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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. I forget how, but there was confirmation that somewhere in the Switch's deep-down software, a cloud-save feature exists. There are rumors that it'll be enabled as part of the Nintendo subscription service. It's kind of a bummer, since there's no other way to take your gamesaves off the console.
  2. Tangentially related, but this showed up on my Youtube feed (also, I may or may not have already posted the video, but I think it's a good one):
  3. Darth Maul as the sole baddie is an old idea, but it WAS SUCH A GOOD ONE. And so obvious, too. That said, Maul as Backflipping Evil Ninja Devil is perfect as is. Just have him constantly, silently, sadistically slicing Jedi into ribbons through all three movies until the only option left is for Anakin to brute force him, and then even as he's being Force Choked to death he doesn't struggle or beg for mercy. Just has this sort of gleeful look on his face, because he's reveling in the darkness he's bringing into the world.
  4. I seem to keep getting a weird... SOMETHING where my scroll wheel will stop working randomly. Usually it happens when I navigate from any subforum to a thread; suddenly I'll lose middle wheel scrolling ability for the entire forum on that tab. Middle-click to scroll still works, scrolling on other tabs still works, etc. Going to a different website on the same tab restores scrolling, and going from that other website back to MWF likewise restores scrolling... until I go to a thread and (sometimes) the scrolling stops again. It's not a big issue by any means, just a strange thing that happens only on this forum. I've had it happen on multiple computers; in one instance the Backspace key on my main computer became nonfunctional as well.
  5. Elintseeker colors, maybe? Eh? EH?
  6. What's this Senran Kagura and what's wrong with--oh. OHHHHHHHH. It's one of THOOOSE games.
  7. bleh. wrong thread
  8. Not to beleaguer the point, but I just got done with the first season of SAC, and maaaan... This movie should have been about the Tachikomas. That's all.
  9. Oh boy. I've picked up both Hasegawa SV-262s, but I'm not sure if I'll bite on this one even if my heart says yes. There's just still too much about the design I don't like... Hopefully they'll release a 31A, limited edition or otherwise.
  10. Probably just too different from what Thor's been before. They went from "classically" Norse in the first movie to the trademark "Marvel" Norse in the second movie to... Guardians of the Galaxy here.
  11. Yeah, I coulda done without it. It didn't feel very Thor-ish, but then again, this is kind of another fish-out-of-water type story, so... eh.
  12. To be fair, they didn't go anywhere with a lot of things. WA-HEEEEEY No but seriously, thinking on the movie some more and not going anywhere, why did they include the "Kuze's network" thing? Maybe I missed something. Inane conjecture here, so feel free to ignore:
  13. Man, I miss the classic storytelling of the first Thor, easily my favorite of... any (wow) of the MCU films. That said, this looks dope.
  14. http://variety.com/2017/film/box-office/ghost-in-the-shell-box-office-1202027114/
  15. They borrowed some bits from Innocence, I remember, specifically two things: the geisha saying "Help me" and the doctor/scientist they spoke to in order to deep dive into said geisha having a similar personality to and eye cybernetics as Dr. Harlad or whatever her name was.
  16. They have all three modes of the VF-1, though, in case that entices you at all. And I think the total cost wouldn't be too far off from the Bandai VF-1, either.
  17. Amen.
  18. I like how there's already 15 reviews. Like, you don't know, they could have printed an entirely different video onto the disc...
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