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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. ...yeah, I suppose I should have checked out the video before posting, eh. :/ So it's a Chinese-made figure sort of in the DX Chogokin/Metal Build spirit of figures, made by MoSho? It looks pretty good, honestly. It's a shame more of these Chinese companies have to go "under the radar," as it were. I'd think Bandai could stand to make a quick buck or two by issuing limited licenses to these companies for limited production runs of model kits/figures/etc. They do some pretty neat things. I still prefer the regular Quanta over the Full Saber, but this thing looks good in that mode, too.
  2. Can you guys clarify what you're talking about? Is this about the knockoff 7S/G a page back? There was also mention of a Buster Gundam? I didn't follow from a cursory glance.
  3. Oh yeah, that head laser fin requires a lot of patience/care. What I did was try to angle the laser such that when snapping it down into the swivel area on the head, the only area I was applying pressure to was the middle of the semicircle. Trying to get it in by applying pressure anywhere along the length of the fin is just asking for trouble. Best of luck fixing it; hopefully you have some modeling cement on you.
  4. I saw this on the MW facebook page as well. Really love it. It must have been especially fortunate that the canopy was already clear; no extra vacuum-forming necessary. I did have a question about the Club-M and Hasegawa versions, namely are there any significant proportional/detail differences between the two? It seems like the edges are softer on the resin. But both look great. But yeah, awesome job.
  5. The way I understand it, she's supposed to play a more prominent role in Episodes 8 and 9. I didn't pay attention to the pre-release hype, so I didn't know who she was and wasn't disappointed with what screentime she got and didn't get.
  6. Certainly they have been. In 2015 they were releasing one MG a month; in 2016 they released a total of... 4? Speculation has largely been that their focus on Star Wars kits is taking time/resources away from Gunpla. Which is fine by me, all considered. I didn't like their SW kits a whole lot when they started, but setting aside my bias against Bandai kits, they're actually quite decent. They also got back into the Macross realm with their Delta kits, and all of their other "niche" kit lines (seasonal anime, etc.). Plus so many Gundam designs already have kits, so it makes sense that they're scaling back production and focusing on smaller-scale kits and simpler 1/100 ones (like RE/100 and IBO 1/100). Wait for more designs to fill the Gundam pool, as it were, then ramp up the MG production again.
  7. Came across this on my Youtube feed. It's a long watch, and spoiler alert it doesn't paint the film in a good light, but it pointed out some things I couldn't put into words.
  8. What made TFA so disappointing? I'm just curious. I don't think I was there for the initial discussion about that film. I've already stated my opinion on the two - tl;dr they're about on par with each other, I dislike them more than I like them, I don't think they're bad. It seems the biggest sticking point was that it was a rehash of Episode IV?
  9. Didn't realize the new Shantae came out already. Bought it yesterday, hope to dive into it soon. Here's a trailer!
  10. Does the VF-1 battroid backpack have any indentations or otherwise indicate mounting points for Super parts? For that matter, what about the arms and legs? I can't imagine they would create entirely new molds just to accommodate them. (Then again, it would be easy enough to simply glue them onto the existing kits.)
  11. I like to think it's all they had available, being in the boondocks of space and all. Engineer A: "We've got three weeks until these birds are due. When are those cannons coming in!?" Engineer B: "There's been some sort of setback. We won't get them, but we have these ones over here!" Engineer A: "Okay, fine. Put them in, we'll make it work! Where's the duct tape?" --- Thanks for the info about the guns. That was exactly the explanation I was looking for.
  12. I really wished my computer would have lasted until the Ryzen release, but alas, I had to go with a Skylake CPU from a dying (1.4+ volts!) Athlon X4 750K a month or two ago. I'm still debating whether to sell the computer and go with a Ryzen setup or just stick with what I have, which is serving me just fine right now. I don't think anyone was expecting to see much of anything going from Skylake to Kaby Lake; it's not using any new manufacturing technology as far as I'm aware. I think they made them a bit less power hungry, though, which is always good.
  13. A copy-and-paste from the model kits section: Two questions: 1 - The link lists a March release date. Are there any other sources to corroborate this? 2 - The link also states that the gunpod is a General Galaxy GBP-35A Beam Gunpod. Same as above, can anyone corroborate this? Thanks. It just seems odd for Windermere to contract with GG the way, say, China would contract with Lockheed Martin or so.
  14. Quoted for truth. That said, I like what you did with what you had. Understated, nice. If I recall it's not uncommon for IRL aircraft to have different upper/lower paint schemes?
  15. Two questions: 1 - The link lists a March release date. Are there any other sources to corroborate this? 2 - The link also states that the gunpod is a General Galaxy GBP-35A Beam Gunpod. Same as above, can anyone corroborate this? Thanks.
  16. Saw it again earlier tonight at the behest of the nephews. It wasn't quite so rough this time around because I didn't have to think so much about it, but the second viewing reminded me that there was one scene that absolutely tanked the film for me: EDIT: Things I really liked the second time around: - That Hammerhead maneuver. - My nephews freaked out when they saw Ip Man in a Star Wars movie. - The on-location/physical sets are really slick. - The X-Wings taking off in the rain effects. The rain swirling around the jet exhaust especially. - The first shot of the Star Destroyer was remarkably amateurish. It doesn't look like a space ship in space, it looks like a scale model in stark lighting. My ranking: - EST - ANH - RotJ - TPM (because Darth Maul, and only because Darth Maul) - TFA - RO - - - ...several more -'s later... - RotS - AotC
  17. To be clear, I didn't misunderstand his importance/relationship to the Erso's; I just thought it was poorly done. Interesting point, and something I felt, too, now that I think about it. On the one hand, I liked the moral ambiguity. But on the other... it's the Empire and the Rebels. Space Nazis and La Resistance. This doesn't feel like the kind of universe to have that kind of "reality" injected into it. The most I felt about the CGI was that it was an odd decision. It didn't bother me, but it didn't elevate the movie for me, either.
  18. I didn't understand Saw. Like, any of him. I didn't understand why he was there, I didn't understand what effect he was supposed to have on either the main plot or other characters, I didn't understand why he was considered an extremist when he did more or less the same level of shady things the rest of the Rebellion did. I guess his... torture? fact-checking? it wasn't really clear why the creature... is supposed to be representative of "extremism," but we already saw Rebels killing their own to preserve the mission and going behind each other's backs and masking an assassination mission as a rescue. How was he an extremist again? But I think the bigger problem with him is that he, like other aspects of the film, should have been left on the cutting room floor. As he is, he does nothing for the story except deliver the first piece of intel - the pilot - to the Rebellion, a plot contrivance which could have easily been taken care of any number of ways, up to and including having the pilot already with the Rebellion at the start of the film. Rework him as a senior Rebellion operative looking for the pilot who happens upon his runaway adoptive daughter Jyn, and he spends the movie trying to convince her of the cause (which I think is kind of hinted at in the movie, but it does so in a really clumsy fashion). He either dies convincing her to fight for the Rebellion, or he dies with the rest of the crew during the finale. Agh. Grumble grumble grumble I'm becoming an old sourpuss.
  19. Must be. The 31A doesn't come with any pilots or deck crew.
  20. Is there not another part SD6 on another runner? Usually they're pretty good about that sort of thing. I'll be getting mine in by the end of the week (hopefully), so I'll try to look at it for you.
  21. TFA is marginally more enjoyable than Rogue One, though. Maybe only by virtue of being part of the mainline series, but still, I enjoyed it slightly more anyhow... if "enjoyed" is the right word. That entire subplot with the father was really, really dumb. And not dumb in a "eh, I'll roll with it" kind of way, but in a "this really should have been left on the cutting room floor" way.
  22. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Only on 4 and For Answer, I thought. (Which the Nineball pre-dates.)
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