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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. It doesn't, I don't think. It's part of the side stories, 00V or 00P or something.
  2. Looking quickly at the runners on Hobby Search, it seems the answer is no. (Completely different runners for each kit.) The proportions of the two kits are different, too, which furthers that assessment.
  3. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Psh. What's wrong with taking a sharp implement to your limited-production, $250 collector's item? Thanks muchly for the link. I'd been wondering whether there was a way to procure replacement batteries.
  4. It's not exactly on topic, but I'd been waiting so long for this I just had to share.
  5. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Carve out some space in the shields next to the knives? Or replace the knives entirely? Or hm, the forearms don't need to store the hands, right? Time to get that drill out...
  6. Get the primer out, then the details or lack thereof will reveal themselves. As long as it doesn't go the way of current Gundam "details," I'm fine with whatever.
  7. There was a 1/72 kit? I thought the old Bandai one was 1/100? ...judging by the base (Action Base 2, usually used for 1/144-scale Gundam kits), this thing does look like the 1/100 kit.
  8. It IS something you'd expect of Japan, though, isn't it? It's such a "pacifist" view of PMCs.
  9. Since this show came up sometime somewhere on these forums recently, this might be of interest to some of you: https://shop.alltheanime.com/collections/specials/products/eureka-7-ultimate-edition-blu-ray
  10. Got my Private Warehouse shipment: - VF-31A Kairos x2 - VE-1 x1 - VT-1 x1 - Frame Arms Byakko - HGUC Zaku III Custom - Mr. Turntable L - a bunch of option parts - free Halloween-themed plastic folder
  11. I remember Noel and I both hoping this happens. I really want the other members of Walkure - ie the better ones - to get Deculture valks with the movie release. And a special VF-31C with Mirage decals, while we're at it. Besides what @Sanity is Optional said, my personal biggest gripe with them is that Bandai prints the panel lining onto them. So you'll have red striping broken up by ugly black lines that may or may not match the panel wash you want to use. The printed panel lines at least make it easy to cut up one decal into smaller, more manageable sections, but I'd gladly trade that convenience in for unbroken color.
  12. I'm really starting to anticipate the size of the box that this'll all be packed in
  13. 1) The heads are the only majorly different part, yes, but enough so that the parts that make up the fuselage directly fore and aft of them also have to be different. I made the mistake of assuming those were the same between all the variants, too. (The Hasegawa kits also feature these fuselage changes.) 2) That's a pretty solid supposition. I'd also guess that they're waiting for the movie or a new album or something to come out and put Delta in the spotlight again before releasing them... if they'll release them at all. 3) According to dalong, the schedule was (excluding specials): Alto Ozma Super parts Super Alto Luca Super Ozma Michael Armored Alto Armored Ozma Brera (VF-27) MP VF-27 Tornado Alto Ah, I see. I must have missed something in the discussion. There's also the Hasegawa decals, which are overall much better than Bandai sheets.
  14. The J And S are both already out, unless you're not talking about the model kits...? I think either they're waiting for Delta to come back to mainstream attention again with the movie before releasing the E/A/both or they've decided they're done with plamo for the show. They might not see the E and A selling very well. The E because neither it nor its pilot were featured very prominently in the show, and when they were they hardly made an impression. The A because regardless of how good it looks, it's still a cannon fodder Valk. I'm about 99.999% sure they all had Super packs at one point or another. There was an episode in an asteroid field where I think the entire Delta squad was fitted with Super packs and sound amplification pods.
  15. What's the purpose of the RVF-25's central fin extending from the underside of the fuselage/attached to its arm in battroid/Gerwalk modes? Does it have a real-world parallel/inspiration?
  16. I think so. The center of the dish would attach to the same peg that the "regular" pod does, and aside from extending down past the legs, I don't see there being any clearance issues. ...unless the -31E has a similar central wing/sensor on its underside as the RVF-25 (I don't believe it does), in which case it might be a bit more cramped down there. The toys aren't comparable to the models; different teams, different production timelines/techniques/facilities, etc. The model line is more complete than the toys, missing only Chuck's -31E, the -31A, and the unlikely -171. (You could argue for unit-specific Super packs, but still.) Likely Bandai will release the E and A as P-Bandai kits around the time of the movie, and maybe a VF-31A-specific Super parts set with a variant pod. I really wish they or Hasegawa would make a VF-171, though.
  17. It stands for Premium Bandai. It's Bandai's online shop for items like Tamashii web exclusives, limited-popularity model kits, etc. It only serves Japan, so ordering something from it (such as the VF-31A Kairos toy or Messer -31F Super parts) requires a third-party proxy company.
  18. No. Two extending arms and a main dish that folds into 4 sections (I think) for storage.
  19. Really, all these extra finish/plated/etc. kits are designed to be snapped and left as is. If you're going to do any sort of painting, it's arguably easier to just strip the pieces, then prime/paint/decal/panel/topcoat.
  20. Hm... I wonder if the hangar sections will be fixed location, or if you'll be able to move around with the controller. The trailer only ever shows the camera rotating around a fixed point, albeit from different angles. Flight scenes look phenomenal, though. Might make me finally splurge for a PS4 Pro + PSVR. (EDIT: Actually, I believe it comes out on PC, too, right?)
  21. I don't care for the look - but here's a review to get an idea of it:
  22. Well, I've not worked on extra gloss kits before, but even just bare plastic is usually pretty glossy, making panel lining easy. Clean it off afterward, and I'd imagine the factory-applied gloss won't be affected at all. What type of paint/thinner are you thinking of using? Apply the panel lining directly on top of the gloss coat and you'll be fine without having to re-topcoat. The panel lining might rub off easily, but that's about it.
  23. Amen to this, if for no other reason than it'll make a good Battroid kit. I don't relish the idea of modding the Hasegawa kit to Battroid mode...
  24. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Is the 31's pod just connected to the swiveling arm by a round peg? That's the way it's done on the Bandai and Tomytec kits, so I'd imagine it's the same here as well. It would certainly make swapping (ostensibly) multiple pods easy.
  25. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The joint itself can detach from the fuselage, though, right? Either way, I seriously doubt they're using the same mechanism, or even one similar enough as to be interchangeable.
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