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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Once again, it seems they've prioritized Battroid mode over the others. But dare I say that is a FINE-looking Battroid, and maybe it's just because I'm not as familiar with the design as with the YF-19, but the Fighter mode doesn't look half-bad either. Only Gerwalk looks somewhat odd, and YF-21's Gerwalk has always looked odd, so that's nothing new. It's implemented almost exactly like I thought it'd be, too: instead of trying to force the arms and legs to conform to the Fighter mode, the partsforming just replaces the entire fuselage altogether, and it is infinitely better for it. Hot damn, here we have a 5000 yen model kit that's about to put the 25,000 yen DX Chogokin to shame. I tell ya, this is honestly making me reconsider whether to buy the DX or not. Three of these - heck, FOUR of these for all four modes, and I'd still have 5000 yen left over for a nice stand to display them all. ...my only misgiving is how bad the limiter-release mode looks. Would it really have been so much to give us some mechanical detail-looking caps to plug up those garish joint sockets?
  2. Again I must ask: What is up with that backpack thing? Is that going to be where its mine weapon is stored? Also can't say I'm a fan of the sub-arms, Have there been any product pics besides that magazine scan? Seems crazy they'll be opening up preorders in a week with only the barest promotion.
  3. Haven't they already been inserting ads into their videos? I don't have Prime myself, but my brother does and I could swear I've seen the occasional ad whenever he's watching on the PS5 in the living room.
  4. For my part, I just think it's a great-looking design. I don't have much attachment to the OVA it's from, or even the scenes it's featured in, but I love the way it looks. It manages to exude both bulk and speed, such that you readily accept when it's said in-universe to be designed for hit-and-run tactics. Additionally, I forget who said it in the past, but someone here made the good point that it manages to be a more elegant execution of the "all dakka all day" look that the Full Armor Unicorn Gundam would also attempt 20 years later. Where the Unicorn's FA form looks unwieldy and cumbersome, the Kampfer's "Full Armor" form... doesn't.
  5. What's with the backpack, and heat hawks, and placement of the sturmfausts? Just a MB flourish? Copied from a variant/alternate design?
  6. I'm personally not liking the ovverdetailing I see so far. I hope that doesn't mean they'll change up the proportions. If it stays true to form, this might be the first Metal Build Gundam I get.
  7. Great kit in every way, a bit pricey.
  8. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Oof. What was the damage? From what I've seen the Full Set is going for insane prices in the second hand market nowadays. So is the Advance, now I think about it...
  9. That's totally fair. I myself really like his body horror stuff, and wish he'd stick with it more often. Also, IIRC he didn't direct any of the Cabinet shorts, those were other directors. Kinda sucks because I think a lot of the subject matter would be right up his alley. EDIT: I remember rather liking episode 3, The Autopsy. The rest are hit or miss, but I remember that one being an overall banger.
  10. I assumed it was ongoing BW/HG shenanigans, honestly.
  11. I wasn't able to find the Amiami links yesterday, but here they are now: Max VF-1S: https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=TOY-RBT-7443 Milia Q-Rau: https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=TOY-RBT-7442 I forget where I saw it but apparently these are Japan-only releases, so I wouldn't expect any international links.
  12. Didn't Hasegawa already release all three Max 1Ses? Or maybe not, I can never keep track of all the variants they've put out. Anyway, HLJ links: Max VF-1S: https://www.hlj.com/1-72-scale-vf-1s-battroid-valkyrie-max-hsg65884 Milia Q-Rau: https://www.hlj.com/1-72-scale-quadran-law-milia-movie-version-hsgm32 I think I asked this before way back when, but have they ever officially romanized her name? Is it "Milia" or "Miriya" or...?
  13. I literally JUST started gluing together the old Arii?/Bandai kit, too. Very welcome news, indeed! Milia, Max, CF, dare I hope even a Pixie Squadron Q-Rhea variant?
  14. Listened to a fun story about Navy Flight School inspired by Top Gun. About 13 minutes long. https://themoth.org/stories/danger-zone
  15. Oof. That's rough. I took a quick gander, and this might or might not help:
  16. There's a Telltale game, though I forget if it's out already or still upcoming.
  17. Yeah, bit of column A, bit of column B, maybe. Picked one up from Amiami just now. As easy as can peasy. This is such a far cry from the old days I don't know what to do with myself. Here's hoping the CF gets announced soon. Maybe they'll use WWM as an excuse to make it the Delta version this time...
  18. NTSB's initial report on the recent air show crash:
  19. YF-29 Expansion Set US P-Bandai: https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2665830001001
  20. I was content to ignore the Supers, but that stand and decals are exactly the icing I needed... Here's hoping it makes it to the US P-Bandai site as well, or better yet, a general release.
  21. IIRC, wasn't that the one that was ultimately dropped by all parties during the appeals process? (Due to the new Sony-brokered agreement.) IIRC, the initial ruling was in Big West's favor, but HG appealed, and somewhere within that appeal process both companies approached the judge to drop the litigation. I don't remember whether that nullified the initial judgement as well or just put an end to the appeal.
  22. What is the ? Trading card? Mobile game tie-in card? DLC code card? I'm debating if the artbook and illustrations are worth the extra cost or not...
  23. Oh yes, so very much this. I love the canopy design of the CF. I'd much rather have that on my Valk than the redesigned head of the others.
  24. Correct. (The Isamu YF-19 is a regular release kit.) The Alto YF-29 is an upcoming regular release kit. The Max YF-29 + Super Pack is an upcoming regular release kit. (The Guld YF-21 is an upcoming regular release kit.) The Alto YF-29 Super Pack add-on is an upcoming P-Bandai kit. So far there is no word of an Alto YF-29 + Super Pack kit, whether regular release or P-Bandai.
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