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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. I was talking about this in the M-Delta thread as well (with links to other discussions in other forums): http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=43414&p=1298661 EDIT: With regards to your question, dizman, there's this post from the Gundam Eclipse discussion:
  2. Adding context to the above: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=43414&p=1298737
  3. Gah. The forum I got this from has stupid hotlinking issues (can't link to the specific post without isolating it from the discussion afterward). Oh well. Here's the post in question: http://gundameclipse.net/single/?p=709810&t=5193504 And here's the discussion afterward (go down about halfway to get to the above post): http://gundameclipse.net/topic/5193504/36/ We're all discussing this P-Bandai web page: http://p-bandai.jp/bc/images/net-s_tokushu/international_delivery.html It seems there are three proxy services: Buyee.jp (which NZEOD uses and recommends), From Japan (which I used just a bit ago to snag something, I had a good experience), and Samurai Buyer. Sorry for the convoluted mess of links. >.< --- On a related note, I ordered a P-Bandai kit through a US store, Tatsu Hobby - the MG Powered GM. I've purchased other things from them before, and now have two other P-Bandai preorders with them. Their P-Bandai prices are probably a bit high compared to using the above proxy services, but I've always had a good experience with them, so... just an FYI.
  4. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    There's that, but also it's likely a more accurate representation of what the ACTUAL gear design is that Kawamori came up with. (As they appeared in episode 2 or 3 or whichever, with Mirage's 31C.) The DX and Bandai kit both have to compromise on the landing gear design in order to satisfy other requirements. I imagine the (eventual) Hasegawa kit will feature similar gear design to the Tomy Tec one.
  5. Transformation isn't inherently a problem. If it can be achieved without compromising on the representation of the subject, then I don't think anyone would complain. Of course, such a thing is nigh impossible. Many Gundam kits transform, but while they might take on the right final shapes and such, they aren't exactly representative of the "actual" transformation. Armor panels opening/shifting, internal machinery moving around, etc. The Bandai VF-1, for all its faults, manages to faithfully reproduce the leg swing bar, and that's commendable. (I can and do fault it for all of its compromises elsewhere that ultimately negate that faithful reproduction, though.) By that definition, a bunch of these double ball joints glued together would be the ultimate Gundam model, whereas this would be tripe of the lowest caliber. You do realize that a good majority of (pre-modern) 1/72 F-14 kits DON'T have swiveling wings, right? The F-14 has inflatable air bags that "fill in" the empty space of the plane when the wings are fully open. A model kit with swinging wings would be an improper, un-"detailed reproduction" if it did not also have inflatable air bags. Most make do with allowing you to position the wings, then providing you with extra parts to "fill" or "empty" the air bags as appropriate.
  6. P-Bandai means "Premium Bandai." It's something Bandai started a couple years back where kits (and other items) not well suited for mass production can be ordered directly from them and produced on an as-needed basis. (Recent Gundam kits include the MG Powered GM, MG Altron, MG Heavyarms Kai, etc.) Unfortunately, P-Bandai is only available to customers in Japan, so until recently overseas customers had to resort to ordering these limited-run kits through proxy services, which would add various markups/service fees/etc. to the regular price. Bandai now has partnered with certain proxy service companies to allow overseas customers to get in on these P-Bandai kits. Fees and such are still applied, but there are now at least "official" proxy services.
  7. 85m height / 350 scale = 24.3 cm = 9.6 in. Taller than a 1/72 VF-25 (21.7 cm), and 1/100 Gundams (18 cm). That's not bad at all. I suppose it's too much to ask for an 18-incher to challenge the Neca toys...
  8. Huh. Dunno where HLJ is getting this info from; anyone want to confirm? EDIT: Probably the above Japanese press release?
  9. Did the regular release feature Ghosts? I don't think it did... Bandai re-issues might be your best bet for them at this point. EDIT: While we're at it, did the regular RVF feature anything that might not be included in this one? The 25G has the speakers and Ranka figure (and copilot seat?) that I don't believe made it to the Super version.
  10. Yes. Resident Evil Damnation was super good. Dumb as a brick, but the goodness was off the charts. Perpetual heartthrob Leon S. Kennedy versus TWO Tyrants AND a horde of Lickers AND the entire state of not-Russia? I'm not surprised in the slightest that this movie is getting the drubbing that it is. After the hype had worn off Advent Children, I realized it for the mess of a movie that it was, and I'm coming into this one with the low low low LOOOOOW expectations it deserves. The problem is (probably) that it treats itself with such reverence and so little self-awareness. The dialogue is (probably) super stilted and awkward and melodramatic. That seems to be the Squenix way. Anyway. Visuals look damn good, at any rate.
  11. Damn it... I paid for my Bandai kit just a couple days ago, too. Oh well. I guess I can compare the two...
  12. Nice. Thanks so much. Now I won't have to shell out the same amount for the long-OOP regular RVF.
  13. Oh, I prefer fixed-pose hands. I was just commenting on the SIZE of the hands. They look two sizes too big.
  14. The MG Ground Gundam has the exact same problem. It's an issue with all older MGs, I imagine. (The Wing Zero/Ver Ka had ratcheting knuckle joints, but the same overall design.) It's a design flaw carried over from their 90s 1/100 NG/HG kits. I remember the 1/100 EW kits were nearly as bad, redeemed only by the relative ease of weapon designs (and the lack of articulated thumb).
  15. Just got my payment request as well, hoping to ship it with the TomyTec 31A that should also be releasing soon. Shame it won't come with swappable fixed-mode tail fins, but oh well. Looking forward to it nonetheless. ...also those hands look rather alarmingly big. Hopefully it's just me.
  16. Well, I just got a payment request for the 1/72 SV-262, so... there's that? Speaking of the VF-31A, the Tomy Tec one is coming out soon as well. (Guess what two kits I'll be getting?)
  17. Eh... To me, Bandai has never known exactly what they want in an inner frame. Recently it feels like they do it just because they think they have to. As for the FA itself, it looks awfully skinny without its FA set on.
  18. Agreed. I was just hoping to distract you all with the 2SS so that I could have that Sahelanthropus to myself.
  19. For those who've been on the fence about this toy, HLJ has the Silvie 2SS as part of their weekly sale for 15k yen (60% retail): http://hlj.com/product/EVT57191/Act The sale in general: http://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?ItemGroup=WEEKLY20160815
  20. Has there been any confirmation (or even talk in general) of a CF Draken?
  21. Thanks so much for the head's-up. So it seems these WERE an event exclusive. And they're using stickers and not decals, at least from the pics, which is unfortunate. But super cool either way.
  22. *whimpering sounds* You... You wouldn't happen to have advice on proxy bidding, would you? EDIT: Well, took a dive and set up an account with From Japan. Hopefully this goes well.
  23. The Wing series isn't popular, apparently. Not in Japan, and certainly not enough in America that people will flock to the merchandise in sufficient numbers. Me, I'm fine with the old 90s Heavyarms Custom, and the majority of the old 90s EW kits in general. (I think their weapons are, across the board, equal to if not better than their MG counterparts.) Probably the only kits that I think benefited greatly from the MG upgrade are the Shenlong and Altron. If push comes to shove, you can just repaint the regular MG and throw the old HG gatlings on it. It'll be cheaper by far. Now if they release a P-Bandai Serpent, THEN I'll take back everything I said and jump on it post-haste. I can't wait to see the Ground GM and Origin Guncannon. I hope the former shares parts/design from the Ground Gundam and not from the Ez8. Almost certainly it'll at least take its head from the Gundam Ground War Set, which featured a then-new GM head with neat clear visor over mechanical/camera detail.
  24. Do they have a suicide epidemic similar to Japan's, or...? Just remembered one part I really liked was when whats-her-name changed into Enchantress for the first time to convince the Pentagon(?) to OK Waller's plan. How the fingers peek out and then flip over. That was really nice, really creepy.
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