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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. If that's what you think, then fine I guess, but... like, I dunno how her having a male name (even though it isn't strictly) has any bearing on the fact that she's without a doubt best girl.
  2. For my part, I liked that the first movie designs were varied in their design influences/inspirations, and Gypsy 2.0, at least, seems... "safer." Still super cool, though, and definitely getting me hyped for the sequel.
  3. Should this thread maybe be closed and all future news/discussion be handled in the sequel thread? It's slightly confusing keeping track of who says what about what subject in which thread.
  4. What this? All Google shows me is Quanta with its armor off...
  5. In case anyone's interested, there's a really good sale on a bundle of kits over at an online store called Banzai Hobby. I've shopped there only once before, but everything went fairly smoothly iirc. The bundle is 7000 JPY and includes the following: - 1x Bandai 1/72 VF-31J Siegfried Hayate use - 1x Bandai 1/72 SV-262Hs Draken III Keith use - 1x Bandai 1/72 VF-31J-corresponding Super Pack - 1x Bandai 1/72 SV-262Hs-corresponding Lil' Draken set - 2x Limited Edition Macross Delta decals (pics at link) http://banzaihobby.com/77-sale/bandai-plamo/macross-delta-siegfried-hayate-pack
  6. You'll have to drill a hole if you want to use the peg connector on most stands. Bandai's action bases have multiple connector types, but none that would easily work with airplane models. A metal/acrylic rod pegged into the underside of the kit wouldn't be too hard. Didn't they? (Bandai, I mean.) edit: nope i'm thinking of the yf variant
  7. For what it's worth, the SV-262Ba and this Lil' Draken release are both limited edition releases. Same (probably) with the VF-31A and all the other -31 variants. A Bandai -31E will almost assuredly be P-Bandai exclusive. I mean, I hope not, but it probably will. I don't know if Bandai's Delta kits have done all that well for them, all things considered.
  8. Very much agreed that Gadot does a great job given with what she gets. (Also, every time them gams flash on-screen... Zettai Ryouiki indeed.) Another minor nitpick: Everyone charging forward with their firearms. It was as silly here as it was in Dark Knight Rises, and here they do it many, many, MANY times over, and they do it with bolt-action rifles to boot, AND they never have bayonets affixed to double boot. RE: the pacing issues, I was wondering how the editing could have helped get to the story proper (WWI) more quickly, and it occurred to me that one problem I kept having was just mentally placing where everything was geographically and in relation to each other, the current state of the war, etc. Themyscira has all the indications of being Mediterranean, with super Greek architecture and culture, but they leave it and go straight to England, and from there to Belgium. So either they travel all the way around Spain and France in their dinghy, or Themyscira is located somewhere in the North Sea, and their paradise is just... Zeus magic? I thought his magic barrier was just to keep it hidden, but it also controls the climate? Why? And why a Mediterranean/coastal temperate climate, specifically? (It's almost as if it's just for convenience's sake and Themyscira SHOULD be in the Mediterranean and be hidden just by the fact that it's a remote island in the middle of nowhere.) But anyway, once they get to the war, it's hard to know what's where in relation to what. I wonder if framing it as a historical war movie would have made the political and military context easier to understand. Or frame it as a conversation between Diana and Bruce Wayne in the future, where he's trying to learn more about the photo of her. It would allow him to act as an audience surrogate, asking questions about the war and Themyscira and the like.
  9. Came across this, thought you all might like. It certainly makes the Lupus Rex more appealing, IMO. It's by Model Bingo, the same GK company making the MG Stargazer conversion kit. Requires the 1/100 Barbatos Lupus Rex as a base. Cost is $88 after shipping, with a release date of August. The only place I can find it on preorder: http://www.shop2000.com.tw/GK-M/product/p26017201 Images (more can be found on the above product page):
  10. This I am completely fine waiting 'til 2018 to see again.
  11. Yeah, I can dig that. I can see why people like it. I just didn't, as much.
  12. Finally saw it. Overall sentiments: "Eh..." The nephew couldn't hold it in any longer and we had to leave a few minutes early (last thing we saw was the lightning explosion), so maybe something happened in that brief span of time that completely redeems the movie's more disappointing aspects, but I'm pretty confident in my opinion that it's the best of the DCEU only by virtue of being completely average. Spoiler tag mostly for length. I just rant a bit, feel free to ignore.
  13. There was some sort of Arcee trio in the... second movie? I want to say there's been one more since, but I'm more doubtful than I am certain.
  14. IIRC, Peter Cullen based his Optimus voice on his brother, who was a Vietnam vet, right? I seem to recall something to that effect, but I dunno if I'm thinking of Cullen, Bob Ross, or someone else entirely. Anyway, something completely unrelated to the above question, a continuation of that essay series I posted before. Does get into feminist theory for those of you adverse to that (if the title wasn't obvious enough), but veers more to the side of academia than... "political tool," I suppose (and even notes the distinction between the two). Anyway:
  15. Huh. What a coincidence, the Let's Play channel I watch most just uploaded a video playing the demo:
  16. Both are available as regular retail kits (you have to buy the Mikumo Deculture Decal kit for the white Draken). ...or do you mean DXes, as I'm now suspecting?
  17. You know, I've never used Mr. Surfacer. I'll be sure to check that out when I restock my supplies.
  18. Thanks for the tips, guys. I made a small "dot" of sprue slurry by mixing together some sprue shavings and the thin cement on a plate, then used that to fill in the hole (which was the smallest thing, just like if you took a needle and pushed it into the plastic). For that size, I thought MAYBE the gel would be okay, but I'm glad I decided not to use it. (I didn't know or forgot about the shrinkage issues, especially.) No superglue, I'm afraid. Well, only an old gel bottle I used when I got the Tomy VF-31A months ago, but I haven't checked to see if it's still good (probably not) and it's a gel type, anyway, not the thin liquid variety. Boy, it's way past due for me to clear/refresh my supplies.
  19. Hey all. Just a quick question, one I've asked others in the past but forgotten the answer to. Have any of you used gel-style plastic cement as filler? I'm talking for like the shallowest of gouges, just deep enough that sanding it away will cause more problems than it solves. I'm trying to repair an imperfection from using dull nippers and accidentally removing too much plastic from a kit. If so, how's your experience been? My small-area filler of choice (for like 2-3 years) was a bottle of plastic sprue dissolved in thin cement, but my bottle has since dried out and the slurry is so viscous as to be solid. I have two-part epoxy, but it's a whole half a table away and inside a cupboard door. And some tubes of Squadron green putty and Bondo glazing/spot putty, and autobody filler in the garage, but all of them are years old and probably no good anymore, and anyway, it's midnight here and I'm too lazy to use anything but the stuff immediately in front of me, which includes a bottle of thin cement, a tube of gel cement, and a kit I'm sanding the seam lines away on. Thanks.
  20. These might also be of interest, then. I bought the first one and my first thought was "This will be perfect if I ever want to DIY a camo scheme." Best of luck. Decal cutting mat: https://hlj.com/product/PITIT3002 1/35 photo-etch digital stencil (for tank models): https://hlj.com/product/VYMTEZ053
  21. I dunno if you already have or not, but you all should check out the Transformers Prime movie (and the series, too) to wash the taste of this one out of your mouths.
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