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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Could be NY is just unsure how much stock they'll get and want to keep preorders to a minimum until they get word of more stock... As for alternatives, there's From Japan, USA Gundam Store, Tatsu Hobby... The last two are US stores that probably get their stuff through Bluefin; you can probably check its website (if it has one) to see other partner retailers. The first is a third party proxy service, so other proxies should provide the same service. I think Samuel Decal also sells P-Bandai kits as well.
  2. I mean... it probably could be, but I just thought it was a funny response to my other post directly above it. It's hard to pick a starting point for criticism, because everything about this movie is bad in one way or another. I don't really want to give this movie much more thought. That said... EDIT: Also, the kids' (yes, kids', as in multiple) acting was terrible. EDIT 2: Also, this, since I know some folks here are a fan of his:
  3. Can anyone translate this promotion campaign? It'd be interesting if one could take advantage of the free (domestic) shipping via third parties. http://p-bandai.jp/hobby/special-1000007786/ EDIT: I'm guessing it's "Buy the Sandrock + One or more of the reissues, get free shipping"?
  4. Thanks again. Good to know my phone'll be able to produce some generally good photos, then. It's amazing how good lighting can improve a phone camera.
  5. Yeah, I wasn't being too serious with that one. I can't imagine what any B-Club recast must be going for nowadays, to say nothing of any originals. Why Bandai did away with its resin divisions, I'll never understand.
  6. This showed up in my recommended videos. It's by Nerdwriter1, the same guy who did this:
  7. It was terrible.
  8. Well... there's this. I'll be honest, though, the original Sandrock never did anything for me. Aside from its more reasonable shotels, it looks... bad, all around. (That goatee...) All of the Okawara Wing designs looked funky in one way or another. It's the only series where I was glad for Katoki versions. Now on the other hand, if they ever come out with 1/100s of the Maganac/Zodiac suits... And while I'm at it, a MG Serpent wouldn't be too much to ask for, would it?
  9. Ooh, what's the brand and where'd you get it? And what kind of camera are you using? (And while you're at it, please answer my short list of 300 related questions about cameras and camera accessories please... )
  10. Every time I see the five pre-Kai EW suits together, I get the itch to buy all of them together. They just match so well, way more than their upgraded brethren. That said, I'm tempted to get in on this reissue for all the Kai suits I missed, too... The HRM Wing Zero is based on the latest manga revision and then further "bulked up," so it'll probably clash with the EW suits it's next to. Except maybe the Tallgeese, that one has some nice thicc proportions. If you get the original Wing Zero EW, you'll have an older model but one that better matches the bishounen look of the OVA. Too good. Too good.
  11. This is something of an oldie, but still more recent compared to most everyone else thus far, lol. DoCo, ie the VAs for the main female cast in Ranma 1/2 (Ranko, Akane, Nabiki, Kasumi, Shampoo), became mildly popular in the 90s. They fashioned their "band name" after an actual pop idol group at the time, Coco. If I remember correctly, some of their songs were covers of Coco's music, too. More recent-ish, Aya Hirano and Minori Chihara became pretty well-known in the 00s for their respective roles in the Haruhi series. Hirano sang a lot of the series music, and Chihara sang the end credits song for the Haruhi movie.
  12. This is true, and I'm not a fan of Theron in general. I'd been on the fence because I knew it was by the same team as JW, and then a friend recommended it, so I figured $5 and 2 hours ain't much to spend on a movie.
  13. Dunno what everyone's going on about right now, but as far as the movie goes, I saw it the other day and it very much does not veer into this specific territory. She wins more battles than she loses because she kind of has to for the movie to work, but her character gets thrown around more than she does the throwing. I kept falling asleep in the beginning, partly because it was slow going but mainly because I had gotten up for a matinee and was still tired. The action is as well-choreographed as anything you'd see from John Wick, though the style of it is obviously different. Less "ruthlessly efficient killing" and more "fighting to survive." The story's... there. They frame the action within a spy thriller, which works well enough, I suppose. But it takes itself a bit too seriously. Like Metal Gear Solid without the intentional/unintentional camp. I enjoyed it while it lasted, like John Wick, but also like John Wick, it's one of those that I wouldn't care either way if I saw again or not.
  14. The only thing I DISLIKE about the Red Frame is the katana, ironically enough. It's oversized, just like all Gundam katanas are. I'd like the design more if it looked like it could actually unsheath that thing in a single motion.
  15. That part I was fine with. I suppose when I wrote "asskicker," I was thinking more generally of a character who wouldn't put up with any crap. I thought she could have grown into a nice mix between Arad and Messer, a kind of no-nonsense, mission-oriented and capable mission leader. The thing at the end of the series with everyone confessing to everyone really just... ugh. She deserved better than what she got.
  16. Evangelion 1.0 - generally same as the anime, up to Ramiel fight (pyramid Angel, super-laser, Operation Yashima) Evangelion 2.0 - diverges more heavily from anime, Third Impact begins and ends after Zeruel fight Evangelion 3.0 - Nerv (Gendo, Rei, Kaworu) vs. Wunder (Misato, Asuka, new Eva girl), Shinji plays a piano, Fourth Impact happens ...I'm fuzzy on that last one, I didn't pay too much attention to it owing to it tunneling so very far up its own ass.
  17. I knew I'd heard about them announcing something, but I must have mistook it for the Reactive Armor kit or... something. Good to know, hopefully it's a new tooling instead of reusing the Yamato one. (Wasn't their VF-0 basically a Yamato reissue? I forget...)
  18. Sub or dub? I recommend dub. It's phenomenal, one of the very few dubs I watch.
  19. *whimper* I shouldn't have asked. Now I want one... That's because it was designed by Yoji Shinkawa. He really likes that head shape; he started using it with ZoE and has been putting it into his mecha designs since. Metal Gear Ray has a similar head, and his original design for Frame Arms, the Byakko, also shares that look: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10465646
  20. Must just have been my imagination, then. Oh well. Mirage was ALMOST an asskicker, but then...
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