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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Man, how do people keep finding such blowout deals on Gunpla... I can never just go to my BnN and find an MG (much less one I want) for 50% off. I'm so jealous lol. How much did they come out to total?
  2. I knew I could count on you guys. That was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.
  3. Does anyone have any information about this Asuka Langley figure? The Ebay info I could find says: - 1/6 scale - PVC? - made by Hobby Japan(? I thought they were a magazine...) - My search terms had to include "Evangelion Q" for this figure to even show up in the results - also Asuka Shikinami Langley, not Soryu - 2007? - WonFes exclusive? EDIT: But I can't confirm any of that info.
  4. Honestly, the majority of the itasha/Deculture Valks aren't to my liking. The ones that are, though, look really good.
  5. Movie stars Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen (aka Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch) as a Fish and Wildlife tracker and rookie FBI agent, respectively, who team up to solve a murder on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming. I saw it last week, and just wanted to say that it's the first movie of the summer that I've left feeling satisfied and thinking, "Yep. That was just an all-around good, well-made movie." You should see it. You'd probably enjoy it.
  6. A Deculture or anniversary scheme VF-25 to celebrate the decade anniversary and 35th anniversary of the franchise wouldn't be the worst idea...
  7. So I'm looking up reference pictures (I finally know what I want to do with my YF-29!), and during the final cast shot at the end of The Wings of Goodbye, there are some seemingly random characters. Anyone know if they have names?
  8. Can you think of another straight recolor other than Trans-Am Mode? Extra parts: Astraea, Astraea Type F, Avalanche, Avalanche Dash... Dare we imagine a 1/60 GN Arms Type E? IIRC, the MGs of these respective kits didn't share frames at all, right? And then the Quanta reused parts of the 00 frame... Did it reuse Exia parts, too? What about the RGs? I want to say that all three shared a common frame, but I've only ever built the Quanta and haven't paid much attention to them... EDIT: NEVER MIND IT'S A PHOTOSHOP I GOT DUPED.
  9. And actually, Counting the Supers and such, there are already a bunch of versions of the VF-25. In only a few years, too. - VF-25F/S - Super VF-25F/S - VF-25G w/ sound boosters - Super VF-25G - RVF-25 - Super RVF-25 ...but anyway, now we're getting off track. Has anyone shipped their kits yet, or are you waiting for September/October releases like I am? EDIT: Notice how the box art and production photos are different? It's just a change in color palette and lighting, for sure, but I do like the darker tones of the box art scheme. Maybe I'll do one in that, one in the recommended colors.
  10. RE: above post about Barnes and Noble coupon, there's also the Justice and Providence Gundams for $44 shipped apiece after the coupon. Not bad prices at all. And if you want multiple kits, you might be able to reuse the coupon in quick succession. I was able to do so last time I bought kits from BnN, so best of luck. Edit: NEVER MIND IT'S A PHOTOSHOP I GOT DUPED.
  11. You're doing great, Shawn. It's much appreciated. A couple bugs: 1) Can't login on mobile, says my browser (Android, Chrome) doesn't support cookies. I've been able to log in before. 2) I'm getting a buzzing sound whenever scrolling the forum. Other tabs/websites have no problem, just this board. It sounds a little bit like coil whine, just lower-pitched, and again, it only happens when I scroll (either with the scroll wheel or with the arrows) and only on this forum. Not sure if that second is something to do with the board, though. I'm of half a mind that it's just my monitor's speakers going after all these years (I think... 10+ years now?).
  12. Oops, looks like you're right. I wasn't taking a close look.
  13. The Mecha Colle kits give them different color striping as well. Bogue = pink Kasim = orange Hermann = gray/silver Theo = light blue Xao = light blue All have different emblems, including Theo and Xao to distinguish the two. The Hasegawa kit for the sole SV-262Ba includes emblems for both Hermann and Bogue's VFs, but only the pink striping of Bogue's machine. So... yeah, I suppose they could re-issue the kit with different decal sheets, if that's the justification they need.
  14. I'd love to see what sales figures are for Hasegawa's Delta kits. Their "cannon fodder" kits of both the VF-31 and SV-262 seem to be more popular than their regular releases. The VF-31A and SV-262Ba were limited production runs, sure, but demand far exceeded supply, whereas the VF-31J and SV-262Hs didn't see the same level of bottleneck when they first came out. The SV-262Hs with Lil' Drakens is a LE kit as well, but is still in stock on HLJ. Maybe they should ramp up production of the -31A and -262Ba again?
  15. D'awww, kitty. Glad to know you and it are doing okay. You gonna adopt it? Or take it to a shelter soon as the flood (finally) recedes? Also, here's to hoping the delivery guys made it out alright, too.
  16. Someone has the VT-1 kit on sale here for $25, so you might want to check that out. If I can find it again I'll link you. Edit:
  17. I wouldn't be so quick to blame the post office, since SAL will see the package go through all sorts of hands. If you regularly get local packages, compare those to the international ones. Mine are always in pretty good shape. The only time I had a badly damaged box was when I decided to use overseas shipping. The shipping box and both item boxes were crushed, but the kits themselves were still A-OK. I don't want to think how many weeks it must have spent tumbling around a ship hold...
  18. Per Seto, first mentioned as part of a discussion on gunpods: That's literally all we know about it, that it exists.
  19. HLJ is taking orders for the VE-1, VT-1, and VF-19EF/A again. VE - https://hlj.com/product/HSG8 VT - https://hlj.com/product/HSG7 VF - https://hlj.com/product/HSG65836
  20. Oh yeah, definitely I also hope they'll do another release of it. I just don't think it cost them much for the extra tooling was all; I'm sure they've made their profit with just this batch of already sold out kits. A VF-31B wouldn't be a bad idea, especially since it apparently exists in-universe. It'd be a nice opportunity to shed some light on its properties.
  21. Yeah, that was just to get awareness out there for folks. Once the sale starts I'll post a link to the sale proper in that thread (or spacemanoeuvres will). I do really hate that the hands are oversized for these kits. The SV-262 looks alright since it has the bulk in the arms to go with it, but the hands especially stand out on the VF-31s. Its saluting/storage hands are the right size, which only exacerbates the problem. I wonder if the smaller 1/100 Gundam kits' hands would look better on these or not.
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