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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    I see. Is this true of all SQ figures, even those outside of this series? (ie the Ranka/Sheryl/Minmei figures, other show/game figures, etc.)
  2. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    Damn it. That Makina looks really good. I really don't want to spend more money adding to what I thought I just finished, but I'm definitely tempted. But also, does anyone else who has these SQ figures think they're awfully pale? The Walkure Kaname is noticeably paler than its FIgure-rise bust counterpart. I'm honestly debating whether I should mask off the clothing/hair/etc. and repaint the skin tone or not. If I did, I would have to do the entire lot, and that seems like too much work. But it really does look off...
  3. Whoa, is the gunpod supposed to have a blue stripe? I would think it would be (that really nice) maroon to match the rest of the striping.
  4. Reina figure finally came in today, so I can take a pic of everything together. The "Blau Blume" Walkure set, plus Best Girls Kaname and Mirage solo:
  5. 1 - I thought Protoculture was the fuel that the machines ran on? At least that was the case back during the "Macross Saga" books. 2 - Lifelike quality? What, like they would make metal "breathe" or something? 3 - This I remember, and it seems just as plausible now as it did then. At least as plausible as the advanced AI systems that Macross VFs used to supplement pilot controls. 4 - This is dumb. This is just really, really, self-fellatingly dumb.
  6. Perfectly. Thanks for the clarification. I thought since the GN Sword II Blaster had received a standalone release, the 00 base MUST have been the Seven Sword, not the Seven Sword/G. I think I'm gonna stop trying to answer these toy questions from now on lol. I clearly don't pay enough attention to or know enough about them.
  7. How experienced are you with proxy services? I'm seeing a Metal Build Seven Sword on Yahoo Auctions Japan currently bidding at 10,000 yen. Search results via From Japan (search term "metal build ダブルオーガンダム セブンソード", ie metal build double-o gundam seven sword) : https://www.fromjapan.co.jp/en/item/search/metal+build+ダブルオーガンダム+セブンソード/Al_11_Yh_YhRaAmOm_N_N_0A00ja00_N/lgk-link_search The /G is a P-Bandai add-on, correct? Noel and co, confirm. You'll have to find that as well to complete the SS/G. It might be for sale on the US P-Bandai site... Alternatively, maybe someone in the For Sale section is selling theirs?
  8. Oh man. I can't wait 'til the Menat figures start rolling in. Will you be getting that, too, or are you sticking to the main cast?
  9. The instructions on the Hasegawa kit call for the wings, canards, and head to be replaced. Some parts of the nose cone/cockpit are also changed, but these don't seem to be very significant. The canards (from the Hasegawa instructions, blown up like 400%): The nosecone: EDIT: While I'm at it, here's the closest I can get to a comparison of the heads. I'm surprised that they've gone ahead and molded the entire head. Does that mean there are Battroid/Gerwalk kits in the works? ...probably not, but it's a welcome surprise regardless. I'm thinking I might get the J and C variants, now. So far the only releases have been the J, A, and the upcoming C, right?
  10. The PS2 also came out before the Gamecube and Xbox and both 1) had accrued a customer base the other two couldn't hope to match, and 2) continued to consistently sell more units until the end of the generation. Developing/co-developing games for the PS2 was worth the trouble of dealing with its unique micro-architecture. The Switch is outselling the PS4 and Xbone right now, but both of those had years to gather a whole bunch of customers. There's no doubt that as it continues to sell, the incentive to develop for it will grow, but comparing it to the PS2 is not apples to apples.
  11. Never realized this was the reason. I never paid it much mind when looking at IRL ordnance, and figured it was always just there for kicks on sci-fi stuffs.
  12. Is it worse writing when you make your characters bland and uninteresting from the start (Makina, Reina, Mikumo, Chuck), or when you set up some plot threads that never go explored (Kaname, Mirage, Arad, Messer... and while we're at it, Hayate and Freyja)? Kaname would be less disappointing if she didn't have the "failed idol" backstory, if she were never the leader of Walkure, if she never had any connection with any of the characters? Because her backstory SHOULD be super interesting, her role in Walkure SHOULD be super interesting, her connections to Arad and Messer SHOULD be super interesting. How does she feel about being an idol? (Conflicted; she had moved onto being a small-time bar singer/waitress.) Why did she want to be one? (To make people happy.) Does she even want to be part of Walkure? (Not really; she doesn't care for fold reception or Var, she doesn't like using her ability in the context of war/conflict. She doesn't like being a Lynn Minmay.) Why does she stay, what's her end-goal? (Being the most emotionally mature and senior member of the group, she wants to mentor Mikumo and views her as something of a surrogate younger sister; she also wants to pursue her relationship with Arad, though she doesn't know how a military(? was he part of UNS/NUNS?) guy like him would feel about her conflicting thoughts about her duties.) The Idolmaster girls during the tryouts on Ragna were better characters than her, because they were nothing but visually interesting character designs.
  13. There's also the Dragon Momoko kit that recently came out, if you're willing to build it yourself. I should be getting mine in soon-ish, so if you want I'll post some pics of an unpainted build so you can see what you're getting with the minimum amount of effort. I think Kuma Style is right on this one; I don't remember the WPP being a "canon" equipment setup, either. Personally, I think they added it just to appease the fans who get surprisingly irate about even the slightest bit of asymmetry. I still remember the amount of crap-tossing people did about the Quanta "ruining" the 00's "perfect symmetry"...
  14. Well, isn't the Switch hardware slightly underpowered even compared to the base Xbox One, the weaker of the two consoles? Plus its ARM architecture is different from the x86 of consoles and PCs. Porting would probably be a very intensive and expensive endeavor on its own, to say nothing of code optimization and platform-specific bug fixing... That said, it would be frickin' lovely if Square brought its Android ports to Switch. The World Ends With You can't be released on enough platforms.
  15. Eh, I think it's perfectly decent. It's not nearly up to the same level of quality as Rockstar's internal dev teams, but it does some interesting things. I agree though that, on its own merits, it doesn't warrant a re-release on modern hardware. For better or worse, it's enough a part of the zeitgeist that a re-release will probably be an easy profit.
  16. Pretty much, yes. You might think that's super dumb. ... ... ...I don't have any follow-up to that.
  17. Oh, no arguments here. Thinking on it more, I think I was just surprised. I had thought the Exia remained more or less the same from release to release. A 40% reduction in size was... unexpected.
  18. I'd have felt pretty damned uncomfortable myself at that same scene if I'd brought my nephews with. That guy, just... wow. Your little summary of events makes me think he'd have fit right in with a certain group of people in that movie. It boggles my mind how lever-actions 1) were never adopted by either the Union or Confederacy, or heck even going into WWI, and 2) ever went out of style.
  19. Ah, well, either way, comparing the MB to the MG, the MG's feet are definitely proportionally larger than the MB's. (stealing the pic from http://gundambeginner.blogspot.com/2013/04/mg-exia-vs-mb-exia.html ) The blog post makes the point that the feet are roughly 40% smaller than their Master Grade counterpart. That is INSANE. I hope the Dragon Momoko kit I bought doesn't share that...
  20. Well, I always thought the Exia's feet were of fairly average size. Certainly decent enough for its design as to not be noticeable. So I do wonder if this instance is one of again the camera and slant of the feet playing tricks on my eyes or if they actually are that size, since other pics of the figure don't make them look out of step with other renditions (HG/MG/RG kits, Robot Damashii figures, etc.)
  21. Huh, now that you've pointed it out I can't ignore it. They do look small, but that might just be due to the camera angle and the slant of the feet. I don't remember the promo pics with the Dash parts having small feet like that.
  22. Wouldn't this belong in the Anime/Sci-Fi section? I don't remember this in Macross... Maybe it's time for another rewatch.
  23. The development of LA Noire was notoriously strenuous. The game's director was damn near a slave driver, demanding long hours of his staff and making unreasonable demands of the game designers. The game is set in a sandbox like GTA, but is an entirely linear story-driven experience. The final product is good, but not good enough to reflect or justify all the trouble that went into it. I believe the director has largely been ostracized from the gaming community because of his treatment of his staff.
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