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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. For my part, I rarely wash my plastic kits. I've always reserved baths for resin kits, which typically use a more resilient mold release than injection plastic kits. That said, Noel's advice is still sound. Even IP kits use some form of mold release, and sometimes they leave behind residue as well. The Ground GM Sniper I snapped together the other day had a thin layer of white powdery stuff on some of the parts. (By the by, those Ground Gundam/GM kits? Beautiful things. I'm falling in love with them all over again.) As for wear and tear, like Noel said, it's mostly on areas that will be rubbing up against other areas. Specifics change from kit to kit, obviously, but in general, you can expect joints to see the most flaking. You can work to minimize the impact by, say, masking off the surfaces that will rub each other and painting only those faces that don't touch anything, or not painting the joints at all, among other strategies. Painting parts makes them that little bit bigger, too, so they'll fit together more tightly; articulated areas will resist movement more strongly, which creates the additional potential problem of stressing the joints. You can test-fit beforehand without necessarily having to cut pegs, but it does make disassembly a bit more difficult. As long as you're careful and patient with the kit, you should be able to figure out a plan for attacking it. Anyway, enough of that. Have fun with the build!
  2. Calling SDFM's art style "adult" is ridiculous. EVERYTHING looked like that at the time. All of the what would grow into "shounen" anime did, at any rate. As Macross has grown, it has changed styles to suit its needs, be that including other "genres" or matching the popular trends of the time. Moe is the popular YA style right now. If SDFM were made today, it would surely feature character designs that match those of Frontier and Delta.
  3. Shakespeare didn't really become super popular and heralded as the sage of an entire language until centuries after his death, when a bunch of old aristocrats were like "Pssh, all y'all english scholars are wank, i'mma show you REAL english art, ohhhhh look at shekesbeard he was so ahead of his time y'all don't even know." So basically 1700s hipsters turned a decent but unnoteworthy poet with a penchant for plagiarism into God's gift to the English language.
  4. Wait... which episode did Messer die in? Because I could watch that episode--no, just that scene is enough--I could watch that on loop for the rest of my life and be content. Why do it? Well, when you boil it down, these productions are basically just expensive advertisements for toys for the kids to beg their parents to get them. From a purely business perspective, if you can get comparative merchandise results without the additional monetary investment in a good story and good characters, then it's a great business decision. I mean, it's done wonders for Transformers and Gundam... I wouldn't equate "serious" with "good," although I'd agree to an extent that Western audiences tend to do this. Delta just stretched itself too thin. Notice how Plus was all about the competition, all about the love triangle(s), with very little extraneous material. (Maybe more in the OVA than the movie, but even then...) Zero has a similarly "serious" overall tone, but it tries to cram a world war and an alien world destroyer into the plot, both of which are better suited to long-form media like a traditional multi-episode series. Delta retreads much of the same plot as Frontier, but it tries to cover over a dozen unique characters, all with complex, intersecting relationships, and that's just on the protagonists' side. The Windermereans nearly match that. EDIT: I seem to recall "no love triangle" being part of his original idea, as well as competing air shows/idol groups. Much smaller scale, certainly nothing on the level of intergalactic war.
  5. If you don't want to use primer, a trick is to sand the surface of the kit pieces with fine-grit sandpaper (1000-grit or above) to remove the glossy top and introduce some texture for the paint to adhere to the plastic. I'd still recommend priming, but this is a cheap, fairly easy alternative.
  6. Nice haul! Was this something you needed right away? Intel's launching their new generation in October, so you might have been able to get something a bit more powerful (though from what I hear the prices have been marked up, too).
  7. I think if you're familiar with model kits, almost nothing of Bandai's will be difficult. They obsessively engineer their Gundam kits to be easy to put together. MG kits, especially nowadays, are no more difficult to build than their "easier" HG counterparts. More complex, that's all. As for paints, if you intend to just hand-paint this kit, then Citadel paints (if you still have them) will suffice. Might want to thin them down a bit, but that's about it. A spray can of clear gloss can help too, if you want to panel line/apply decals. I don't think the kit comes with waterslide decals, though (only stickers and maybe dry-transfers). (If you do get clear gloss, you might want to get a second can of clear matte aka clear flat to give the finished product a non-reflective surface.) For panel lining, anything from black paint to thin artist pens, from Gundam Markers to I think it's seti88 who uses mechanical pencils can work. For such a dark kit, I'd probably use black paint. There are tutorials online for applying panel washes. (I use enamel paint for the wash, but assuming you're sticking with Citadel, those will still work just as well.) ...you might want to buy a cheap HG kit along with this to have something to practice on. Food for thought. Otherwise, standard tools apply. Sandpaper (200-1000 grit), nippers, a good hobby knife...
  8. Was it, though? I know a bunch of us here don't like it for one reason(s) or another, but what's been the reaction from the actual audience in Japan? Seems people like it a lot, especially as a vehicle for introducing them to Walkure. I'd like to see some numbers before writing the series off as a complete failure. Walkure seems maybe slightly less popular than the Nakajima/May'n pair, but that could just be my Kanno bias showing.
  9. Re-watched Twilight Axis in its entirety just now, and... I had hoped it would be better with a second viewing after a few months/weeks, but nope, it's still as disjointed as ever. The last "episode" engages in some mindless aping of Evangelion, without any of the dramatic setup. I really wanted to like this show on the strength of the Tristan's design. Oh well. Looks like I'll just have to wait a bit longer to finally like this franchise. Bandai's entire strategy with this story/merchandise has been confusing, to say the least. A good story told in 25 minutes isn't impossible; I'm reminded of Makoto Shinkai's breakout short movie, Voices of a Distant Star, which also ran about 25 minutes long but managed to tell a watertight story with unparalleled visuals to go along with it. Twilight Axis... doesn't. I don't know who decided to split it into six episodes, but the decision does a whole lot of harm to the flow of the narrative. Each episode has to waste runtime on intros and outros, so you only actually get about 22 minutes of actual animation. A single broadcast episode to show off half a dozen robots, two more robot fortresses, and a fistful of characters across multiple settings and time periods. Oy vey. (EDIT: Also that animation error in the final episode. Check the thumbnail; the "extra detail" on the shoulders. Yikes.) Anyway, linking to the individual episodes in case you want to watch them too:
  10. Yeah, the "clarification" that they came out with is nothing but backpedaling from the bad PR their initial boneheaded statement+threat received. I didn't care for PUBG before, and I don't care about multiplayer shooters at all, but I can tell you for sure that I'm 100x more likely to buy Fortnite now than I was last week. If they had said absolutely nothing, Fortnite's BR mode would have come and gone, and no one would have been the wiser. News articles would have continued to roll out saying how PUBG is the most popular game for X months/years running, and they would have had nothing but good press to languish in. Now they have to waste time and resources fixing their own dumb mistake.
  11. I'mma use the term "anime" in the loosest, Japanese-iest way possible - which is to say, animation in general - to justify sharing this video, just because I think it's hilarious (audio from the Super Best Friendcast):
  12. http://www.crunchyroll.com/interviews-with-monster-girls/episode-13-the-demi-chans-summer-break-740201 Watched a special thirteenth episode of Interviews With Monster Girls. There's your typical summer break episode livery - girls in yukatas, fireworks festivals, etc. I had hoped for a bit more progress in characters' stories, but the standalone goings-on was fun nonetheless. The ghost hunt section was hilarious and put the unique traits of the world to creative use. Stay for the post-credits tease, too. That was all sorts of awkwardly funny.
  13. On Steam Early Access it is in English. Dunno about this PS4 release, though.
  14. Sure am. Thanks for the info. I know a whole bunch of you are going to be excited for this.
  15. What are Silhouette and Gunpla Builders TV?
  16. Who wants to take bets on whether the X-2/ATD-X finds its way into the game?
  17. Putting this here from another forum: Project Nimbus started out as a PC game, part of Steam Early Access in 2014. It's a mix between Armored Core, Zone of the Enders, and Omega Boost in terms of gameplay, with radio chatter and hammy dialogue similar to Ace Combat and, in a small part of the trailer, transformation to a flight mode/fighter mode a la Macross. This PS4 version remakes the game in Unreal Engine 4, and it definitely compares favorably to the PC original. I have some other issues with how it seems to play, but I'm definitely intrigued by it nonetheless. Here's hoping the engine change will be backported to the PC game as well, and hopefully the audio will be upgraded as well. There's been no announcement of a PC upgrade package, so if you're thinking of getting it on Steam, it might be best to wait a couple weeks to see if the devs make any updates.
  18. The PSVR sequences won't be part of the campaign; they're their own separate standalone mission(s).
  19. I do really love the G-Self's head design, and the rest of its design, too, for the most part. It would be great to see it get an MG. The only reason the Barbatos has so many votes is because, surprise surprise, IBO was the most recent Gundam series and fresh in the audience's minds. Japanese audiences' goldfish memory irritates me greatly sometimes. It's that same mentality that got us more Final Fantasy XIII and more Lightning than anyone besides Toriyama wanted.
  20. That besides, the Lupus Rex would look terrible as a Ver Ka. Then again, most designs look terrible as a Ver Ka, so maybe my opinion is worth about as much as the electrons spent transmitting it. :/ Voted for the Age-FX, though maybe I should have voted for the G-Self just so that series can get some MG love.
  21. ...is Tatsunoko not doing well financially? From all this talk it sounds like they are, but... it's Tatsunoko. They can't be having money problems.
  22. The "exia 1" means Exia, not Exia Repair (which is dumb that it gets its own name and model number and everything, like it's literally just the Exia beat to crap and junkyarded back to barely working condition, c'mon people). Included: - GN-001 Exia - GN-001REII Exia Repair II - GN-001REIII Exia Repair III Not: - GN-001RE Exia Repair
  23. Oh, that was all? Was an Arcadia release confirmed there as well? Asking because of the "1/60." (The only 35th anniversary scheme merchandise I know of are the Hasegawa VF-1 and Bandai VF-31, both 1/72.)
  24. I couldn't find any preexisting thread, so here's creating one just so I can talk about it a bit. I'm sure you've seen the trailer (not linking to the Paramount video because it has that dumb "trailer trailer" at the beginning): I doubt many of you are interested in it - and so, it seems, is the case for most of America - but my thoughts on it nonetheless.
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