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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Did anything come of this? What was the announcement, if any?
  2. Article is wrong. This is the second game in the series, Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner (Anubis: Zone of the Enders in Japan).
  3. Has a re-release been announced for it? I only saw the VT-1/VE-1/VF-19 in their marketing materials.
  4. Aka Hidetaka Suehiro, aka Swery65, creator/director of Twin Peaks The Game Deadly Premonition and D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die. All-around lovable weirdo whose (probable) hypoglycemia translates to games where you constantly eat to maintain your strength.
  5. None of the anniversary scheme VF-1s look good in Battroid, IMO. And this is the Hasegawa kit, so it's fortunately fighter mode only. Can't say the same for the presumed Arcadia release, so you're probably right there. I still say the only major problem is the large font on the back and wings. Scrunch all the text onto the wings (or omit them entirely), and color the backside black or blue, and it's an all-out winner in my book.
  6. I could've sworn there was an Anime Expo or something going on right now or soon-ish... Oh well, this sounds just as if not more plausible.
  7. What hobby show/expo are these pics from again? My mind is dancing all around the name...
  8. Yep, I'm definitely liking the scheme on this bird more than on the VF-1.
  9. Yeah, the 31 definitely rocks the scheme better, I think. ...I also think if they just reduced the size of the text, both would look loads better. That big ol' "ANNIVERSARY" across the back certainly announces the kit's intentions, but it detracts from the overall look.
  10. I might actually prefer the non-premium version, then. The size of the text is much too big, methinks. Including it in various sizes on a sticker/decal sheet would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Building the Avalanche Exia, I gotta say I really like the clear rubbery plastic DM have used for the translucent cabling. (GN Cable? GN Line? Condenser cables?) Dunno if the Master Grade/Metal Build uses the same or a similar material, but if they don't, they should.
  12. No WIP pics (sorry), and I still have the arms, weapons, and Dash parts to build, but my early opinion: Unless you're willing to put elbow grease into making parts fit, just get the Metal Build or the Turris Babel as Noel suggested. This kit needs a LOT of minor tweaks here and there to get things fitting properly (something I should have expected, since this is a third party with lower quality standards than something Bandai would put out; it's been a loooong time since I bought a third-party kit). I had to whip out the knives, nippers, saws, pin vise and drill bits, and I'll need to eventually get one of the various joint tighteners (superglue, epoxy, floor polish, etc.) to fix a mistake I made fixing the kit's mistakes. It's a laborious process, though the end product is certainly worth the effort, especially for someone like me who likes the building process. If you want something that looks good and plays good, just get the premade figures. The extra cost will be well worth it.
  13. I like it better than the 30th scheme, but the 25th definitely looks the best, very Blue Angels. I'm disappointed that I didn't get in on that while it was still available.
  14. Stealing seti88's links from the model kit threads. A closer look at the 35th anniversary scheme, this time on the transforming Bandai VF-31 kits as well. Seems more and more likely the unannounced Arcadia toy will share this scheme. Maybe that also means a 35th anniversary DX VF-31?
  15. Seems Bandai are getting in on it, too. I like this look... Damn it, this forum kills my wallet...
  16. Lol that's what I figured from the specificity of language, but I had to ask to make sure. Danke danke.
  17. I'd grab these things in a heartbeat if they were bigger, at least 1/12 scale. The price is just too high for something too small.
  18. Does Tatsunoko have international distribution rights to the various Macross sequels? If not, and if HG didn't have trademarks on Macross terminology, would Studio Nue have free reign to distribute and/or license distribution rights? Can't they do so already in countries where HG doesn't have these trademarks? I recall something about them registering trademarks across the globe...
  19. Gonna get to work on it this weekend, but those are a TON of runners... After putting the stand together, note to self: ABS plastic. Knife, even a dull one, goes through it very easily. Must take care in future.
  20. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    It might not even come out. How's that for disappointment? Wow, that is uncanny.
  21. Just a small bump for more re-order links, this time Amiami. Hobbysearch still hasn't opened for preorders; I wonder if they'll take part in this at all. - VE-1 (October) http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-0152 - VT-1 (October) http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-4351 - VF-19EF/A (December) http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-4209
  22. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    Mirage in a Walkire outfit riding horseback on her VF using the tethers to steer while she belts out a rock opera. Also, I really wanted to get those minimum factory kits, but it turns out 1/20 is such a small scale...
  23. Exactly what I was thinking, too. VF AIs must be very specifically-tuned to each pilot in order to appropriately interpret pilot inputs, but that doesn't seem to be the case, what with all the civvies stumbling into cockpits and saving idols with them and all... I'm surprised that neither canon has toyed with the idea of having master-slave systems to supplement the traditional fighter controls. The closest that come are the foot pedals you always see being used to control the vector nozzles, but my suspension of disbelief was strained when Hayate used them to breakdance out of trouble. I'd have thought that they would be introduced with the advent of EX Gear in Macross, though maybe they're not needed in Robotech with the use of brain control systems. I think they could get away with making everything, even the Zentraedi, generic. Giant space aliens aren't unique to Macross. I'd love to see mecha based on something like the Ball from Gundam, though. A Ball pod that transforms into a mecha, with maybe a crawler form for hovering in atmosphere?
  24. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    That first video's "creator" has all of your vids on their channel as well (along with a bunch of Russian-language videos). Copyright strike all of them and the channel should get suspended. It'd be the first time I see YouTube's copyright strike system being used properly.
  25. Why and how? From what I remember of the show, both the original SDFM and the Robotech version, the technology wasn't gone into all THAT much, definitely not enough that a brain-control/assist system couldn't plausibly be integrated as well... Call me crazy, but it seems like Robotech fans hate a lot about Robotech... I mean, it's not like they COULDN'T make something decent out of the franchise - you can get blood out of anything, even a stone! - but given what's been revealed above... I think any adaptation would have to be a very loose one.
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