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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. It seems that I was wrong here, partly. Loading times actually go, from fastest to slowest: - internal storage - SD cards (wtf) - game cartridges It's so odd because you would expect they would want their proprietary game cartridge format to be faster than the other external storage medium.
  2. Seems like someone did a naughty.
  3. By all indicators, her working name appears to be the Mira Killian mentioned a page ago, with the writers forcing "Major" into the script, likely on orders from producers, in an attempt to distance the film as much as they can from the whitewashing. It's a political, not creative, concession and an unnecessary one at that (just like the initial whitewashing), which is why it's so off-putting.
  4. This isn't weird at all. The industry invented blackface and consider/considered CGI-ing ScarJo to look "more Asian." C'mon. EDIT: I dunno, Steve Rogers seems pretty believable a character to me, and he's not the son of the inventor of the super soldier program or anything. His interesting story doesn't involve his parents/superiors/etc. lying to him about what he is. It doesn't turn out in Batman that Gotham City had Bruce's parents killed, and yet audiences continue to dig his movies. It feels like "my superiors are keeping a big secret from me" is becoming the go-to writing crutch when it hampers a movie more often than not. Does Wonder Woman REALLY need that kind of story arc to keep her interesting? I don't think so. Granted, this is all speculative, so maybe I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill, but regardless, I really hope they do something more creative with it than what's being implied by the trailer. It's a cover story? That's a shame. ...or is this one of those Dumb Comic Book Things where they retcon it in future revisions of her origin story?
  5. Received my payment notice today. Here's to seeing it at the end of the month!
  6. Unrelated to these movies, but there was talk here of a Matrix sequel/reboot, so here you go: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/matrix-reboot-works-at-warner-bros-986292
  7. http://www.crunchyroll.com/interviews-with-monster-girls So Crunchyroll is streaming the series. Watched the first two episodes. Will watch more. Turns out it's a slice of life show, which puts some people off. Me, I don't watch much anime anymore anyhow, so I haven't developed the appropriate distaste, I suppose. It puts an interesting twist on the "supernatural high school" setting by making the characters more or less "normal," with their respective monster personas being mutations with ill-understood physiological effects. So the myth that vampires hate garlic is actually that garlic overstimulates vampires, which is why most avoid it, and so on. The series vampire happens to enjoy the rush she gets from eating it. It's a bit like X-Men in that you can see some social commentary in between the lines, but it's perhaps not quite so heavy-handed about it. The slice of life far outweighs the supernatural elements. (EDIT 2: Actually, there's quite a lot of clever, creative depiction of mental illness here without stigmatizing mental illness. I'm really liking this.) There's some of the usual trope-y tropes that go with the genre, but for the most part, the show keeps characters on an even keel. The dullahan character is probably my favorite so far. She's a cutie, and she has a crush on the main character that isn't played for creepy wish fulfillment. I remember reading one manga, I forget the name of it now, where a teacher-elementary student romance is the main plot and not done very well at all (with gratuitous loli fanservice as well, which... egh), and I remember constantly hoping it would play out more like it does here. I think it was controversial enough that its English localization was scrapped after the publishers saw some of the later chapters. She gets one of the trope-y tropes - this one's of the "she has big boobs and sensei hugs her and overreacts when he realizes what she's packing" variety - but so far it's been a one-off gag and hopefully doesn't get more focus than that. Anyway, I'm liking it so far. Here's a clip: EDIT: Ten seconds into episode 5 and BAM explicit (but not graphic) suicide imagery. That sure threw me for a loop. Sheesh.
  8. Saw it just earlier. Dug it very much. That final battle brought back all my fondest memories of Pacific Rim. Two very minor gripes, spoilery:
  9. Has anyone heard of Demi-chan wa Kataritai ("Interviews with Monster Girls" I guess)? Some random clips showed up on my Youtube feed for whatever reason, and it seems like a cute anime, with a sensible protagonist and story rather than the prototypical high school harem show. Also, I keep hearing Madoka recommended, so I'll probably check that out. Any other reccs?
  10. That's a really cool origin. Way more in line with the abject weirdness of the Ancient Greeks than yet again baby daddy Zeus.
  11. I realize now that I misread your post. I'm totally down for seeing this movie, and I have no doubt that it'll be a great little monster flick. I mean I enjoyed Godzilla well enough, and that one was only 20 minutes long. I meant that as long as it's better than Jurassic World, which I found more disappointing than not (it's certainly no JP1), I'll be a happy camper. I'm a cheap date when it comes to giant monsters.
  12. This was the endorsement I was hoping for. Jurassic World was a major letdown.
  13. Aesthetics. Kawamori likes the Su-27's nose. That's what it is from a meta standpoint, at least. Not sure if there's any reason in-universe. The "beak" has been a feature since at least the VF-11.
  14. Was her not knowing she was divine (or undivine if it turns out she's just a human) part of the story, though? As in there was a plot to keep that information from her because of such-and-such reason?
  15. Around the 0:28 mark, someone says, "You will train her harder than any Amazon before her ... until she is better than even you. But she must never know the truth about what she is." Now... is that a thing? Is that a Wonder Woman character trait/canon that exists in the comics? Like she doesn't know that she's descended from the Ancient Greek Gods, or that she's really a human, or something, and part of her origin story has her discovering that truth? Because otherwise it sounds like a really dumb conspiracy plot to me.
  16. I disagree. The layers and complexity of music/vocals sounds very Frontier Kanno. I'm not big on it, just like I wasn't at first with the original Sheryl music.
  17. Got this from MacrossCentral on Facebook.
  18. Was just about to post that as well. My thoughts: Kind of a bad trailer, I hope the final product is better but I don't expect it to be.
  19. I dunno, I wouldn't call it overstated so much as... well, it's there for anyone who cares, but anyone who cares needs to be careful about how much they care. Framerate isn't the be all end all of video games, and yeah, going from 30 to 20 fps sounds bad on paper but isn't quite so bad in practice. It's annoying, but not self-destructive. I think this would be more of an issue if Nintendo had made a big deal about framerate in their marketing, which they smartly didn't. I'm surprised people aren't making it more of an issue on PS4 and Xbone, both of which made heavy and explicit marketing pushes out of 1080p60 and yet right out of the gate we had games at sub-30fps and sub-1080p marks. They actually lied to customers; Nintendo just didn't say anything.
  20. There is certainly something to be said about how more often "robots" is used to justify undressing/sexualizing the female body than the male in sci-fi. When's the last time you saw a naked sexy dude robot? Terminator, maybe, if you're into that Schwarzenegger look? Compare that to sexy girl robots in Terminator 3, Transformers 2, and Ex Machina, and that's just from my very limited recent memory. ...then again, maybe the reason I don't remember more sexy robot dudes is because I'm not into sexy dudes, robot or otherwise. So... yeah. But I mean, really, if SJWs are gonna jump on anything in this movie, it would be and was the whitewashing. Because c'mon now. Unrelated: The last time I saw the same phrases repeated over and over for every trailer/tv spot/advertisement/etc. was The Last Airbender, and I ignored all the signs and saw it opening night. I've since learned my lesson.
  21. The Wii U version plays similarly to the portable mode of the Switch version (ie 720p with decreased texture filtering) but with the framerate hiccups of the docked mode (ie random drops to 20fps from 30). Digital Foundry postulate that the drops are due to the game's implementation of bilinear filtering since they happen regardless of how complex things are on screen. Other than that the two versions run identically.
  22. On sale again @ HLJ: http://hlj.com/product/EVT57191/Act No other Macross toys, but here's the rest of the sale anyway: http://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?SaleGroup=SPRINGSALE2017
  23. Yeah, it's not even showing up on the front page. That said, I'm seeing 5,000+ items right now, so I'm guessing it's a go. I'll post a link in the OP as well.
  24. Link to thread about the upcoming HLJ spring sale (note it hasn't started yet, I'm just letting people know):
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