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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Only on 4 and For Answer, I thought. (Which the Nineball pre-dates.)
  2. I for one was made more and more irate by the fact that they forgot to turn off the music. Like a brass quartet in your ear drums for three hours straight... Otherwise, sub-par movie overall. Not bad, but closer to it than to good. Never thought the plan-stealing played out as a big dumb battle. More like harried espionage and infiltration gone awry. It could have been a rollicking good spy thriller in the Star Wars universe, but nope, right back to same old same old Star Wars space battles. One final gripe: Shouldn't have fired the weapon. Was a lazy storytelling strategy. There were plenty of creative ways to go about things. I'm glad people enjoyed it, though.
  3. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Are the knee landing gear integrated a la previous DX releases or parts-swapping a la the 1/72 model kit?
  4. Quoting from an acquaintance on another board: [Inf Dimension] 1/100 MG Exia Dark Matter conversion kit
  5. I could have sworn I saw this figure posted on this forum before, but alas, searching gives me nothing. Anyway, this is only tangentially related to the Eva movies, but since there's a new Eva Vs. Godzilla movie in the works, some of you might enjoy the NERV Anti-G Weapon Shiryu Prototype Unit 01, from Sentinel's "Riobot" line of figures:
  6. Ah, yes, I just saw in the model kits section. Looking very very very good.
  7. Oh, it IS the CF release! Just in time to do battle with the Hasegawa version, too!
  8. Oh yeah, very much this. Can't quote this enough.
  9. Is that a CF kit? Or a modded Hs?
  10. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Sad to hear that, in2seconds. Hopefully someone'll be brave enough to take theirs apart and help you come up with a DIY solution... On another note, I'm glad those of you who bought it like it. It shouldn't be understated how much the inherent design simplification helps to make the toy better. Literally nothing needs to be removed from the Valk in order to transform from one mode to another. Gunpods don't magically go from elbow to hand, no shields have to magnetically transfer arms, etc. It's one of the things I like most about this design, even if I dislike it overall. Under-carriage gunpods (on transforming Valks, not real-world planes) have always struck me as really bad design, albeit aesthetically pleasing.
  11. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    P-Bandai has a survey specifically for overseas customers. Here's your best shot at eliminating those pesky third-party fees. https://p-bandai.jp/enquete/1000004100_outline/ Who knows, you might even be able to pick up some Super parts for less than your third-born son.
  12. P-Bandai has a survey specifically for overseas customers. Here's your best shot at eliminating those pesky third-party fees. https://p-bandai.jp/enquete/1000004100_outline/
  13. Dang. Even before Bandai announces theirs? yeayeayeyayeayeayyeayeayea
  14. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    For what it's worth, HLJ had some P-Bandai items on sale recently. I forget if it was during this most recent sale. So... they MIGHT have some Super parts in stock?
  15. If you're thinking of "Battle of the X Planes" by PBS Nova, yeah, that was also a big part of the decision. The X-35 demonstrated a functioning transformation to/from VTOL whereas the X-32 required parts-swapping. When I first saw that documentary, I thought these two planes were the inspiration for Project Super Nova. But then I paid attention to timelines and got my facts straight.
  16. Oh I dunno, the X-32 has its charms... You have to be in a certain contrarian mood to appreciate its look, but then the same could be said of the YF-23 (to a lesser degree). Who was it, some general or something who helped choose the YF-22 over the -23, who said something along the lines of "If it looks like a fighter, then it's the better choice." The YF-23 certainly looked unorthodox compared to the more "aggressive" YF-22, and the -32 to what was essentially a scaled-down F-22 in the X-35. Both were ignored in favor of their inferior but more aesthetically pleasing competitors, proving once again that fashion really is everything.
  17. Oh, my fault. I thought it was similar to other Yamcadia/DXes, ie being completely out of stock unless a random box or two are found in the dark recesses of the warehouse.
  18. Apparently this is back in stock at HLJ in case anyone's interested. I happened to come across it while browsing their sale. http://hlj.com/product/ACA82042/Sci EDIT: Also, the rest of the sale: http://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?SaleGroup=WINTERSALE2016DEC9 The ET VF-2SS is there, but the rest are model kits, I think. Mostly Hasegawa.
  19. I'm of two minds. On the one hand, it's kind of a nonsensical criticism to make; it's unreasonable to expect Bandai to create new molds with everything undergated. On the other hand, they knew they were going to do this; there's no good reason why they shouldn't have undergated everything from the very beginning. I thought the... Astaroth? would have beam guns from the first images shown of its model kit, but it turns out that's apparently a shell-firing weapon as well. So yes, apparently this is the first time the tech is seen. I'm not watching the show anymore, but here's hoping they DON'T eventually scale that down to MS size... but they will.
  20. Oh, Yakuza. If there's one series that defied all my expectations, this would be the one.
  21. How else should they do it? Yeah, it does look kind of crap, but that's more due to the nature of the design. The HG method looks bounds and leaps better... from one angle, and at one position. Give the elbows the slightest bend and the appearance is ruined entirely, and even at their best they still have the unsightly joint separation lines. The MG method at least hides the joints the way the real thing would while allowing for the ever-necessary double joint hinge. The only better (and what would be my preferred if I cared at all about these designs) method is to mold a whole bunch of fixed-pose elbows that can be swapped in and out, but I don't think the majority of Gunpla fans would dig that. Unless you have an issue with the material being used, not so much the methodology. But even then, I'd ask what else you would suggest that would be as flexible while looking as "true to life." (By the by, if I remember correctly, the FA Thunderbolt has excess cover material for each joint that you can bunch up for greater density of folds and subsequently a more "natural" look. Nothing suggests the same wouldn't hold true for the Psycho Zaku as well.) Anyway, I'm more dismayed by the hollow toe anchors. Small detail, but if they've splurged on the rest of the design, why not there as well? They can't be saving THAT much money by not filling in those gaps...
  22. Definitely. My one gripe with it is that the molds must have seriously deteriorated since their inception; the hands barely hold together at all, and the slightest wrong twist of a beam saber or spear-rifle-thing will dismantle the hand entirely. It could definitely benefit from some aftermarket hands, but the Bandai HDMs are crap (DAT THUMB!!!!!) and the Koto/Hobby Base ones are too big. The Gabthley has surprisingly small hands for an 18m suit, and is surprisingly small in general for a Zeon-inspired design. I'll eventually be able to just glue them together permanently, but I haven't decided yet whether I want to encase the spear-rifle in them and make the kit fixed-pose or maybe mod it to allow for disassembly so that I can insert it into the hands later. Questions: - Is the Vidar supposed to be able to "shoot" those rods? Maybe it's a pile bunker type of device? - That MA speaks to me in a way IBO hasn't since the Hyakuri/ren. I can't wait to get my hands on it. I remember seeing the UNT Spacy on the old 1.0 (or 1.5, I forget) RX-78-2. When did they transition to EFSF and why? I realize I never really gave it much thought when I started seeing EFSF more often than UNT Spacy. Also, isn't the GM Custom already a Katoki design? Which would render the naming scheme a bit moot? I know I said this not too long ago when we were talking about some other Ver Ka mention, but it seems more appropriate to name any new tooling a 2.0 rather than Ver Ka.
  23. I dislike RGs in general, but then I dislike gimmickry as a rule of thumb. (That being said, I snapped together three RGs in the last month or so, so clearly I'm a hypocrite.) None of the... five?... RGs I've built have been more impressive to me than they were troublesome. The only one of them that I have any interest in from a design standpoint is the 00 Quanta, and its RG makes no significant improvement over the HG that can be had for $10-15 less. It looks about the same, has only marginally better articulation, and its increased gimmickry is still just that: gimmickry. Certainly its ability to form a GN Buster Sword without parts swapping is completely wasted on me, since the Buster Sword looks dumb and poorly-designed anyway. The rest of them that I've built cover MS designs that don't particularly interest me. I was building them just as a time-waster, and here is where their stupid overengineering finally came in handy. When I didn't care what I was building, only THAT I was building, I found them to be perfectly sufficient. When I cared about the subject matter, I found that they didn't offer anything new. That said, I feel pretty confident in my decision to continue ignoring the RG line for the next good while. I just snapped together the HGUC Palace Athene and Gabthley kits, and boy it'll be a fun project doing what I want to do with them.
  24. Look what came in from Tatsu Hobby: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1gT-aDsFMx6cm01aC1JSy1zS1k/view Now the question becomes whether to turn that Heavyarms into an early Christmas present for me or turn it into a Christmas present for a family member... Ah, family. You love to hate 'em.
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