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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. "Do you think we'll really find airbenders?" "Do you want me to be like you, or totally honest?" "Are you saying I'm a liar?" "I'm saying you're an optimist. Same thing, basically."
  2. Anyone here use a trackball mouse? I've always found them really interesting, and this weekend my curiosity got the best of me; I bought a Logitech M570 on sale for $16 at Best Buy. It's been an interesting experience so far, and I got used to it way faster than I thought. I haven't tried it for any gaming, though; apparently I don't have any FPSes installed, so it's time to install me some L4D2 and test it out on there. What's your experience been like?
  3. What's the difference? *perpetual Macross scrub*
  4. ...didn't M+ visit the actual Edwards AFB to get reference photos and fly in fighters?
  5. Is this the same kit that was being worked on in the Workshop thread? I need to get back in there, see what the latest updates are... EDIT: Whoops, never mind. I was thinking of the VF-5000 that Tage is working on. Still, the need to get back in there still stands.
  6. It doesn't help that it's such an overused combat animation, too. You see it in everything from Gundam to Dragonball, the two combatants as streaks of light, crisscrossing against a static background.
  7. Where are people seeing the Yamato similarities? Not saying you're wrong, I just don't know the toys very well. I love comparisons. I think it looks fine enough. It's certainly better than the Prime 1 statues, sad to say, insofar as looking and feeling like the VF-1. The hands of the GBP make me wonder: Does the GBP come with oversized hands as part of the package, or is that something more to do with the animation/lineart of the time? I don't believe the Yamato(/Arcadia?) toys come with oversized hands to match, do they?
  8. Oh man, I didn't even consider Decultures of this. Maybe they'll finally release proper Kaname/Makina/Reina schemes. I would be all over those. Cockpit shots, flying shots, one plane shooting at another shots, those are all bog standard. Whenever the combat did something out of the ordinary, it more often than not defaulted to The Scissors, which is why that's what people remember. And even then, they weren't particularly creative about it - it was always framed the same way, started the same way, ended the same way... It got boring quickly. I hope they do a similar thing here. (I believe it's been confirmed to be a two-parter, yes?) Moving the story in a different direction little by little, enough so that the second movie is an almost entirely different thing from the show, can't possibly make for a worse story than what we got.
  9. Is the original of this VF-19 kit available? If so, where? I'd gladly pay a premium for it, as E2046 has a spotty record with recasts anyway. I think there's definitely a place for recasters, but I agree that it's generally distasteful for them to copy a garage kit so soon after its release, and without consulting with the original scuptor/caster, no less. That said, even if the company did want to collaborate more closely with creators, I can understand the many many barriers that would keep this from being feasible. What I'd love to see happen more often is something like what RTKF did - ie buy the masters from the creators - or a working relationship where the original creator receives some measure of the profits from the sale of the recasts.
  10. With the kaiju combining to form the big one (yes? I was under the impression it was a kaiju regenerating, but people seem to have gotten the impression that it's all the little ones coming together...), I'm willing to bet the Jaegers will also combine into a Gipsy 1.0-size behemoth, in the tradition of the best super robots.
  11. Or go to a $3 theater once it hits that, if you have one near you and absolutely must get a theater experience.
  12. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I mean, the 31J Kai isn't even all that good-looking, so...
  13. I thought Yeah, I liked it too, don't get me wrong. But a few parts did drag for me.
  14. It's a personal seller, and it's all through bidding. FJ doesn't have any info about contacting sellers except for what you posted above - they'll contact the seller if multiple auctions have been won and ask to consolidate it. No forms, no methods, to pass questions from a third party (me) through them to sellers. On the one hand, it's a bit of a bummer. But on the other, I wouldn't implement such a system if I were them, either. Oh well. Thanks for helping work through this.
  15. kajnrig

    Macross figures

    The pilot uniform? If so, one is the "Figuarts Zero Mirage Farina Jenius," and the other is the "Banpresto SQ Figure Mirage Farina Jenius." --- Figuarts Zero Mirage: pros + generally better workmanship + better sculpt + clear helmet visor + comes with additional face (blushing) cons - smaller than Banpresto figure - more expensive (retailed for ~5000 yen, managed to snag mine for ~2500) - sculpt is arguably not significantly better --- Banpresto SQ Mirage: pros + slightly larger than Figuarts + cheaper (got mine for ~$15) + "fuller" sculpt cons - "stylized" sculpt (not necessarily a con, but worth noting) - skin tone is pale, doesn't feature paint (according to Saburo, anyway; my limited knowledge/collection of figures means I can't easily tell) - opaque helmet visor - not as expressive (IMO) --- I'm sure there's more that can be said comparing both, but I don't have the Banpresto figure in front of me to do so. Saburo might have more insight for you; he's had more time with the figures.
  16. No spoilers that I'm aware of, but just tagging it in case:
  17. Thanks, Noel, but I'd like to know BEFORE putting down four, five bids and having to risk paying the same fees four, five times. The last time I ordered multiple items from the same person/store, I didn't realize it was the same person and it was only through luck that I saved ~3,000 yen in fees and domestic shipping. (Usually the auction page will let you know if the seller does combined shipping, but in this past case and this current one, there's no such statement stating either way.)
  18. Anyone know how to contact a seller on YJA? I'm looking at some auctions from the same seller through From Japan and I don't know if they'll combine won auctions for shipping. The auction pages don't say, though the fixed-price (500 yen) shipping method (non-standard mail) suggests not. Thankfully the auction's not over for a while yet, so I sent From Japan an email asking if they could inquire, but if that should fail, anybody have any ideas? Thanks.
  19. I'm digging the colors and outfits on Kaname and Makina, not just the wonderful amount of cleavage.
  20. Jokes aside, that really sucks; I feel for you. Hopefully glue will be able to bring it back together without compromising other areas.
  21. Wasn't the Turris Babel the one where the waist joint broke off during a video review?
  22. Is this a new original GK? A recast of a new GK? A recast of a long-preexisting GK? I could swear I've seen this kit already...
  23. I'd be down for this. The kind of fiery, emotional romance that you need from a love triangle never fit Mirage, anyway. Alternatively, turn the typical tropes of the triangle on their heads entirely and have Freyja find sport in cajoling Mirage out of her shell. As likable as Hayate and Freyja are together, I think there's more to work with between Mirage and Freyja.
  24. Did people (here or in general) really skew that much towards disliking the movies? I'm surprised. I liked seeing what parts they were willing to radically change and what parts they weren't.
  25. What's the ratio of old to new here? is what I'm wondering. Because you can tell a VERY different story using the same scenes if you work hard enough. The fact that they're telling a different story says that they're aware of how poor a job they did with the series.
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