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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. I thought it comes with a kickstand?
  2. Yes. (See bottom right corner of box art.)
  3. What interests/worries me more about the storage limitations is how storing on various media (game card, internal storage, SD card, possibly USB 3.0 hard drive when in enclosure) will affect gameplay. The SDHC/XC/etc. standard has significantly lower read/write speeds than even USB 3.0, which MUST itself be lower than game card speeds, which in turn is almost assuredly lower than internal storage speeds. The problem only gets exacerbated when you take into account the wildly variable real-world speeds at which different SD cards operate. And there will almost assuredly be situations where the game files are split between multiple sources. Will Nintendo provide an easy way to transfer data from one SD card to another and/or from one medium to another (SD to USB, USB to internal, etc.)? Since the game cards are ROMs, will game updates default to internal storage or SD/USB and/or allow you to choose? Will it be left to developers to decide what data gets stored where, and will there be contingencies in place if one storage medium is unavailable? The storage issue was one of the major flaws of the otherwise mostly-positive Switch announcement. With such little space, there are a lot of questions that need answering, and Nintendo being coy/reluctant/vague with their answers hasn't exactly instilled me with confidence in that aspect of the system. But then again, I never owned a 3DS or Vita, the most comparable point of reference (aside from maybe smart phones) for this kind of thing; maybe storage issues weren't as much a problem as I'm thinking they will be.
  4. You might be right. The SHE served as the basis for the Yamato toy, that's about the extent of my knowledge. Though WHICH SHE version is unknown. I thought that SHE made an earlier, mid-90s kit before the 2000s release, and it seems I was right. 1997 Studio Halfeye Escaflowne https://hlj.com/product/SHE002/Sci 2003 Studio Halfeye Escaflowne https://hlj.com/product/SHE024/Sci 2003 Yamato Escaflowne https://hlj.com/product/YMT28002/Act Tamashii x SHE Escaflowne (vaporware?) http://news.toyark.com/2010/10/01/tamashii-nations-x-studio-half-eye-escaflowne-3328 --- And of course there were the non-transformable kits. 1996 Bandai Limited Model Escaflowne injection plastic kit (1/48) https://hlj.com/product/BAN53284/Sci 1997 Kotobukiya Escaflowne resin kit (1/60) https://hlj.com/product/KBYES-1/Sci
  5. Did those stockings come pre-ripped, I wonder? This is basically why I'm avoiding the whole line altogether. The temptation is too great.
  6. Wait, this is the SHE version? I kind of suspected, but is this a new sculpt, then? Or just a recast of their old old OOOOLD resin kit? (https://hlj.com/product/SHE024) Is this even a release at all and not just pulling up some pics on a boring afternoon? Is it perhaps the 2010 Tamashii x SHE toy that never saw a release (as far as I'm aware)? http://news.toyark.com/2010/10/01/tamashii-nations-x-studio-half-eye-escaflowne-3328 See, this is why I want to ignore it until more info comes in. NOW I'M SUSPICIOUS AS frakk
  7. ...yeah nope, I'm gonna pretend this doesn't exist for now. Just a fever dream I had once upon a 2017 day. Give it a release date and pricing, then it'll be more than a desert mirage brought on by heat stroke.
  8. This is more about planes in general, but it does have relevance to VFs. Why is the cockpit located at the nose? What issues would arise from placing it in the middle or rear of an aircraft? Given the growing prominence of coffin/camera cockpit systems in VFs, what would preclude a middle- or rear-situated cockpit? Switching up cockpit placement could lead to some interesting VF designs, at any rate.
  9. Actually, I wonder about this. Is it perhaps starting to swing the other way, albeit slowly? I want to say that Macross probably has a broader pop culture appeal, or at least has footholds in more areas, than Gundam, which is still primarily targeted at sci-fi anime fans specifically. I don't hear about Gundam being a launch vehicle for successful pop music careers, for instance. It seems to persist on name alone. I could be laughably wrong, though.
  10. It finally hit me. Toyama Nao/Reina reminds me of Megumi Hayashibara playing Ayanami Rei from Evangelion. Before NGE, her big role was Female Ranma from Ranma 1/2, and after NGE, she's probably best known around here for being Lina Inverse from Slayers, or Faye from Cowboy Bebop. All very loud, very vocal characters. Ayanami Rei couldn't have been more against type. You can hear the Ranma/Lina/Faye creeping through in the final episode, during the alternate reality sequence. Anyway, nice find. I always dig good covers of this song.
  11. True. But I'm lazyyyy......
  12. Damn. I suspected as much looking at the tag, but the confirmation stings. Still waiting, Bandai. Still waiting.
  13. That IS a set-for-release model, right? Not a custom modification being displayed?
  14. I think part of the reason AYNIK and EoT didn't get much flak (though I seem to recall they did get some, just not much) is because EoT isn't straight-up translating the same story to screen. It's an extremely loose adaptation of the original light novel, at least according to people in the know, with mainly just the core conceit making the transition (ie time-traveling aliens attack, hero gets time-travel abilities). Even the mecha were drastically altered into those exposed power suits in order to show the actors. The fact that AYNIK isn't anywhere near as popular as Ghost in the Shell certainly helped, too. Anyway. Trailer looks fine, even if it still doesn't inspire me to go see the movie. Hope everybody who does enjoys it.
  15. Hm... Not sure if this would better belong in the Gunpla thread or the Third-party Gundam thread. It's a bit of both worlds, honestly. Anyway, "Master Grade" 1/100 Gundam Deathscythe Hell "TV Version" by Dragon Momoko http://www.gundamkitscollection.com/2017/02/dm-1100-gundam-deathscythe-hell-tv-ver.html - "Master Grade" because it's not an official Bandai MG kit. - "TV Version" because... well, look at it. It doesn't have much of the original TV design in it at all.
  16. I haven't, but isn't it basically a VF-25F molded in different colors with a new head and marking decals/stickers? I've never been particularly interested in it because of that. Either way, here are some Dalong pics in case you haven't looked at them yet: http://dalong.net/review/etc/mfp/mfp_p.htm Do you have any specific plans with this project, or is it going to just be a straight OOB (fighter mode only) build? EDIT: To get more to your question, I would imagine that it presents the same problems as all the VF-25 kits; that is to say, lots of complicated parts that won't really serve any purpose when you're fixing it into its most simplistic form. If I were building the Bandai kit as such, I'd try to remove/cover up as much of the unused articulated mechanisms as possible. (The wing roots, especially.) I'd just glue the chest/shoulder/shield armor panels into place to make sure surfaces transition as smoothly from one to another as possible. I'd probably try to get rid of as much weight in the legs as possible, too. (The joints especially.) I don't know if it's possible, but I'd push them up into the upper fuselage/backpack as much as possible to get rid of the gap that currently exists there. Other than that... Yeah, I dunno. It's sort of just speculation from me, and I didn't paritcularly enjoy the Bandai kit anyhow. Why not build a Hasegawa version and use the Bandai decals?
  17. HLJ is having a daily deal sale on the VF-31S Arad Molders version: http://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?ItemGroup=DADETMT022017
  18. Quick question since I don't have the episodes on hand atm: Where (as in planet) does the first episode take place again? And correct me if I'm wrong: Episode 1: Freyja arrives on above planet to audition for Walkure, where she runs into Hayate and finds out she stowed away on the wrong ship. He helps her escape the authorities, and they run into Mirage, who's currently on a mission to find Var activity. Var happens and Windermere attacks (to find out Walkure/Delta's capabilities). Hayate, having lost his job, and Freyja decide (independent of each other?) to go to Ragna and join Kaos (Delta specifically)/Walkure, respectively. Episode 2: They both arrive in Ragna, the mercat/Lovecraft planet. Hayate eventually convinces Arad to bring him onto Delta, and Freyja auditions by way of simulated life or death situation in the railcar.
  19. Hi. Wow. Lots of members here that I don't ever see in the other parts of the forum. I've been mulling writing me some fanfiction again, and I'm interested in what you guys are into (Macross or otherwise, but since this forum is Macross-centered, let's go with that). I trawled through the first couple pages of the thread, but other than that, I haven't the foggiest idea what the current state of affairs are. Also, who's here that also frequents the more popular parts of the forum?
  20. Yeah, I was just looking at that page too. (quickie link for others: http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossf/yf-24.htm ) The parts that stick out to me are ...indicating that while the VF-25 improves the ISC, it also scaled back capabilities in order to suit more of a multipurpose role. The 24's test sortie results (the 12 VFs/6 Ghosts) are also indicative. When the Ghosts went super saiyan in Frontier, I don't think Skull Squadron would have been able to keep up. But I agree, I'm sure others with more in-depth knowledge would be better able to clarify. Either way, it's getting off topic.
  21. Wait. My memory must be spotty then. Correct me where I'm wrong: - Earth develops the YF-24. - It "dumbs down" those plans when handing it off to emigrant fleets to produce their own variants because they want to keep political/military dominance. - (^ Having something to do with going from UNS to NUNS.) - Frontier fleet develops YF/VF-25 alongside SMS. SMS tests them out in combat. - Galaxy fleet develops VF-27. - SMS (independently?) develops YF-29. - SMS (also independently?) develops YF-30.
  22. Is the YF-30 considered part of the YF-24 lineage? It uses a lot of the same tech, but the transformation scheme is entirely different, and it has that fancy time travel(?) tech as well. Speaking of the YF-24, isn't it just a supercharged VF-25 in terms of looks and capability? Doesn't seem like they'd be able to do much new and exciting with that. EDIT: Whoops, I guess I was thinking of the YF-25. Never mind, don't even remember seeing these YF-24 schematics before.
  23. Actually, I think it was said somewhere that Russian Jaegers didn't have ejection systems because their pilots were expected/trained to fight to the death. Dunno if that theory holds water or not...
  24. Also, go any lower and you're running into like 20 feet of massive gears and actuators...
  25. I think both are true. The property is still popular with kids, but the movie itself is banking extreeeemely heavily on nostalgia. Angel Grove, original characters/Zords/setting, etc.
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