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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Maybe they chose a cheaper shipping option? But also, I've noticed that FJ tends to (or at least seems to) inflate their EMS shipping costs compared to other stores I've bought from... which admittedly aren't many. I bought a couple Gundam kits for cheap using them as a proxy, and with EMS the total was still almost the same as (if not more than) if I'd bought them new from HLJ or Amazon. Their EMS rate tended to be somewhere between 1,000-2,500 yen more than through HLJ... though I've also noticed that EMS in general seems more expensive than it used to be. And to be fair to FJ, they tend to put more... I shouldn't say "care," because that implies that HLJ isn't careful with its packaging, which it is, just that HLJ tends to be more economical about packaging compared to FJ. Bulk shipments from FJ have sometimes been double-boxed and always liberally bubble-wrapped, whereas bulk packages from HLJ come in a single box and have all the items on an extra cardboard base, sealed in plastic wrap, with air cushions on top. ....that said, I don't get why there would be that big a discrepancy between CA and NM(?). The items are the same, you'd think the packaging would be, too, and I don't think they charge differently to different parts of the US...
  2. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I mean... that WAS just a prototype, people. The first prototype of the VF-31A had incorrect nose cone sensors and fold carbon chest... flap... things...basically just being a lightly modified VF-31J, and they ended up correcting those things, so y'know, maybe relax a little.
  3. Thread title is misleading. This isn't a done deal yet.
  4. When did the VF-2SS come out? I've been seeing it around here the past week or two. Chances are low it's still in stock at HLJ et al? It's hit and miss, but I love the curves on that nose...
  5. Ooh. I just got a PS4 Pro for the kids, too. Maybe I'll pick up that X collection. Never played more than the SNES games, and those are so good. On another note, I haven't gotten a Switch yet, but damn if this song ain't catchy as hell.
  6. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    It's probably impossible to get "accurate" with this particular design. As for looks, though, I guess the Advance doesn't look as good as either the Yamcadia toys in that area, but what gap is there isn't that significant, methinks. And I can't shake the feeling that the tab IS preventing the wing root from directly contacting the leg/fast pack. But then I don't have the Advance toy, so it's a wash either way for me. Wow, that's spot on. I didn't notice it until you mentioned it, but now that I do, I can't NOT notice it, it's so garish. That's such a strange thing to screw up that badly.
  7. https://shop.alltheanime.com/collections/12-days-of-christmas/products/12-days-of-christmas-2017-day-4-claymore-ltd-collectors-ed-blu-ray Limited time, Claymore Collector's Edition for 10 euros(?). Dunno if anyone here is a fan, but there you are.
  8. Jesus, you guys are grim. No one needs to DIE, the story just needs more focus and some fat-trimming. Except for Messer. He needs to die all the times.
  9. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    According to... jenius? (god I keep forgetting, sorry): "The Arcadia toy has the ability to convert into a two-seat configuration which is inexplicably missing from the Bandai toy. It will be interesting to see if Bandai changes this for the likely YF-19 variant. They did paint a warning next to what would be the second pilot seat so someone in the organization thought this would be a two seat craft." --- Immediately after that, he continues (and others have pointed this out here, too), "Bandai opted to not connect the top of the wings to the leg fast packs in fighter mode which is clearly wrong." Is it, though? I know the way the toy is designed the wing pegs into the leg, and the Fast pack doesn't have a similar slot for said peg, so it's left exposed. But is that peg vital to maintaining the integrity of the toy in fighter mode? Do the legs flop out of place otherwise? I'd imagine that removing the peg altogether would allow for a more flush fit with Supers on and minimal impact to fitment with Supers off. Or maybe make the peg retractable or hinged...
  10. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, zoom in on that bare shoulder, baby...
  11. "Gekijo no Walkure." I'd be surprised if Delta Squadron get out of their cockpits at all. Which I'd be fine with, actually.
  12. All of this, pretty much. Though it strikes me as odd that they're speaking Japanese at all. The plot seems to be that they're actually Batman and Joker transported back in time. Bruce I can understand maybe knowing some Japanese, but Joker... But blah. Convenience. And the voices DO sound good.
  13. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, I figured that, it just gets to me that they didn't use the same name for both. Same with the "VF-19ADVANCE"/"VF-19 Advanced"/"VF-19EF/A" thing.
  14. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Is there a "canon" name for the Kai variant? The Deculture kit refers to it as the VF-31J/C Siegfried, whereas this toy release refers to it as the VF-31J("Kai" kanji") Siegfried.
  15. And working head hatch and moving cockpit in battroid mode. Eh? Eh?
  16. It still floors me from time to time just how small the VF-1 actually is. I wonder what it would look like scaled up to the same size as other Valks. The cockpit at least probably wouldn't be so cramped.
  17. I always thought the implication was that, if each show was connected, they were separated each by at least several millennia. It's a dubious enough idea to begin with - that all these stories with all their literally world-shaping events take place in the same timeline in the same general region of space - that is only really interesting in a metanarrative sense. You'd also expect that humanity wouldn't exist anymore, at least not relatively unchanged; we would almost assuredly have either sub-speciated or speciated entirely. Is G-Rec a canon sequel to Turn-A? I never watched it, though I liked some of the mecha designs. The only part of Seed that I deign to remember is this: I'll never not bring that up. Everything about it summarizes my feelings about Seed. I was also gonna mention the Ball Gundam, but then Seto beat me to it. Crossbone sounds like it would be a fun taking-the-piss manga to read. That's a really dumb assumption to make, if true. In the majority of Gundam shows, the Gundam is never widely known before it starts wrecking crap on a mass scale. What basis would these people have to understand what "Gundam" even refers to? Sure, they might know what a mobile suit is, but not what a Gundam is. And even if it weren't, the execution on the idea is still consistently bad frustrating. I'll be honest, the only things I recognize from Trek are the big... starships? The Enterprise, Voyager, etc. I can't tell the difference between them, just that they're Trek-y. I also constantly get Stargate stuff mixed up with... any other Western sci-fi show that has spaceships.
  18. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Oh, I didn't know that. I thought the Arcadia only came with the toy and its Super parts. I don't pay enough attention to toy releases.
  19. I will watch this.
  20. I wonder if at that scale they'll be able to better recreate the canon leg transfer mechanism that the 1/72 Bandai kit impressively managed to do.
  21. kajnrig

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    No, just that this display model/prototype is a repaint of the previously-released VF-19 Advance, or at least looks like it. Nothing about the final product has been confirmed yet, not even that it's actually coming out. But it's coming out. What I'm skeptical of is if it'll actually have all of those warheads. I'm betting that the final tally will be half what's shown.
  22. Last I heard this would be part one, where Thanos collects the stones, and part two would be the war. Anyone can confirm any of that?
  23. This doesn't have to do with the toy per se, but just a PSA. I paid for my re-issued Hasegawa VF-19EF/A (aka the VF-19 Advance) model kit at HLJ. It (and the also limited-edition VT/VE-1 kits) are still available there and at Amiami, so if you want to get any of those, better hop to it.
  24. Just paid for my VF-19EF/A at HLJ. It's still in stock there (as well as the VE/VT-1), and Amiami are still taking preorders. So if you want yours, now's the time to get it.
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