10. Does anyone know if they reused F/A-18 facilities for production of the Super Hornet? The 17-to-171 lineage seems to mirror (in reverse) that of the Hornet/Super Hornet, what with both being superficially similar to their immediate predecessors but being considerably smaller/bigger in almost every way.
  11. Joke's on you. Hayate and Freyja start a duet and their first hit single is "Watashi no kanojo wa pairotto." Mirage gets embarrassed and stabs them both. Happy ending for everybody.
  12. Are the Gurren Lagann movies worth checking out? Opinion seems to be polarized on them.
  13. VF-19 Red Skull? It looks more or less like a (phenomenally well-done) default YF-19 paint scheme... What's the difference?
  14. So my dad and I are incapacitated with illness today. I hop on Amazon Prime, browse through a category that consists almost entirely of anime I saw sitting on the shelves in the early 00s, and my eye lands on a little gem called Patema Inverted. All around a really neat film, well-paced and well-directed. Its central gimmick is two groups of people living in close proximity to each other who experience opposing gravitational pull. A more conventional film would have some deux ex machina in order to minimize that gimmick, but this one takes the idea and runs with it. It was nice. Also started watching Galilei Donna! the other day, and of course an anime about the descendants of Galileo Galilei would star moe schoolgirls. Also fairly lighthearted, also well-told so far. Looking forward to seeing the rest of it. Oh and I suppose Macross Delta, but that kind of goes without saying.
  15. Not likely. The one in-show doesn't have horizontal stabilizers. But all the same, I second Offswitch's question.
  16. That was my impression as well. Some precursor, either immediate or (more likely) several generations back. It does look more like the SV-51 than the Draken III. But I mean I still want it. Just in case I gave another impression. Now we wait to see IT transform to Battroid mode.
  17. Lots of dialogue. Will have to wait for the subs to get a clearer idea of everything. I'm enjoying the political situation here, though. Something I never thought I'd get to say about Macross. But if there's anything you can say about Kawamori, it's that he's smart about what he does. I'm really hoping to see some Ragnan aquatic Overtech, though. An entire Protoculture-derived species populating an almost entirely underwater planet. Imagine the possibilities.
  18. http://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist/?SeriesID=2914 Looks like just regular ol' waterslide decals...???
  19. Is Club M an "official" brand in the same vein as B-Club, or is it just another third-party resin/garage hobbyist?
  20. ^ This, everyone, is a terrible terrible person.
  21. Well, I don't think people "dove" into the race stuff again, for various reasons - one being that Alita and the world/story/etc. itself isn't quite so (arguably, apparently) specifically Japanese as Motoko and GitS - but if you want to make the first plunge, feel free. As to your question, I've said it before and I'll say it again: Anime Ethnicity. She is what people make of her. There's a connection I want to make with black cosplayers here, but it's lost on me at the moment, so I'll just post a link to this article I read on the intersection of anime and blackness: http://www.vice.com/read/what-black-anime-fans-can-teach-us-about-race-in-america-805 Thinking on this property some more, I really don't think that a blockbuster budget suits it. Maybe a "mid-size" $50 million budget with a lesser-known Asian American actress in the lead role and sparse, creative use of special effects married to inventive action choreography would fit this type of movie more than hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of rendering time. ... ... ... ...but I mean so long as she isn't played by a white girl I'm fine. /shots fired
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