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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Others have already stated basically my opinion on the matter, but also you're not wrong, either. A movie SHOULD be good enough to deliver from the first viewing. I happen to think this movie is good enough, but I also know that if I were to see it again, unburdened by having to keep track of certain story and character elements, there are things I didn't pay close attention to the first time that I would love to the second time around. The visuals for one thing, and the visuals of one specific moment in particular. You joke, but this is actually something I strongly considered before ponying up the dough. Disney already has too much money, do I really want to give them more? Turns out I did. Damn it.
  2. I haven't watched it yet, but here's analysis of the first patch:
  3. I thought HG only has SDFM rights, not DYRL?
  4. They would need to get BW/Studio Nue/Tatsunoko/basically someone other than HG's blessing, right?
  5. Oh believe me, I have no sympathy whatsoever for Crytek. Aside from a continuous stream of terrible business decisions, their games are also just... kinda... average at best. Still, being a painfully mediocre game studio doesn't mean they don't have a potentially strong case here.
  6. @captain america Did you voice your opinion about the movie somewhere in the last few pages? It seems like you really liked it, but I haven't scoured through the pages to find out. I also wonder this. It SEEMS like a very time-locked movie, but... you never know.
  7. What with Star Citizen having been sued by Crytek - and the charges appear at least initially to have some merit - I'd be worried about this project's future... Best of luck to them, though. There's also the entire Rogue Squadron trilogy, fully remastered AS OF NOW and the devs are literally just waiting for someone at Disney to notice them and throw them a publishing bone.
  8. Gonna do what others do and mark my responses like so. (This quote/spoiler tag system has its ups and downs.) Well, I don't actually think that "let the past die" is a central theme of the movie. The theme is generational dissonance, and legacy and inheritance. How DO you respect the original, with all the legend and reverence that has built up in its wake; and more importantly, what about it is worth respecting in the first place? Why is Star Wars a cultural touchstone, and should it remain that way? How do you reconcile all the good you've gained from your forebears with all the bad? A new franchise wouldn't be able to ask these questions, at least not as well, because... it's not Star Wars. (Also it wouldn't have made $250 million opening weekend otherwise, so...) Where in the movies do you actually get that message?
  9. Ah. Yeah, you're not wrong there.
  10. I used to think that those "small labels" and other bits of surface detail were indicative of "realism," too, but 1) I've learned not to hold "realism" up on a pedestal, and 2) they're actually not. Real-world aircraft, tanks, etc. don't have red caution signs peppering them, nor do they have tons of windows cut into their armor panels to expose sensitive inner mechanisms. What the "Katoki style" does is break up monotonous surfaces. It makes the kit look busier, not necessarily realistic. And that's not to say that the red decals and small notches everywhere doesn't look good on certain designs. But the Wing Zero Custom I like the most has none of those things. It doesn't bother with copious warning decals and little ticks and notches everywhere. It's the least "realistic" of Katoki's designs, and it's my absolute favorite of them... well, aside from the Deathscythe Hell Custom, but that's just more to my point. But bah. I always get going on this thing. Anyway, I'll force myself to take another crack at the Hi-Nu tomorrow and see what I can do to fix it.
  11. Just saw it this afternoon. I liked it more than I thought I would. Will need a second viewing to really marshal thoughts together, but for now: It's a messy movie. The themes they tackled were almost always unexpected, whether said themes were handled well or not. I like that it wasn't afraid to reflect the (American) generational attitudes of its own audience, and moreover to critique or at least examine those attitudes. Whereas the last movie was an unquestioning homage to the original trilogy and the sentiments of those who made it, this film is equal parts world-weary cynic and unflinching hopeful. It's a contemplative, self-assessing Star Wars. I have bones to pick with individual things here and there, but in the end I feel like it's greater than the sum of its parts. I won't be looking at every response from the last few pages, but I did catch this from Kanedas Bike's quote. I don't know if this story is interested in respecting or even has a responsibility to respect the original trilogy. It takes a very... I don't want to say "cold" approach to its own legacy, but it certainly doesn't care for nostalgia the way Episode VII does. "Respect" is a pair of tinted glasses, and if one isn't careful with it, those lenses can turn rosy pretty quickly, seems to the main thematic thrust of the story. "Let the past die," after all. "Kill it if you have to."
  12. Is it? I'm not a big fan of the Nu/Hi-Nu, so I've never paid its design revisions much mind, but I have a beef with Ver Ka's in general, so most anything with that label gets a reflexive eye-twitch from me (the exceptions being the Wing re-designs for Endless Waltz). And yes, those swinging hip parts are indeed a disaster. I haven't found it in me to touch the kit since The Catastrophe, but I can't imagine that any scratch-built mechanism I come up with could possibly be worse than what's there now.
  13. I'll let you know come Christmas. :/
  14. Someone's about to get shivved.
  15. Release date pushed back again to February, at least on HLJ. February through April are looking mighty expensive for me. This, the Hasegawa VF-31A re-release, all the Full Metal Panic kits coming out around March/April, plus the Metal Build Arbalest and DX VF-31A in March... Yikes.
  16. If you mean do they rely on customer inquiry to open up reorders, I'm sure they have their own way of getting notified of relevant re-releases. I think maybe we're just a bit quicker on the trigger, being stupid-obsessed fans and all, and we spam them with questions about things they were going to get to anyway.
  17. Yeah, unfortunately the second order went through as well while I slept. I canceled that as soon as I caught it, so hopefully there won't be any blowback.
  18. Placed another order for the MB Laevatein, thinking maybe something went awry the first order. The order cleared all the way through without issue, but I still haven't seen a confirmation email. If anyone has had a similar experience placing an order for the MB Quanta, let me know. I'm fairly certain there's just a glitch in the system showing these two as available. EDIT: Back to Order Stop, and never got a confirmation email. Oh well, better luck next time. :/ MB Quanta also listed as Discontinued again. EDIT again: Seems one of my orders DID get in, as I just received a confirmation email now. Dunno what happened, but I won't look a gift horse in the mouth. MB Quanta still discontinued, though.
  19. I jumped on that right quick. Thanks much. It wasn't available just a couple hours ago when I checked, too. EDIT: That said, I still haven't gotten an email confirmation, so maybe it's more glitches...
  20. Touche. Another case of prescriptive versus descriptive linguistics, I suppose.
  21. Considering Japanese doesn't distinguish between L and R, I'd think it's fair for both battroid and battloid to be "proper" romanizations. Even though battroid is specifically and officially a portmanteau of "battle" and "android," the portmanteau can still work out to include both terms (in what must be the damnedest of coincidences). The fact that Macross only ever uses the R variant, though, is what makes it the de facto "proper" Macross terminology; in the same way, the fact that Robotech consistently (or at least regularly enough; could swear I've seen "battroid" slip into text sometimes) uses the alternate romanization makes that word its de facto proper term. I mean, really, the argument should be about what the bleep "Guardian" is supposed to be.
  22. Is it actually? As in explicitly stated in the show and/or other supplemental material? It could just as easily be a portmanteau of "battle" and "android" otherwise. Or even just because it sounds cool. Not like Macross hasn't ever done that. Besides, I mean...
  23. For what it's worth, one of the missile launchers is specifically this Kotobukiya MSG part: https://hlj.com/product/KBYMW-36 And I'd imagine the missiles in the backpack pod are repurposed fin funnels, either from a HG/MG Sazabi or from Bandai's Builders Parts add-ons: https://hlj.com/product/BAN991400 Personally, I don't dig the look, either. Definitely prefer the one Sanity is working on. Keep up the good work.
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