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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. ^ Drawing comparisons to GitS isn't totally apt, though. GitS was an adaptation in the form of a single movie, not a television serial. If this were a movie production, I'd be as dismissive as everyone else, but the fact that they're going for a TV show makes me just the slightest bit curious. A TV show is the absolute best way they could have possibly gone, so they're starting off on the right foot at least.
  2. I wouldn't worry too much if you can't get the initial batch. Bandai tends to re-release popular kits pretty regularly (as opposed to their strategy for figures) until their popularity wanes. The Hi-Res Barbatos is still seeing fairly regular reproduction runs.
  3. I'm surprised at the blowback to this. I saw this, immediately thought of Firefly, and was like "Yep, this has the potential to be good." I mean, Cowboy Bebop certainly lends itself more readily to a live-action adaptation TV adaptation than GitS does. It has more potential to be good, though I'm still skeptical that it will be.
  4. This I would buy in an instant. It also reminds me to buy the Figuarts Zero figure of her ASAP.
  5. I thought the 3DS release was just an update of an earlier game? I didn't watch the Direct, but from secondhand accounts: - Pokken Tournament releasing on Switch with new characters - Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon (re?)releasing for 3DS with new characters/features - Pokemon Gold and Silver releasing on 3DS Virtual Console with new characters/features (they were originally Game Boy games?) Is that about right? I don't play/follow Pokemon, so I dunno.
  6. This might be of interest to some people. It came out a couple days ago and I figured it might be topical.
  7. Kind of surprised to see this being covered in the figures thread. It'll take (a bare minimum, but still) some building, but I suppose the prebuilt frame with metal included and intent to NOT paint/customize it does sort of put it more in the figure category. I don't remember the Hi-Res Barbatos selling out so quickly (though that's understandable). Hopefully Bandai will note the interest and ramp up production of this for all of you. Me, I'll stick to the "classic" design.
  8. It seems to me that they're part of the inner frame, actually, so you'll probably have to snip them off during the build. Someone on GE commented that the amount of exposed areas on the armor is off-putting, and I'm prone to agree. I'm getting a FAZZ Sentinel version (second purchase of that kit, it's so gloriously over the top), and I was struck by how little of that gimmick exists on the older MG.
  9. Last couple episodes, the story's ramping up nicely. The small "Coming to America" bits are probably my favorite parts of the show. And my one critique from way back when still stands: Please, for the love of god, turn off the damn music every now and then.
  10. MSM and RG Unicorn up for preorder. LE(?) RG: https://hlj.com/product/BANN20714 "The RG Unicorn Gundam's first release comes in a special limited box with Unicorn Mode depicted on the front, rather than Destroy Mode (shown on later releases). It's armed with the beam magnum, hyper bazooka, two beam sabers, and a shield. Decals are included, too. Only limited quantities of this kit in this package will be available, so don't wait!"
  11. Does Mirage join Walkure in Scramble or something?
  12. Yeah, I'm really digging the look of this paint scheme, and the itasha looks good, too. (Dunno if it comes with the sword, though... doesn't seem like it.) I didn't have high hopes for it after the VF-31J Kai didn't look that great, but this one, with the more subdued paint scheme, doesn't look bad at all. Now I'm debating whether I should get this (it looks good, but I'm not a Mikumo fan) or the VF-31J Kai (don't care for the plane or the itasha design, but the two could look nice together with a simpler paint scheme, maybe black on blue) or wait for a Kaname Deculture kit (because she's best girl).
  13. SV-262Hs Draken III Roid Custom (Deculture version, starring Mikumo Guynemere) - https://hlj.com/product/bann19757 Preorder, releasing September 5500 yen retail, 4675 yen HLJ price
  14. Whoof. That is a NASTY stress mark. Are the marks to the side related, too? Best of luck reinforcing or just plain ol' surviving that.
  15. It does, thanks, but I was hoping for something a bit higher resolution, or more focused on the heads in particular, preferably from different angles. Maybe design sketches, the Master File, or something. I'd check the animation again but they rarely went into battroid mode anyway, and whenever they did usually the only one to get a good shot of its face was the J. Oh well. I got what I needed, thanks again.
  16. Thanks. Welp, looks like it's time to go sleuthing.
  17. Thanks for the answers, jenius/VF5SS. I asked this in the model thread as well and Chronocidal pointed me the way of the DX VF-31 thread, but while I'm scouring all 200 pages or so, I'll ask here, too:
  18. Is there a head comparison of the various -31s at all? I'm thinking about picking another one of these up and debating between the various kit releases - regular J/C/F/S, J-Kai, or Super J. The itasha decals that come with the J-Kai don't interest me that much (though the paint scheme is nice), and I'm on the fence about the Super packs, though I suppose if I do want one I can just pick up the add-on kit. But yeah, a head comparison would be greatly appreciated, since that's the major difference between the different models. I'm leaning toward getting the F and shaving the horn, but I still don't have a great idea how the heads looks aside from the J's.
  19. Ah, yeah, I meant the movie canon. Should've specified. Thanks.
  20. Hey all. I was looking at HLJ's summer sale and found these on sale. Dunno if they fit the theme, but I saw "chogokin" and figured maybe? Might pique your interest, might not. https://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?SaleGroup=HLJ20ANNIVERSARYJUN5&DisplayMode=images&Dis=2&Sort=std&qid=CTASYSH1Q&set=1&x=0&y=0&KeyWord=chogokin&c=c
  21. https://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?method=category/seriesId&SaleGroup=HLJ20ANNIVERSARYJUN5&DisplayMode=images&Dis=2&Sort=std&qid=11WXY1MOVT8OQ&set=1 Part 2 of HLJ's 20th anniversary sale, items sorted by series. Looks to be a lot of Transformers stuff on there, but I haven't checked myself. You might see something you like. Cheers, all.
  22. Yeah, I get tired of the monotony of Gundam model design, too. I snapped a Heavyarms Kai EW and Tallgeese III just a couple days ago, and they build fine, but I agree I've had more fun putting together the various VF designs. There's more variety in the things you're building and the way you build them. I've grown less and less enamored with internal frames over the years. Bandai continues to push that particular gimmick and yet I tend to have more fun with simpler Gundam builds like the RE/100 kits. Showing off internal detail is all well and good, but that doesn't seem to be the point of MG internal frames anymore (or ever, now I think about it).
  23. That's what I'm worried about, that people will praise it to high heaven because it's just good enough, a mark the DCEU has never been able to achieve. I feel like the movie has a set of impossibly high expectations placed upon it through no fault of its own; it's expected to pull the DCEU out of the critical doldrums AND be the feminist pillar of superhero movies AND appeal to traditional superhero movie fans AND be a star-making vehicle for Gal Gadot (who it could be argued already had her breakout performance in BvS because really does anyone care about anything else in that movie?) AND continue the DCEU overarching story line AND so on and so forth. If it's just another decent movie a la Thor 2 or the first Captain America, that'll be a solid notch in its belt, DCEU be damned.
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