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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. I dunno, I thought the 30th Anniversary was too gaudy, like a Nascar car with sponsor logos stickered on everywhere. I like the clean lines of the 25th, and the 35th looks like it'll at least have a simpler paint scheme all around.
  2. It wasn't that significant, I don't think. It only replaces the canards, wings, head, and bits of clear pieces. That's not too different from other LE kits.
  3. So Barnes and Noble have a Labor Day 20% off coupon for any one item. Use the code "LABORDAY17" at checkout and you can get Gunpla for pretty cheap. The GM Sniper II for about $32 + free shipping, for example. Cheers.
  4. What slide said. They went from Order Stop straight to Discontinued. Shame, too. For what it's worth, the VF-19EF/A, also a limited-edition kit, was originally released in March and is getting re-issued in December. Chances are good the same will happen with this kit, since it's so popular.
  5. Whoops. My bad. I thought WPP was an add-on equipment set. I didn't realize it included the Exia MB. Happy for you that everything came (relatively) undamaged.
  6. Why is the Weapons Plus Pack box so big? I asked about its contents in the recent purchases thread, and all that seems to come in it are the two extra swords and the extra shoulder clip. Is there a stand or something as well?
  7. This explains a lot. Apparently, these projections are for translating to/from side view, top-down view, and front view, hence why the two top-down and side shots look the least troubling. Looking at the renders again, the "background" engine nacelle always looks larger than the "foreground" one; you would need to know about orthographic projections to see the pictures right. That being the case...
  8. Linking to the HLJ autumn sale thread because I'm fairly certain this is still available and will be part of the sale:
  9. Not directly related, but HLJ's autumn sale is starting in a day. Linking to relevant thread FYI:
  10. Not directly related, but HLJ's autumn sale is starting in a day. Linking to relevant thread FYI:
  11. Not directly related, but HLJ's autumn sale will be starting in a day. Just want to link to the deals thread instead of starting a new one:
  12. Just some quick comparisons to the lineart, top-down view.
  13. Hm... Interesting. Was this part of the transformable kits from back in the day (not Bandai's new 2011?-ish one), or is this a fixed fighter mode kit? Either way, vintage kits are always exciting. Can't wait to see how this goes. Good job so far.
  14. Just got my payment request for my two from HLJ. Hopefully they'll have extra stock so I can get a third kit as well.
  15. Her voice was a bad decision for Walkure, in my honest opinion. It's a sentiment I've held since the beginning: her voice tends to drown out the other VAs/singers. Either she projects too much/doesn't know how to play with others, or the audio engineering/composing/mixing/etc. just didn't/doesn't know what to do with her. It's annoying to hear one of the nicer Walkure songs and her voice constantly forces its way to center stage.
  16. Oh man, I can't wait 'til a Menat figure finally comes out. I made her my desktop wallpaper the instant the reveal trailer dropped.
  17. The plane is the YF-19 mold. The decals and Fast packs, including the new VF-25-style boosters on the wing roots, are brand new. EDIT: Maybe the VF-25 comparison pic wasn't the best idea. I think what mickyg means is that on the 1/72 kits, the verniers are too shallow; they look kind of like just little circle molds pressed onto the kit. If you look at the 1/48 kit, there's more definition to them, and even though they're still fairly flush with the rest of the Fast packs, they sink deeper into the Fast packs, meaning a more three-dimensional appearance. For comparison (1/72 on top, 1/48 on bottom):
  18. What are the models of the VF-4 Lightning III? Is there anything about the G variant that stands out from others, such that Yamcadia specifically names their toys VF-4G? (Question came to me as I saw the release info of the upcoming Wave kit, which just calls it the VF-4.)
  19. Nice haul. Correct me if I'm wrong about the Avalanche Exia boxes: - Option Parts Set = Dash parts for the legs? - Weapons Plus Pack = Extra GN Sword Short/Long, extra shoulder mount for them? Anything else?
  20. Oh, I see. You mean something more like the Super VF-25 verniers, right? That stick out more prominently. Me, having grown up staring at the Hasegawa version of the VF-1, their Super pack is sort of the default look in my mind now, so I'm always taken back a bit when I see other kits/toys with more definition to the vernier thruster bells.
  21. Oh, I was under the impression the paint scheme had come from on high and Hasegawa/Arcadia just did their respective things with it. I didn't know the Messer VF-1 was Bandai's 35th Anniversary scheme. I just thought it was... well, a Messer VF-1 that they made because they... wanted to, I guess?
  22. Don't forget the VE-1 Elintseeker reissue, too. Same price, same day.
  23. Oh goddamn it, as if I don't already have enough things lined up to buy that month! EDIT: ...although that said, the CGI renders don't exactly paint it in a flattering light... Can anyone confirm that's actually what it more or less looks like? EDIT 2: HLJ - https://hlj.com/product/WAVMC-57 Hobby Search - https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10486903
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