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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Well there goes that theory.
  2. Having never seen Shin Godzilla, I was under the impression that that's entirely standalone...? Or do you mean a prequel to the FIRST first movie, ie '54 Goji? Perhaps "Minus One" implies an alternate retelling of '54, reframing the nuclear weapons social anxiety around... maybe... the Tohoku earthquake/tsunami, and/or climate change more broadly. IIRC that was somewhat the case with Shin Godzilla, but there the movie was just evoking footage from the disaster while the social commentary focused on government bureaucracy. I dunno, lemme know.
  3. I was talking to a coworker who actually professes to love the Indy franchise - me I'm meh on it entirely, don't think I've ever seen one all the way through - and I asked them if they should have just... recast Indy. Y'know, like long-running (and not so long-running) movie franchises have done plenty of times in the past. Cast a younger actor, so you can tell a younger story. I mean heck, it was already done before, in the 90s. Brendan Frasier took over the Indiana Jones role, and they called it The Mummy, and it was fantastic. The coworker was adamant, incensed even. "No, Harrison Ford IS Indiana Jones!" they insisted. And if that's the case, then I think it would have been prudent to simply leave the franchise dormant. Anyone else? Would you have preferred a new cast? For as much as some people here like to go on and on about wokeness being the industry's downfall, what really crippled this movie to me was its counting solely on nostalgia to drive sales in a movie culture in which nostalgia (or at least this particular brand of nostalgia) was already waning.
  4. They've already done them as Pixel Remasters just last year or so, so don't count of them getting the "2D HD" treatment they've been experimenting with anytime soon. There is word of a FF9 remake, though if it's in line with FF7R, that'll be a no thanks from me.
  5. Oh okay, so it's not stopping third parties from jamming its mobile CPUs into teeny tiny desktop PCs, it just isn't doing so itself anymore. Seems fair. I wonder if companies will continue with its PCIe riser card-style NUCs that allow for dGPUs or go back to the traditional small ones that can be mounted onto the back of a monitor.
  6. Macross the First, just using the VF-0, Cheyenne, and Koenig Monster. Done and done! (No, but actually though. The VF-0 feels like a proper modernization of the VF-1 that should be the default from here on out. It fixes the size discrepancy, it fixes the proportions, etc. It's just an improvement in every way.)
  7. Late night toilet thought: Has the Su-75 been demonstrated? I remember the showy promotion and pre-order announcement, and forget if among or after that was ever any actual real-life footage of one operating. Makes me want to see one in a video game. Like an "all concepts" Ace Combat, where the roster includes it, the F-16XL, Super Tomcat, Silent Eagle, etc... and the Qaher-313.
  8. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I'm amazed they really couldn't bother to even include at least the Fast Pack equipment. It's just... what, four static parts plus two spacers? I'd have been willing to trade that second effect part for them.
  9. Another resource for manual scans is dalong.net. They have manuals, box photos, etc. for a bunch of legacy items as well, and a lot of the other manufacturers, too. (They're incomplete, especially now that every company and their mother have decided to dip their toes into the hobby, but still manage to cover a surprisingly huge swathe of the industry.) I can't compare the quality of the scans though because the bandai-hobby site is taking ages to load for me. EDIT: Manuals finally started loading for me. Yep, they're definitely of significantly higher quality than dalong's old jpegs, being probably the literal digital sources used for printing and all. Took a while to load, though, so in a pinch dalong's pics are probably faster. Still, that's such a great resource to have. Now I only hope to be able to download each one of them for posterity's aske.
  10. Whoa, hold your conclusion-jumping horses now. I'm just comparing your assessment of the video to the video's own self-promotion because the dichotomy was like a record scratch and worthy of a laugh. I wasn't at all getting "very thoughtful even keeled analys[i]s" vibes from a title and thumbnail that clearly has a specific tilt, and so I wanted to make sure whether, its provocative cover aside, its actual book was worth my time or not. That all said, that did prompt me to look at the budget for this thing, and jeebus $300 million is a LOT. For reference, that's right up there with Justice League (apparently that lands them both in the top 10 most expensive movies ever), and for as bad as JL was, it had big superhero names to put butts in seats, and even then it still was a box office bomb. I don't think Indy has nearly the same clout... but who knows. Disney has a bunch of other ways of wringing profit from a media franchise, so... Plus it made over $2 billion on the Avatar 2 box office alone, which would more than account for this movie even if this movie made absolutely no money at all. $2.3 billion - $500 million Avatar production x2 - $300 million Indy production x2 = still a $700 million profit. That's frickin' insane. But as far as the movie itself goes, I saw an interesting opinion from the RedLetterMedia folks stating that the last major section of the movie - after a specific event involving the titular Dial of Destiny - was what got them to really perk up in what was an otherwise mediocre adventure film. Thoughts on that, from those of you who've seen it? Would you have liked that last bit to take up more of the film, or no? That's my b, I was poking fun at his statement and gave the impression I was pissing on his opinion and tempers flared.
  11. A couple quick questions: 1) I just started snapping together a Bandai 1/72 VF-25S for the first time and was caught off-guard by the fact the head transforms. Basically the lower half of the head slides up into the "helmet" to get more compact. Is this accurate to "canon"? I'm leaning toward it just being a feature for the sake of the model kit, and isn't present anywhere else, either in-show or the toys or other merch or artwork, etc. 2) Have there been any 4K transfers of anything Macross? And which ones include English subs? I'm looking at an auction for a special edition Bluray "Hybrid Pack" of Sayonara no Tsubasa and am wondering if I should bite on it or not, or if there are better options out there currently. (I know there's the English Bluray box sets announced, but that's all they've been is announced.)
  12. Oh wow, that's the actual name of it?
  13. The linked site has tons of photos of the two halves with and without each other. Tl;dr there's a lot of empty space, fortunately the cannons can be combined with or without the Girl kit.
  14. I thought they were finally using a new mold and we'd have our first muscle Girl, but on closer inspection there's a distinct lack of six pack, and the arm bands are giving the illusion of biceps. Shame. If anything warranted a big strong muscle waifu, it was this kit. Oh well. (I'm also not a fan of that face; those eyes are the most uncanny mix of vacant and hostile.) I hope it sells well and motivates them to do more Destroid kits.
  15. Movie was as great the second time around as it was the first. Definitely agree that it's probably an age bracket too old for the target demographic that was most excited to see it. There's some... I wouldn't exactly say heavy subject matter, but definitely unexpected subject matter for a kids'/superhero movie. The second time around I was especially enamored with the dynamic backgrounds, and especially the brush stroke effects in Gwen's world that changed in real time to visualize emotions or even just to make a more visually interesting shot. A couple moments where the whites of her suit didn't even match in order to emphasize an outstretched hand, a hoodie, mask, etc. Just a very pleasant movie to look at at almost all times. Speaking of Gwen, I half-suspected she would be more of a focus in this movie, and I was happy to see that's the case, and I was double happy to see they didn't make her (and the other characters') dramatic arcs easy. Despite their obvious attraction, she tries to maintain a friends-only distance with Miles; and yet despite constantly undermining herself in that regard (they only grow inexorably closer the more they're together) she also constantly and consciously hurts him more and more as the truths of her occupation come to light. And by the end of the movie, her resolve to rescue him isn't driven by romantic epiphany or something, but by a broader character turnaround and refreshed commitment to her standards of heroism. I was a big fan of what they did with her here; again Lord and Miller proving capable of wringing original stories out of these new-gen Spider-people that comics writers (supposedly, according to people who read them) have been struggling to do ever since their inceptions. Also, the soundtrack rocked. It was good the first time seeing it, but I didn't really pay attention until the second. Nothing much else to say. Bangers all around, just like last time. I guess it just isn't as memorable...? It's hard to one-up the What's Up Danger? montage.
  16. ...well, I don't know where to start with all of... that... so... Cool, I guess.
  17. Wait, did something happen in 2016 in the industry? That was... Captain America: Civil War and Doctor Strange... I guess on the other side was Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad, (EDIT: there was also The Mummy a year later) the latter two of which sucked, yeah, but they didn't exactly spell doom for the industry. Did something else happen, like a mass firing/layoffs or studio consolidation or something I'm not remembering?
  18. Ooh, very nice clean job! Indeed the Delta kits are particularly fragile, and Bandai's decals have never been the greatest. I quite like that base. Very simple and elegant, and adding the emblem is a nice touch. What is it and where did you get it?
  19. Against my better judgement, I chose to go see this Sunday night. I guess I was hoping against hope that, with the ounce of pathos that Bumblebee managed to inject into the movies, this one would continue the trend. Alas... I don't know why these movies always have the worst writing. The game of script rough draft hot potato always turns these movies into exactly the same flavorless paste no matter how much changes between movies. It's almost impressive. Once again, Optimus is a psychopath; once again, Bumblebee is a mute communicating through radio quips god I wish they would do away with that; once again, everyone else gets at most a paragraph of dialogue; and once again, it's because they're sidelined in favor of introducing Human Protagonist Du Jour. (In its defense, this time the creators almost manage to make a half-decent thematic connection between him and Optimus. Points for trying?) The Transformers feel like little more than plot devices in their own movie. I know people have been shouting this since the very first movie, but it bears repeating: These movies need to just excise the human element altogether. Heck, if need be, this would have been the perfect opportunity to borrow more than just the character names from Beast Wars and set the story around having to protect a fledgling human civilization. They could/should have borrowed even more than that from Beast Wars, but at the very least they'd be explicitly aping one of the best story arcs of the show. Blargh. Bumblebee suckered me into giving this franchise another chance, and they managed to siphon another cool $10ish out of me for it. Fool me once, etc.
  20. I don't know what you're implying; Kyoto Animation are still around and making anime.
  21. I tend not to like much of Sunrise's Gundam animation. But they've often done very good "traditional" flight and dogfighting animation, and their other mecha animation can be pretty good (if a bit uninspired), so I'm cautiously optimistic that they'll do at least the mecha side of things justice. Character animation... well, they're no worse than Satelight, at that. I know some people don't like Satelight's character animation, but I think it does its job. What I'd have especially liked is a studio like KyoAni (Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid) or Orange (Land of the Lustrous, Beastars, Trigun Stampede), but Sunrise is consistent quality.
  22. UN Spacy? Not Robotech Defense Force? And Lockheed and Grumman logos as well. I wonder if that was just mocked up in the hopes of getting their sponsorship or if it was included BECAUSE they got an early promise of a sponsorship. Anyway, it's always a treat whenever this decrepit thread gets dug back up.
  23. I've got an AMC gift card and was thinking of spending it on this or seeing Spiderverse again. Is this worth seeing in Imax? If not, I might just go see Spiderverse again and see this on a regular screen sometime during the week.
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